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Everything posted by merlin

  1. merlin

    Lee Charnley

    Why is anyone surprised by all this...? The guy is a bought and paid for Ashley stooge and he will faithfully carry out what is laughably known as 'club policy' as dictated from his boss. Nothing has changed at the club and nothing WILL change under this regime - anyone looking for crumbs of comfort from this appointment is living in cuckoo-land.....like a high percentage of the fan base.
  2. He's taking the p*ss. I DID wonder, but I'm still not sure he was...!
  3. Do you never read some of the posts..? Has it escaped your notice that under your hero, we have lost 19 games in the PL by 3 goals or more...that we have been turned over by the Mackems more times in succession than for many years...that we look a total shambles with a team of international players..that Pardew has been fired by 3 erstwhile PL clubs, none of which can hold a candle to the size of NUFC...that the owner and Pardew tell blatant lies to the fans..etc etc etc..?? And you wonder why people are somewhat p---ed off..!?
  4. merlin

    Lee Charnley

    Another 'Man from Del Monte'......he likes to say 'Yes'......
  5. My Dad's pretty much got the same opinion as you but passed up the opportunity to not renew for next season. I just don't get it. I know it sounds daft but I went to the game today and unusually I got there about an hour early. Outside and in the concourses I was eavesdropping and heard umpteen different foreign accents from people who seemed excited to be here at a Newcastle match. I remember that feeling, ive felt it so many times in my life but at that moment I felt so bad because its been gone for a long long time. Here was I, a lifelong fan turning up to see us play Man United and I felt nothing. I knew we'd get hammered but I couldn't give a f*** and to be honest merely attending the match was a massive chore. It really made me think as I sat there in a three quarters empty stadium about why I and thousands of others still go and will continue to years after we should really have stopped. Then I looked around at the vastness and magnificence of the place and memories of the past flooded back, of the good times, and the not so good times but at least then we always had hope that better was just around the corner, a mere managerial change away and right then those deep down locked away feelings were stirred in me. The ones that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end; the ones that make you stand there and look at a packed SJP while local hero is playing, and think 'f***ing yes, this is my club, a proper, proper football club, there's no place in the world I'd rather be right now'. You know what I'm on about and I guess its these very feelings that keep people like your dad going and going despite everything. I'm sure you mean what you say and it sounds good, but basically its just an excuse to avoid taking action which would put a spotlight on the problems at SJP - Ashley will relish your comments more than many fellow fans. No Pain - No gain....as long as you are prepared to put up with 3rd rate crap, Ashley will keep dishing it up via a manager who is a joke and a team rapidly becoming the laughing stock of football.
  6. Sky not picking us for games because of empty stadiums/damaging the "PL brand" will be another bit of turnover and devaluing the goodwill of the club (decreasing the worth of the club) might make a dent. Not being able to attract players who can keep us in the category of "surviving" might help too. It's a small start, sure, but if such an idea ever happened - there's a chance (remote or not) it could snowball IMO. I think its in the contract they have to show a certain amount of games for each club. And lord knows empty stadiums didn't harm Wigans standing with the prem its viewing figures they care about not bums on seats. Are you comparing Wigan with NUFC...??
  7. Sheffield Weds fans used to be told this when Hillsborough was rebuilt - it was going to be the foundation for a new, rejuvenated Wednesday etc etc etc...... It was only ever filled when FA Cup semis were held there and look where Sheff Weds are now.... You can cling to this piece of straw if you want, but remember KK's words when he came to play at SJP in a testimonial in 1988, and we only had 2 decent stands then..'They've got a nice stand(the Milburn, just built then), but it won't look very good in the Second division, will it...??' A nice stadium is just the icing on the cake - if the cake itself is poison, you don't eat the icing either....
  8. Reminded me of this article in Friday's Metro, was amazed we didn't get a mention: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/04/football-fans-can-deal-with-suffering-just-dont-ever-let-it-be-dull-4688725/ I am truly amazed by the lack of coverage and basic understanding of the situation Newcastle fans find ourselves in by all but a few media sources. Even local radio stations are clueless about how the real fans feel and quite frankly the national media couldn't give a f***. We just suffer on in silence. For the umpteenth time, the ONLY thing which will make the media - and Ashley - sit up and take notice is when the crowds drop below 30,000...as you have seen, too many people are prepared to spend money on a lost cause for this to happen so you can resign yourself to many more days/results/performances like this. The players don't give a stuff(apart from Anita who deserves a better club than this), the manager is a liability and the owner is on the take and quite happy to be so as long as the club stays in the PL, which it will until the end of next season.... If anyone is quite happy to waste hundreds of pounds by throwing good money after bad I can think of a load of better uses for it - my bank account for a start..! If anyone still thinks turning up at SJP to have opposition fans gloating and rubbing your nose in the dirt because they know(and can see) that your club is crap, try running down Northumberland St naked with a daffodil up your a--e...just as much humiliation and far cheaper too...until the fine, of course..
  9. Another totally predictable hammering from a team who, in the manager's own words, 'we cannot compete with'.....after all, they have all those middle class players....! I wouldn't watch NUFC if they were playing at the end of my garden - a team in free-fall whose players couldn't care less because they have no faith in the people running the club. Yet another vindication of those who have refused to renew STs, they must be looking forward to their summer holiday they can afford instead of the charity donation to Ashley's back pocket. As for Anderson's contributions.....YAWWWNNNN...another self-seeking former player who was basically crap. Never mind - only a short while to go before the saviour returns and GIZS US A WAVE..! Tiddleywinks is like white-water rafting compared to watching NUFC.
