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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Some of the comments on here are disgusting.


    I for one prefer to wait and see how he will be used and how he performs before making any kind of comment. I saw him play in midfield quite a bit for Man U and was always surprised by how well he used the ball when in posession. The only downside was the way he flew into some rash tackles, but I think this was more down to him playing DM and being told to replace Keane. As an attacking midfielder he won't have that demand on him.


    I bet if he comes he does really well, especially because he is a good pro and is going to work very hard to make sure he does well and if he is playing every week I'm sure he will.


    This is going to be interesting and there is a huge potential for some people on here to look like absolute morons. Really dissapointing response to a player who has chosen to come here and play for your club. Disgraceful. At least wait till he messes up before having a go.


    So basically no one should ever disagree with a transfer. Great, may aswell shut this place down now.


    Can you read? Have you seen some of the comments on here?


    Huge difference between disagreeing with a transfer and wishing for the guy to be run down by a freakin' train isn't there? I mean what's that all about?


    Half of you disagrreing don't even have any basis for doing so. Instead your disagreeing on the basis that you want Ronaldinho instead. No one knows how he is going to be used yet or what Sams plans are, so why not wait before you judge.

  2. Some of the comments on here are disgusting.


    I for one prefer to wait and see how he will be used and how he performs before making any kind of comment. I saw him play in midfield quite a bit for Man U and was always surprised by how well he used the ball when in posession. The only downside was the way he flew into some rash tackles, but I think this was more down to him playing DM and being told to replace Keane. As an attacking midfielder he won't have that demand on him.


    I bet if he comes he does really well, especially because he is a good pro and is going to work very hard to make sure he does well and if he is playing every week I'm sure he will.


    This is going to be interesting and there is a huge potential for some people on here to look like absolute morons. Really dissapointing response to a player who has chosen to come here and play for your club. Disgraceful. At least wait till he messes up before having a go.

  3. Dave link=topic=43538.msg945969#msg945969 date=1186055169]

    Oliver still working the Edmilson thing I see.


    Edmilson could still be worth a go, as we will be losing Geremi in January.


    It appears Cacapa didn't play too much last year due to injury and also falling out with Lyon due to letting his contract run out perhaps. Excellent news to hear that we put him through his paces to make sure he was fit enough, and as that appears to be the case it should be an excellent move. Still a pretty good age at 31 too, as a matter of fact 31 is like 26 in Allardyce years  O0


    Younger than both Campbell and Hyypia but with all the experience we could want. I'm exited about this. All those who claimed he had gone to Qatar ought to be ashamed ... or maybe banned?  :razz:

  4. Please read very carefully and give careful consideration!


    Take a ride with me for a moment and imagine that Oliver is telling the truth ...


    -We have been linked with Gudjohnsen for ages and all along we were told Martins was about to sign for Arsenal. What if Martins was being touted and the plan was to bring in Eidur and sell Martins and in the process get another £5 million in. However, Arsenal pull out and so we cannot tie up the Eidur deal as we still have Martins. We end up pissed off!


    -All of a sudden West Ham show up and are interested in Eidur too, which pisses us off proper! We know they also want Dyer and although they are willing to stump up the cash we tell them to f*** off because they are interfering in our deal for Eidur. We tell them that they cannot sign Dyer unless they back off of Eidur. We therefore make enquiries for Smith incase they don't back off, and they enquire about Smith too as they imagine Smith and Dyer is better than Eidur alone with no Dyer. In the end we are hoping to end up with Eidur while they get Smith and Dyer. We hope to end up with Eidur with the money made from selling Dyer.


    -On the other hand we are still looking for a buyer for Martins. Harry was desperate for Martins last year and so we give him a call. We know he is still looking for a number 9 and we say to him he can have ours for the £10 million we paid for him as long as he throws in Sol Campbell. We imagine he will so does Sol who says Portsmouth will not be his last club. We hope to end up with Campbell and £10 million.


    -With the £10 million extra we now have we purchase a defensive midfielder, lets say Papa Bouba Diop, which allows Geremi and Barton to push forward and we get another couple of defenders,probably the Sevilla left-back and the AZ Alkamaar right-back.


    With all this we end up with the following new players ...


    Steinarson, Dragutinovic, Papa Bouba Diop, Sol Campbell and Gudhohnsen. We do not actually spend any money as this is funded by Dyer and Oba leaving.


    The question is, would you be happy?

  5. let's just suppose that Luque plays in the rest of the friendlies and continues firing on all cylinders


    :lol:  Should we not first of all suppose that he locates his cylinders, before we get carried away by imagining him firing on them?


    Ah ha!


    I knew someone would have a pop at Luque, which is why I also included the possibility of a Martins, Viduka & Milner combination firing on all cylinders also.


    So your comment is moot pal!  :razz:

  6. Here's another thing ... let's just suppose that Luque plays in the rest of the friendlies and continues firing on all cylinders and even getting better. Maybe we even try the 4-3-3 with Martins, Viduka and Luque in some of the remaining friendlies and it looks great and we do well with it. Or indeed Martins, Viduka and Milner as the front three.


    What happens then if Owen is suddenly fit for the first game having not been a part of any of our pre-season games. Do we automatically put him straight into the team ahead of those who have been playing well and showing form in the pre-season? Ahead of the players who might have shown that they have adjusted well to the 4-3-3 should we get a chance to work on it?


    Owen better play in at least a couple of our remaining friendlies or I just don't see any reason why he should be straight back into the team ahead of those who have been playing well.

    You do know that we've only got two friendlies left, yeah?


