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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Bad news for Borough. I haven't heard a squeak about Huth either, I take it he is still crocked as well? Those two would be some partnership if they were both fit but will that ever be the case.


    If they don't have those two playing for an extended period I think they will go down.



  2. April 2007


    Meanwhile, French press reports Bolton are interested in Paris Saint Germain defender Boukhary Drame.


    The 21-year-old has greatly improved this season but with one year remaining on his current contract, has yet to find an agreement on an extension.


    Bolton could be ready to step in and tempt the stopper to the Premiership in the summer.




    Was also a target for Sam while at Bolton it appears, just like Roz was.





  3. May be some truth in this. According to Sky Sports he has one year left on his contract and was being eyed up by Sam for Bolton way back in April. Apparently would only cost about £1 million. His agent claims he along with Abidal were the best left-backs in France last season.

  4. Cracking performances all round, except Huntington who got skinned about a zillion times.




    That right winger (can't remember who it was) was running rings around Huntington all first half, shows how much in dire need we are of a LB.


    Geremi was a class above the rest in CM. He was barking orders and telling everybody where to go and what to do and starting moves, some canny passes etc.


    They posed no real threat, they were quite poor, even against our youngsters in the 2nd half


    Darkhorse for captain?

  5. We really should just up and sign Baines tbh. Not the greatest defensively but he's excellent going forward and will get better at the back...


    A supply range of Milner/Solano/Geremi/N'Zogbia/Baines to Michael Owen and Mark Viduka is just cum-worthy.


    Speak for yourself. :lol:


    Probably agree on Baines though.


    It's true though.


    N'Zogbia and Baines supplying from the left, Milner and Solano supplying from the right - with Geremi playing the playmaker role, through balls, and Joey Barton as the box to box workhorse. All forward to Owen and Viduka?


    That's potentially top 4 material from an attacking point of view. It just is. Could be exaggerating. Definitely Top 6 though.


    Is this the same Michael Owen who cannot play more than one game before being out for two months? Or did we sign another striker by the name of Michael Owen?



  6. Our passing has been excellent, i can only wonder what the score would be if Owen was on to be on the recieving end of these passes.


    I think you'll find there is no point wondering about anything to do with Owen. Just pretend he isn't in the tem and on the odd occassion he shows up just act surprised and see it is a temporary loan for however many games he plays before returning to his real club Sickbay FC.

  7. What is the deal with the Pattison abuse? He really hasn't been that bad at all guys.


    Why does there have to be someone that gets abuse?


    Ramage has been a rock by the way  blueyes.gif


    Are you listening to the radio? 


    Watching the game on world. Pattison hasn't been great or anything, and has had some misplaced passes but on the whole he isn't a total liability or anything.

  8. Im quite suprised no one has mantioned how Ramage is playing so far.


    Or is that just because there simply isnt any need to mention the fact he is playing s***, because its a given?


    Honestly I think I would be happy with him being our fourth choice centre-back this season if he maintains his performances in his last couple of games. Think he could be a solid contributor under Sam, and alongside someone experienced. He's looked impressive alongside Roz.

  9. Half time.


    Impressed by:

    Geremi - just so comfortable, quality passing and positioning. Top set pieces in general.

    Rozehnal - So assured, amazing. Making Ramage look good.

    N'Zogbia - we've not looked light in the centre (helped by Geremi of course) but he's been lively going forward.

    Luque/Martins/Carroll - all three contributing well up front.


    Still s****:

    Huntington - out of depth at left back, but no real surprise.

    Ref - have a word mate.


    Geremi is a star. If we use him anywhere other than in the middle of the pitch it would be a big mistake. I think we are now seeing how a good central midfield positively affects the whole team. Geremi doesn't hide but completely takes charge and is very positive passing the ball around. Parker really was too negative in the same role and this created pressure on our team while he was around.



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