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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Well if this is true , let us be grateful that we have at least managed to build a fairly decent squad for this season and the manager is in place to have us ticking over.


    Shearer from what I recall is a fan of Allardyce and so I imagine Sam will stay in place and would be supported.


    I'm not sure a change right now would harm us too much. If anything it might mean more investment in the team should this takeover go through.

  2. Owen is just a very limited footballer that offers nothing but getting on the end of things. Basically had 10 men when he came on, it's always been the way he's played pretty much.


    Really worried we will change things around to try to accomodate him. I thouht we definitely looked worse once we switched to the 4-4-2.


    That may well be the ugly truth. I like the 4-3-3, but I don't think it suits either Owen or Martins. We switched to 4-4-2 to accommodate Owen, and we looked less effective.


    Interesting, but I actually think Martins looks a threat in the 4-3-3. He tends to run at people more and had a couple of nice runs during the game. He could definitely improve though and he would.

  3. I'm a huge fan of 4-3-3, however I don't think we have the players for it. On the road it isn't so much about the players but the system so we should get away with it more often than not as we did away to Bolton. At home though it's about the players, or should be. And today we were far too tied up in the system I thought. By playing the players we are playing in that system at home, it's another form of square pegs in round holes in my opinion.


    We lacked width, numbers in advanced positions and were too deep in central midfield with not one creative spark between either of Butt, Geremi or Smith. We also lacked pace. This was magnified of course by the opposition coming here for a draw and being defensively strong themselves - and most teams will play like that at St. James' Park.


    Most of the team bar a few players didn't play anywhere near as good as they are capable of which also didn't help matters either. Geremi was awful in possession and too rash in the tackle while Smith did his best to impersonate Scott Parker. Butt was OK but he was bogged down throughout. While N'Zogbia was tactically put out the game and Viduka and Martins bereft of service. Only the defence as a unit and Harper and Milner came out of it with any real credit, especially Harper and Milner who I thought were fantastic.


    We are obviously missing a few players who will come in and change things but I believe we should stick to 4-4-2 until Big Sam and Mort can bring in the type of players that can play in a 4-3-3 home and away, players we lack and players we won't get much joy from trying to convert.


    Time for a rethink Sam.


    I think the 4-3-3 could definitely work with a bit more practice and direction, and in my opinion it has a lot of potential. Especially when Barton returns. Thought we looked worse in the 4-4-2. Especially as in a 4-4-2 we are essentially playing with 10 men due to Owen's style of play.



  4. We didn't create a chance.


    Alan Smith's scuffed shot after a beautiful cut back from Milner and Rozehnal's brilliant Volley are two just off the top of my head.


    I am now certain you haven't even seen the match. You have now been on here for a couple of hours attempting to wind people up regarding a match you didn't even see.


    Busy life you say? More likely a bit of a vagabond.

  5. When you internet losers fork out for a season ticket then you can have your say.


    haha... resorting to classic winding-up material.


    I don't even know what that is. You obviously do though. Some of us have busy lives.


    Where were you last week?


    I was in London, where was you?




    Where was your wacky opinion last week?

  6. Good for you,you f****** fairy,just cos i've been inside i'm i not allowwed an opinion.


    In and out of jail all your life !!!


    You're entitled to an opinion, but if you're a career criminal I do object to your entitlement to oxygen


    You little f****** prick,i have been in and out of jail but its not what i would have chose for myself but i've been raised this way,and like i said i'm now working and trying to stay away from crime for me and my kid.


    Fair enough, but you probably shouldn't have bothered bringing it up as you were bound to get some responses you wouldn't like.


    We all have different backgrounds and a lot of us work very hard for a living just like you feel you do.


    We all support the team and that's all that should matter so can we calm this down please?

  7. When you internet losers fork out for a season ticket then you can have your say.


    haha... resorting to classic winding-up material.


    I don't even know what that is. You obviously do though. Some of us have busy lives.


    Busy enough to go onto every thread and spout the same boring stuff?


    Where were you last week? And how come you didn't have a problem then?


    How about all through pre-season when we played the same system and looked great?


    You haven't got a foot to stand on man!

  8. Shocking football. Total lack of quality.


    Welcome to Allardyce world.




    Man, fuck this.


    I hope Ashley heard the booing and he up and leaves with Allardyce and they take over at Middelsbrough. That'll learn yous lot!


    That way we can get Warnock in or something ... it's truly what we probably deserve.

  9. Shouldn't have taken Martins off. We looked a much better side with him on. Would've been better to take Viduka off and stopped the long balls, as we were being outmuscled in the air anyway.

    Milner MOTM, only creativity in midfield. Zoggy looks great aswell, he just needs to stick to the wing after he's taken his man on more often though


    I disagree totally about Martins. He'd completely disappeared from the game in the second half.


    We started the second half slowly as a team though. If Martins dissapeared then what did Owen do?

  10. Oh for fucks sake, we are a new team who are still learning, playing the most boring away team in the Premiership. Nothing is going to be perfect this season. In fact, I think this is the reality check some people needed.