  10. Nothing Pardew says ever surprises me - he is a con-man, a one-trick pony manager and unfortunately for us, extremely lucky to have been head-hunted by another from the Know-nowt-about-it Dept, Lambsarse. Once in, Ashley soon found he was a yes-man who suited his purpose and so he remains at SJP for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, how those fans who lap up all his laughable comments keep putting up with him is beyond me - and I thought I'd seen everything I could see where NUFC are concerned ; getting kicked out of the FA Cup by a non-league side in 1972 and turning Barca over at SJP in 1997 with everything else in between. There is NOTHING, in all those years, that compares with the idiocy of some of a large percentage of our fans these days. Pardew's hilarious comment about middle-class youngsters at Southampton is straight out of the Dr Goebbels' propaganda school(i.e. if you tell a lie big enough and often enough, it becomes the truth). Has this clown forgotten about the stars the NE USED to produce...? People like Milburn, the Charltons, Norman Hunter, Colin Bell, Howard Kendall, Mortensen etc etc etc..? Oh, yes, THEY were REALLY middle class, weren't they..!!?? Oh, and another thing Mr P....they weren't THICK either - unlike you..... This man is an insult to NUFC, along with the malevolent jelly that owns the club.
  11. Predictable result against a side who have a REAL manager, not a stool-pigeon who is the world's No1 Con-man. Never mind, we are NUFC, we are the most del - I mean, loyal - fans in the game and we will all dutifully turn up to witness more humiliation and dross at the earliest opportunity.... He'll be back soon....GIZ A WAVE !!.....
  12. Very poor stuff - negative, boring and safety-first football against a poor side. Passing sideways, backwards is always the preferred option for many in the side...only Anita and to a lesser degree, Tiote, tried to get the forwards any service at all and the lack of movement off the ball was chronic. NUFC are a side going through the motions. Cisse missed at least 3 gilt-edged chances before he finally scored and the goal was actually timed as almost 4 minutes into injury time when we should only have had 3...no sympathy for Pulis but we would have complained bitterly if this had happened to us at OT when Ferguson was in charge..... We shouldn't be surprised....no Cabaye, no Remy(and unlikely to be next season)and no Debuchy...we looked what we are, a side with little real class and pedestrian. Those who didn't renew their STs have made a good decision....
  13. I have been wary of Ashley's motives for buying NUFC ever since he did his best to alienate the fans during the KK disaster....he has done little since to allay any suspicions people may have about his real motives and the fact that he wants to asset-strip the club in this way indicates he is actively trying to put the club into a position where it will be almost impossible to expand the stadium or use the land for club development that would bring in income. You can't avoid the feeling that he is going to bail out soon and is doing maximum damage to the club's future not only to salve his own ego re the fans, but to do favours for his mates in the game like those at Spurs, who would be one of the clubs most threatened by an NUFC with ambitious and wealthy owners. The only alternative to expanding SJP in future would be a move away, probably from the city itself and he knows how upsetting that would be for many fans
  14. This - never felt as negative towards the club even in the days of McKeag and Co.....even if I was invited, I won't be going through the gates of SJP until this regime is over - just like KK, I am finished with them .
  15. Predictable result against a very poor team - we look toothless without Remy's pace up front and willingness to run at defenders with the ball. Cisse showed just how lacking in pace he really is, because his efforts today compared very poorly with Remy. de Jong is more of a target/lay off type of forward(which we do need)but his effectiveness is lessened when he hasn't got Remy alongside him. We will struggle badly next season when Remy has gone...... We missed Debuchy's forays down the flank as well because MYM just hasn't got his attacking flair or ability to cross a ball on the run. Fulham were dire - worse even than Palace and that's saying something - the fact that we never looked like beating them says it all. We are a club without ambition and that stems from the top - there will be more results like this next season..IF we manage to get into the safety position that we are in now because the players have no incentive to aim any higher and that also is the view from the top. There will be a very bad season ahead if Ashley and Co try to make do without signing adequate replacements for Remy and Cabaye....not to mention Colo if indeed he leaves. Still.....GIZ A WAVE..!.....OH, WAIT.....
  16. Just how much of a debt has he racked up for Asley to 'have something over' him and force him to do his bidding? SanToon suggests 'several thousand pounds', but considering he's flush enough to drop £160,000 in a week just to get to nuzzle a Tiger, I suspect you might think it's more than that. How do you know that he is paying from his own pocket..? Wouldn't be at all surprised if Ashley was paying these fines by giving Pardew a 'bonus'....esp likely in the case of the 60,000. Mike 'splash the cash' Ashley dipping into his own pocket? I can't see it. How much would it cost him if he had to get rid of Pardew and hire a decent manager..?
  17. Just how much of a debt has he racked up for Asley to 'have something over' him and force him to do his bidding? SanToon suggests 'several thousand pounds', but considering he's flush enough to drop £160,000 in a week just to get to nuzzle a Tiger, I suspect you might think it's more than that. How do you know that he is paying from his own pocket..? Wouldn't be at all surprised if Ashley was paying these fines by giving Pardew a 'bonus'....esp likely in the case of the 60,000.
  18. If Pardew had been banned for 70 games it wouldn't have been long enough...just face facts, whilst Ashley is here, this clown is going to be showing his hypocritical cheesy grin round SJP for all that time. GIZ A WAVE..!!!
  19. How much money had Moyes been able to spend when Everton were in trouble..? Remind me again, HOW much did NUFC have to spend to bail out Pardew in January last year and even after that, we just missed going down by ONE point..?? A paltry amount, I thought was the consensus on here? No matter how much Everton spent, Moyes' target at the start of that season won't have been a million miles from ours. What sort of record for being sacked did Moyes have compared to Pardew before they joined their respective clubs..? Totally irrelevant to whether nearly getting relegated is a sacking offence Has Moyes been involved in as many controversial incidents as Pardew..?? Also totally irrelevant You are just a Pardew apologist . No, just not necessarily hell-bent on slaughtering him at every turn. If you really think that the points you call 'totally irrelevant' are indeed that, I wouldn't put you in charge of a whelk stall...I suppose you would think its 'totally irrelevant' if you found out that a Fund manager with dodgy history was in charge of your financial affairs and your investments were struggling... Try harder next time.....
  20. merlin

