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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Tottenham have stolen our mojo ...


    Lennon is their version of Dyer. Fast and little but nothing else. Likely to be out injured and will potential his way to the scrap heap.


    Darren Bent was this summers biggest trophy signing. A totally unnecessary £17 million pound striker. How much did Owen cost again?


    Ledley King is their Woodgate. Talented defender who is always breaking down due to injuries.


    Malbranque is their Robert. He is French and is played on the left, but has no consistency.


    Anthony Gardener is their Bramble. Big, fairly quick centre back who looks like he should be a decent player but is a one man calamity waiting to happen.


    Defoe is their Lua Lua. Talented striker who lacks the necessary footballing brain. Suffers from tunnel vision.


    Jenas is their ... Jenas?! No heart, sideways and back passing, flimsy, invisible man.


    Jol is their Bobby Robson. Had a good spell, but appears to be going nuts right before our eyes.


    A full first team of defenders injured including a few back up defenders. Need I say any more?


    The curse it seems is upon you and it takes some hard work shifting it. Good luck!

  2. Duff will be back in January, and would have been whipped into shape by Sam.


    Luque, hopefully, would have improved his fitness and strength byt hen also, and should continue where he left off in the pre-season.


    Edmilson might be coming in.


    These three should hopefully make up for the loss of Martins and Geremi.



  3. 4 "top strikers" no goals  :lol:


    Tottenham's top scorer is Titus Bram ... pardon me, Anthony Gardener.


    How long till the Spurs backlash begins, by tomorrow methinks. A lot of pundits and journalists will be feeling like like mugs and they won't be happy.


    Freakin' awesome  :lol:

  4. Owen will play when we play 4-4-2. In spite of our success at Bolton, i anticipate we'll start more games with a 4-4-2 than a 4-5-1*, and Owen will play then. Either way, it'll be a rather splendid situation to be able to bring on a Martins or a Milner or a Smith and switch the formation at the drop of a hat, depending on the state of play.




    *What's great is that we have a versatile enough squad that our players will fit nicely into either formation.


    I can't believe people still think Sam is going to pay the 4-4-2. Did he not say at his talk in that he prefers the 4-3-3 before you defend with more players and attack with more players also. We also played it against Bolton and it looked great. Most of the money this summer has been spent on central midfielders to play in this formation in Barton and Smith also.


    The only change of formation that will take place is in instances where we are closing at the end of games and we go more defensive. If Sam switches to a 4-4-2 when everyone is fit, it will mean dropping Martins as well as one of Smith/Barton. I think this is pretty much impossible.

  5. I'm worried about Owen's style of play. He really has to have a greater work ethic to fit into Sam's 4-3-3 which looked too potentially good to abandon for one player's sake.


    Should be interesting to see how this pans out. Martins has proved he has what it takes to develop into a real threat in that system and everyone else has looked great in it. Owen really has a lot to do right now and I hope he realises it. He can't feel entitled to anything!

  6. Tottenham essentially blew all their budget on bench players this summer, which is what I don't understand.


    Not one of the players they bought is ready to go straight into their first team to make a big impact, and considering how much they spent I don't think this was a smart move. Bent coming off the bench on Sunday didn't make any kind of sense to me, and it seems he will be rotated all season. I was so sure Jol was going to unleash a new formation which featured Keane, Bent and Berba but nope.


    The addition of Bent might actually prove to be a hindrance if they are not careful, as it seems Jol might get tinker happy.



  7. I can also see when Owen comes back that when Sam plays all three together at some stage, that can cause a lot of teams trouble as when the ball is played through to Viduka, he will have both Owen and Martins buzzing around him waiting to be played in.


    This could cause a lot of panic in the opposing defence as they will have to watch for the ball to either Owen or Martins or Viduka turning and shooting, or laying the ball back for hopefully a oncoming midfielder to have a shot.


    Ever the optimist me like.


    The potential is overwhelming. I agree.


    If a front three of Owen, Viduka and Martins works well it would be delicious. Also, great to know that we could also slot Milner and Zoggy into the wide forward roles occassionally, to give Owen and Martins a break, or to add more width should we need to do so. Fantastic options upfront.

  8. Martins really has the potential to be awesome this season in the 4-3-3, as our three man midfield is so strong and competitive and we have in Viduka, a striker with a great first touch and good close control who can hold up the ball.


    I think these two things combined will help mask Oba's deficiencies, as when his touch lets him down and he sometimes loses the ball it will not be in areas that are as dangerous as they were last season when he was predominantly playing through the middle. Our midfield will also not be as vulnerable and so should do a good job of winning the ball back for us.


    The way the team is now built, it should allow for Oba to be his random best and allow his intangibles to shine through. Oba is not in an ideal situation when he is the only real threat upfront as he was last season, as he can be inconsistent and blow hot and cold; he just isn't quite polished enough. However in our current setup where we appear to have so many other threats and it isn't all on Oba's shoulders I think he will really shine, as he has a bit more leeway and can afford to try more things that might not necessarily come off all the time.


    He really looks like he can thrive in the wide forward role upfront and it should be exciting.

  9. Don't want to get carried away with just one game, but having watched some of  the other matches are Tottenham really better than Man City, Portsmouth, Everton or ourselves?


    5th to 7th place is going to be very tight. Wouldn't be surprised if Tottenham ended up 8th or 9th.

  10. Delighted to see West Ham get f****** done at home. The team they put out wasn't much different to the s*** from last season - apart from replacing Tevez with Bellamy - bluelaugh.gif


    Hope the fuckers crash and burn.


    In a way I'm glad the mackems won just cos we've knocked the c***s off top spot. :D


    I said that the other day, they've replaced Tevez, ReoCoker and Benayoun with Bellamy, Parker and Ljungberg. :lol:


    Oh my God, when you put it like that they've actually gotten worse!!!

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