    Yeah your right, but I think Sam said he might organise some behind closed doors games as well. I was referring to those along with the remaining friendlies.

  7. Here's another thing ... let's just suppose that Luque plays in the rest of the friendlies and continues firing on all cylinders and even getting better. Maybe we even try the 4-3-3 with Martins, Viduka and Luque in some of the remaining friendlies and it looks great and we do well with it. Or indeed Martins, Viduka and Milner as the front three.


    What happens then if Owen is suddenly fit for the first game having not been a part of any of our pre-season games. Do we automatically put him straight into the team ahead of those who have been playing well and showing form in the pre-season? Ahead of the players who might have shown that they have adjusted well to the 4-3-3 should we get a chance to work on it?


    Owen better play in at least a couple of our remaining friendlies or I just don't see any reason why he should be straight back into the team ahead of those who have been playing well.

  8. Lady Owen's got another owie ... boo hoo! What a freakin' crock.


    Of course we need him to play in the pre-seson so Sam can sort out his tactics and see how various things work. For example everyone thought Geremi was brought in to play right-back but after the last couple of pre-season games we can clearly see that this should never be the case. He's way too good for that.


    With Sam confirming that he prefers the 4-3-3 last night, we should be working on this during pre-season, but because Owen has been hurt we haven't had a chance to see how Martins and Owen might fit into this formation.


    I can't tell you how much more I am coming to appreciate players like Milner and Martins, they might not be as talented as Owen but they are always ready to play and can be relied upon. Milner has just played in a very competitive tournament this summer and has only had a short break, but look at the form he is in already!


    Owen really needs to get himself together. Maybe they need to look at his diet or something ... he's as brittle as Mr. Glass.

  9. Ahem ... I started a thread on this guy and the MODS shut it down I demand an apology!



       Ivica Dragutinovic (Sevilla left-back)

    « Reply #238 on: July 23, 2007, 11:13:50 PM »



    Don't be surprised if he comes in as our left-back. He was linked with Man City today but I will be surprised if Sam isn't snooping around him as well.


    Very similar to Heinze. Tough left-back who can also play as a centre-back also. The only thing is that he is 31, but he was still effective and impressive for Sevilla last season. Contract is up next summer so he won't cost a lot of money either.


    If Sam doesn't have an eye on him I will be dissapointed.


    Make it happen Sammy  




    Nice one Kaka.


    All we need now is Kewell to Spurs.   mackems.gif


    They can dream of Kallstrom and Boateng all they want, but Kewell is their destiny. He's as big a fraud as they are. Match made in Heaven.


    Soon, very soon ...

  10. 31 and they want 8-12m euros, centre back that was part of the serb defence that conceded one goal in world cup qualifiers.  certainly the experienced centre back allardyce wants but no premiership experience that he was after, fits in with the defenders that we want may not be in the country quotes he came out with.




    3m is what ManC offered last week. Nowhere does it say they want what you're saying.


    He's in the last year of his contract too, so forget about the £8million Euros talk.

  11. Ahem ... I started a thread on this guy and the MODS shut it down I demand an apology!



      Ivica Dragutinovic (Sevilla left-back)

    « Reply #238 on: July 23, 2007, 11:13:50 PM »



    Don't be surprised if he comes in as our left-back. He was linked with Man City today but I will be surprised if Sam isn't snooping around him as well.


    Very similar to Heinze. Tough left-back who can also play as a centre-back also. The only thing is that he is 31, but he was still effective and impressive for Sevilla last season. Contract is up next summer so he won't cost a lot of money either.


    If Sam doesn't have an eye on him I will be dissapointed.


    Make it happen Sammy 



  12. I think he could be good as an attacking midfielder in a three man midfield. However, when played as a midfielder at Man U they tried to use him as a holding midfielder in the Roy Keane mould which was silly. He has a good motor and is a good tidy passer of the ball and has a decent shot on him. He should do well as an attacking MF for us, should we play him there.

  13. This is the downside of the board not coming out and talking about what exactly is going on. Sam makes a few comments about them needing to step it up and all hell breaks out in the media! They live for this kind of crap they really do. The club really does need to address all this nonsense or it will start unsettling people.

  14. So ... does anyone have any tangible evidence that Cacapa has signed for Al-Rayyan?


    Or will he be in black and white by Friday?




    Wiki says he has...


    Wiki sucks!


    By the way dude ... I admire your patience, but I think you have to accept that some people would rather be negative about things and the more you try to convince them there is no real reason to be yet, the more they negative they get!


    One main thing has stood out to me regarding our pursuit of defenders. Sam says he wanted prem experienced defenders.

    In my opinion this has been the focus and I think we have been spending too much of our time trying to secure players who have experience in our league, which is usually very complicated as teams are likely to be less likely to want to give up good players to their rivals. They are no doubt being over priced as you only have to see what has been going on in the transfer market. In the odd occassion where they are likely to be reasonably priced, for example with defenders the top clubs don't want i.s. Man U's heinze and Silvestre they have decided not to come.


    I really think this has been the min problem and now we are only beginning to look at our foreign options. I think it is very likely that if we are going to be buying defenders from abroad, Sam will look for players that are not expensive but have the potential to be very good for us. Similar to the deal to bring Rozehnal in. There are absolutely no guarantees with foreign defenders so at this moment in time we cannot afford to spend £10 million on a defender from abroad I don't think. Especially, as we have no stability in the position at the moment.


    Lads just coolrelax it will all be fine. I am expecting at least three defenders in by this time next week, and then we will tie up another 3 players in different areas of the squad and it's showtime.



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