    Dan Gosling

    Maybe he's been betting on how long NUFC will continue to keep paying bog-standard players like him....
  21. How much money had Moyes been able to spend when Everton were in trouble..? Remind me again, HOW much did NUFC have to spend to bail out Pardew in January last year and even after that, we just missed going down by ONE point..?? What sort of record for being sacked did Moyes have compared to Pardew before they joined their respective clubs..? Has Moyes been involved in as many controversial incidents as Pardew..?? You are just a Pardew apologist . I thought we should have been spending much more than we were? Which means what in the context of this subject..?
  22. merlin

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    We are a big club, we just need a owner and manager to realise it. The only thing Ashley wants big is his over-stuffed wallet and king-sized ego - he is the world's expert at making a football club small.....everything about NUFC is small-time now, the board, the manager, many of the players and, worst of all, the thinking of the supporters who have been well and truly suckered by this guy and his propaganda.
  23. How much money had Moyes been able to spend when Everton were in trouble..? Remind me again, HOW much did NUFC have to spend to bail out Pardew in January last year and even after that, we just missed going down by ONE point..?? What sort of record for being sacked did Moyes have compared to Pardew before they joined their respective clubs..? Has Moyes been involved in as many controversial incidents as Pardew..?? You are just a Pardew apologist .
  24. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/alan-pardew-headbutt-newcastle-boss-3221684 Looks like fat Ash is going to appoint new managing director in the summer. At any decent club, Pardew would have been fired last season following our near-miss with relegation - even fairly moderate clubs would have sacked him after this latest breach of discipline on top of the other recent examples. The fact that Ashley is keeping him shows 1) How pathetically little Ashley knows about football and 2) he doesn't give a toss about the club's reputation or how we are viewed around the world. The man is beyond belief.
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