    Exactly what he said

    the thing is, its the first home game of essentially a new era, and we play sloppy longball football.  Its not like we tried to go forward and were stopped by an amazingly orginized villa side.  the game plan we set out with was way too negative for the match.


    Believe or not our game plan wasn't negative. I think thats demonstrated by the fact that straight after the first whistle we drove forward and got a corner. It wasn't supposed to be a "negative" performance as you call it. Villa were very organsied and there wasn't a lot of space in midfield due to both teams playing 4 3 3. The midfield was far too crowded (not Big Sam's fault) for a game of open football and there wasn't much we could do about this, it was mainly down to Villa who were hardworking and organised. Don't forget they played very well at Liverpool last week, it's not as if we just failed to beat Derby or something. So many fans are giving knee-jerk reactions, after last week it was "we should be aiming for fifth", and now its "we can't even beat villa, we're a long ball team". Get a hold of yourself and give Sam the time he needs to do his thing.




    No one said we were defensive or boring last week did they. I honestly can't believe what I am seeing on here. After last season how people can even have the nerve to claim we were rubbish today is crazy! Things didn't come off for us today in the attacking areas and it was as simple as that.

  11. This is a shocking thread!


    Are you racking your brain hard enough? Try the 5 - 0 loss to Birmingham at home last season.


    I for one thought we were no where near as bad as people on here are claiming. Our attacking play wasn't as good today because we couldn't play off Viduka who struggled badly, and was dominated by Laursen.

  12. I prefered the 4-3-3 today.


    If Viduka had done a better job holding the ball up it would have worked far better. Viduka struggled today and Shola did a better job when he came on.


    Butt also had a shocker and most of the time lost the ball when we had chances to get something going.


    Taylor needs to be very careful, and should get rid of the ball earlier, still prone to some dozy play. Rozehnal was brilliant again, and covered for Taylor on a number of occassions.


    Carr is shocking and always looks a liability, and does nothing other than lose the ball when he gets forward.


    Owen is a bit too limited. 30 minutes on the pitch but his style of play means he doesn't do much unless we are creating a ton of chances in the final third. Not sure what is going to happen with our formation or tactics now he is back.


    On the whole I am satisfied. Villa deserved something from the game and a draw was fair. Also was the type of game we would typically lose but we didn't. 4 points on the board from Bolton and Villa and we are undefeated. No problem with that at all.


    I would like to see Butt out and Emre in for our next game, and I would also like to see us get someone in to replace Carr. I imagine with that late stunt Taylor pulled, Cacapa has also increased his chances of playing in the first 11. Thought Zoggy did well today too against some dangerous attackers so special mention for him.


    I think a lot of people are underrating Villa who are certainly a respectable side and who were very dangerous on the counter attack.



  13. Absolute knee jerk, but is Sibierski proving that Stuart Pearce was actually more clueless than Glenn Roeder?


    The only thing Sibierski is proving is that even s**** players can score against Sunderland.


    Cos he's s****.


    I think what Sibi might be proving is that he isn't as shite as the players Pearce was playing ahead of him i.e. Corradi, Samaras, Vassell etc.

  14. :lol:


    Owen really used to wind me up, but I think it was only because we needed him so badly in previous seasons. At this moment in time I honestly couldn't care less about whatever he is up to.


    When he is ready to play and Sam feels he is worthy of a place then I hope he does well and scores us goals, but other than that ... meh. I think our attacking options are terrific at the moment and we can more than get by without him.


    I think it will do everyone at the club a world of good to recognise that things at Newcastle no longer revolve around him. This will hopefully spur the player on as well, as he will have to work hard to prove himself worthy of a place.

  15. Just signed up for Setanta after I found out it included NASN as I'm into my NFL and NBA. I actually initially paid £12.99 for just NASN when I first got my Sky set up, so it works out great for me!


    Didn't know Setanta showed French, Dutch and German football too! Not a bad deal at all. Took a while to set it up though! They messed it up quite a few times before finally getting it right.


    I would advise anyone who wants to subscribe to do it first thing in the morning as you get through quicker and the people are far more responsive.


    How long did it take to set up?


    It cam on after about 15 minutes after they finally got it right. I did it early this morning but I went through customer services rather than the subscription line, as the people dealing with first time subscriptions didn't seem to know what they were doing.


    Problem is that it is almost impossible, I found, to get through to customer services unless you do it first thing in the morning. Everything works great now though and it's looking good.

  16. Just signed up for Setanta after I found out it included NASN as I'm into my NFL and NBA. I actually initially paid £12.99 for just NASN when I first got my Sky set up, so it works out great for me!


    Didn't know Setanta showed French, Dutch and German football too! Not a bad deal at all. Took a while to set it up though! They messed it up quite a few times before finally getting it right.


    I would advise anyone who wants to subscribe to do it first thing in the morning as you get through quicker and the people are far more responsive.

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