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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Excellent news. I think the hold up has always been with the price we paid Marseille. I think Beye's contract runs out next summer, so we probably didn't want to pay too much. Will be interesting to see how much we paid for him. Regardless of the price I am very happy. He is an all action type defender. Great in the tackle.

  2. What's the rush with Taylor? I just don't get it. The guy is a talented 21 year old who is still learning and improving.


    In Rozehnal we have a Czech international who has played in the World Cup and in Cacapa we have a former Lyon captain who has won 5 league titles in France. Both have looked excellent so far and are far more experienced than Taylor. In my opinion they both have to be our first choice centre backs. This should not be viewed as a disservice to Taylor though. It's an excellent opportunity for him to learn and grow, and I reckon it will be the making of him.


    In my opinion the situation could not be more ideal as Cacapa is 31 and so within a couple of years at the most, he can take more of a back seat and allow Taylor to then step into the team at the age of 23, with all the time in the world ahead of him still.


    In the meantime Taylor will still be a valuable member of the team and the first defender in when someone is injured or needs a rest. Centre backs with experience are so important, and so we have to go with our most experienced pair. The only situation in which I would have had Taylor start ahead of either Cacapa or Roz, is if he was clearly better than either of them. thuis is definitely not the case.

  3. On the old Punt and Dennis sketch show, they used to have two characters called "The Gullibles" who were "always falling for scams."


    Pity it's not still on, you could have been the third member.


    I can feel it in my waters ...


    Juninho will come. Cacapa's been in his ear and Edmilson will join in January. Samba time on the Tyne.

  4. Riquelme moves on


    Juan Román Riquelme, the Villarreal and Argentina mifdield player who had been offered to Newcastle United, West Ham United and Middlesbrough, has agreed a two-year deal with Atlético Madrid. The 29-year-old playmaker fell out with Manuel Pellegrini, the Villarreal coach, last season and was loaned out to Boca Juniors, his former club. Riquelme’s deal with Villarreal ran to June 2009 and he had been training on his own since the start of the new season.






    Well ... I'm speechless. More evidence we're signing Juninho I guess!  ;D




  5. Yeah it's bollocks.


    Have faith man!


    This seems like the most realistic of all the 'flair' midfielders we have been linked with. Deco might have just been a bit out of reach and well Ronaldinho ... that was just silly (and depressing :razz:).


    Juninho is much more realistic though and seems very similar to the Okocha and Djorkaeff moves Sam made at Bolton. He is just old enough to fit right in O0

  6. I think Faye will be first choice tbh. I reckon Sam will want some premiership experience in there.


    When we play the 4-3-3 I think it might be Faye, Geremi and Barton in the centre when everyone is fit. Butt has been a bit hit and miss so far this season, not quite athletic or quick enough to break up as much of the play as we need him to. Faye would be much more dominant in that position.

  7. Voted for Oba's ...


    Brilliant goal. Something about the way he didn't even hesitate or think about it, it was all seemingly in one movement from his initial touch to the eventual striking of the ball. The ball also appeared to be too low for a bicycle kick, but he still managed to get under it and generate a phenomenal amount of power on the ball, smashing it into the top corner. Sick.

  8. Talk of banning the player is nonsense. It was a rather crude challenge, but in no way was it a 'leg breaker'.


    Dyer was just unfortunate.


    I probably wasn't clear enough. When I said banned I meant for a game or two. I thought it was a horrific challenge.

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