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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. West Ham getting what they deserve already. Please keep it up City, always thought Sven was great but was treated badly and distracted by the British press. City are going to be a surprise this season.


    Tottenham ... £16.5 million on a striker they didn't necessarily need and they haven't got a single decent midfielder, not one! Zokora is the best and is average at most. Etuhu outplayed both Zokora and Jenas. Probably didn't help that they didn't play down the top four talk, but instead talked themselves up all summer and piled the expectation and pressure on. Reality bites.

  2. Hahah bolton fans going home...  ;D


    Are you serious? Blimey!!!


    Today has been brilliant. I actually have Etuhu from Sunderland in my fantasy team. I had some inside info on him as he is a fellow Nigerian. Very shrewd pick and he was man of the match. Woo hoo. Absolutely dominated the goldfish.


    Also, Tottenham "we will finish fourth" FC lost to Sunderland courtesy of our very own Chopra. Brilliant!!!

  3. My Boro mate is happy that they lost out on Smith because they're getting Mido instead.


    I'm hardly over the moon about Smith but I reckon he's off his f****** head.


    Nothing wrong with your mate tbh.


    How's it going Kingdawson ... I see Tottenham have been knocked back in an approach for Matt Taylor. Not long before you're in for Kewell I tell you.


    Are you excited?

  4. Isn't Cassano going for less? If you are going after a player with attitude problems....


    Like Cassano would go to Boro or Sunderland...


    No way in the world you take Cassano over Mido!


    At least Mido has shown he can do the business in the premiership. 13 goals in his first season when he actually played. Not bad at all.



  5. I certainly don't want him to go, but I do feel like he is taking the piss. How come all of a sudden everyones family is moving to London? How come we never heard a thing about this until Dyer's move fell through? Too coincidental for me.


    Sounds like he and his wife have split up recently and she's taken the kids down to London. One of the Peruvian sites say "ex wife" and another says he's separated as well.


    Aaaah I see ... in that case will moving down to London really help his situation?


    Nout like a woman scorned you know! Doubt he will be seeing those kids much anyway. Should have kept his trumpet in his brief ... case.

  6. I certainly don't want him to go, but I do feel like he is taking the piss. How come all of a sudden everyones family is moving to London? How come we never heard a thing about this until Dyer's move fell through? Too coincidental for me.


    I just think it would be better to let him move, as I think he would be difficult if he was forced to stay and wasn't played. We don't need anyone poisoning the team spirit irregardless of who it is.


    When I say I don't think Nobby needs replacing, what I meant was that I didn't think we needed to go out and get another right-winger necessarily.


    Don't forget Becks will be coming in on loan after the MLS season too  O0

  7. I don't really think we need to replace him though, as he really didn't have a place int he team to begin with!


    His absence will mean more opportunities for Milner and Zoggy, and we still have Duff in the team too. Good news for Milner and Zoggy who deserve more opportunities to play.


    Think we ought to still focus on a right back still if anything.


    Swiss magpie how are the negotiations for Behrami going?  :smiley6600:

  8. I'd be very disappointed to lose Nobby, especially to those c***s.


    West Ham have gone about their business the wrong way all summer, and they will no doubt pay for all this foolishness.


    Neil and Parker are already out with tweaked knee ligaments for this weekend, and it won't stop there I assure you. The bad energy surrounding all the morons on that team will bring the knackers down.



  9. Do any of you remember the allegations that Solano was very difficult with Roeder whenever he was not put into the first team? He aparently refused to travel once because of this, but eventually did after a huge fuss was made.


    Solano doesn't fit into Sam's plans as he has no role to play in the 4-3-3. Even in a 4-4-2 Milner would be ahead of him on the right and Zoggy on the left.


    I have a feelign Solano is in a bit of a strop to be honest. Seems to have turned into quite  the little Peruvian diva has our Nobby.


    Any hard evidence to support that view? Where were the allegations? I dont remember any.


    Unfortunately no hard evidence. It was reported in either the Journal or Chronicle just after Roeder was sacked and they were talking about the difficulties he had with the team. Like I said they were purely allegations, but Nobby it seems can be a bit of a prima donna judging by some of his past episodes with Robson. Wouldn't be at all surprised if there was some truth in this.


    He will have a very minimal role under Allardyce. He won't even get a game at right-bak as Sam likes them big back there, and so Taylor and Geremi would get the nod ahead of him int hat position. The writing appears to ba on the wall I think.

  10. Do any of you remember the allegations that Solano was very difficult with Roeder whenever he was not put into the first team? He aparently refused to travel once because of this, but eventually did after a huge fuss was made.


    Solano doesn't fit into Sam's plans as he has no role to play in the 4-3-3. Even in a 4-4-2 Milner would be ahead of him on the right and Zoggy on the left.


    I have a feelign Solano is in a bit of a strop to be honest. Seems to have turned into quite  the little Peruvian diva has our Nobby.

  11. Link?


    I thought this was last mentioned weeks ago and disappeared. Is there something new?


    Pretty well known that he'd agreed in principle to join us and that, come January, he's there if we want him.


    Yup that is where we are atm.


    I really don't understand why we are taking such a risk...His wages alone will be high.


    But the lack of transfer fee will make it a small risk signing. It also sends out to other potential recruits that we're signing big name players. Aside from that, there's the chance that he might just be a good player.


    By all accounts he will also be completely fit by January which is when we will really need him anyway. Who else could we bring in around January on a potential free with his level of experience and versatility, not to mention ability.


    As long as our medics have had a look at him and feel that his return in January is realistic and he should be 100% by then, I think it is a good move.

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