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Everything posted by merlin

  1. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    It's not going to happen. Not yet, anyway. Does that mean you think Llambias has to be fired before Pardew goes....?
  2. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Can anyone name one of the players who has improved dramatically under Pardew's management..? I suppose some will drag up Krul, but then he gets plenty of practice, doesn't he..? Cabaye, Tiote, Sissoko and Anita have all become worse players under his - er - coaching...nobody can deny that and the number of injuries we get is incredible. It all can't be a coincidence and as for playing EL football, we had a joint Cup run in 1975-76 under Gordon Lee where we had replays piling up as well as important league games to play...AND we had a smaller squad than this, so no excuses. We got to Wembley.. If the players like him its probably because he bulls-its the fans/media into believing none of it is either his or their faults because they are 'tired'. Its pathetic.
  3. merlin

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    This post blows my mind. Same with half the 'might as well sell him' posts in here tbh. Madness. Think a lot of people are just accepting reality that we are in no position to hang on to quality players after this season if they want to leave. Unless we replace the manager and let him rightly take the blame for this disaster of a season how can the club look players like Cabaye in the eye and promise it will be better next season? After he and many others have been sold a lie by Pardew about the style of football and the direction we were heading. This is the reality of being in a relegation battle while trying still reputation wise trying to build. This season has set us back and it will show in the summer when star players are looking for a club which offers winning football and chances to win medals, that chances of that happening at newcastle under Pardew is somewhere slightly north of zero. Yes - agree with this, its just telling it like it is.
  4. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Back in the 50s we had a small midfield player called Ernie Taylor playing for us and in those days, there really were some hard men about. Taylor had a great career at Newcastle and then at his later clubs, laying on one of the goals for Jackie Milburn in the 1951 Final against Blackpool. His small stature wasn't a problem for him but he did have the likes of Joe Harvey and Scoular to be his 'heavy' if the going got rough..... Gallacher was 5'5'' but could out-jump much taller players and dish out plenty of stick too although he was, by all accounts , brilliant with it. If you have talent and play in a balanced side size shouldn't really matter unless you are a CB or CF.... Anita does NOT play in a balanced or progressive side......
  5. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Are we fighting agains relegation because Vurnon Anita isn't physical enough? No, move on. Just mentioned in the Tiote thread, I think the reason Anita is struggling is there's just no movement for him when he's on the ball, which for a player from the Ajax academy must be pretty bewildering. Pardew needs to be putting a lot more focus on our off the ball movement. A LOT more. Ironically we'll get to see what this should look like at West Brom this weekend... This is the crux of the whole problem - we are a static team and there are few options for the man with the ball when we gain possession.....this results in us surrendering it again quickly bringing more pressure from the opposing team etc etc.
  6. Why would we with Pardew and Llambias running the show..?
  7. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    You may have noticed that very few of them are from the UK, let alone the NE...why should they feel any loyalty, especially if they are being asked to play in a way that doesn't use their talents properly, or offer the chance of success. Would YOU stay with a company that was run by a poor manager out of loyalty if you were offered a better job ..?
  8. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Although a couple of sides have also overachieved. Swansea and West Brom? And Southampton, and also arguably Norwich until recently. Overachieved..? You mean like we did last season....?
  9. I agree Wullie - but mainly because I don't think A) is going to be an option anyway. We would waste another season.
  10. shut up man Yes - shows that if you give someone enough rope they will hang themselves....
  11. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Learning from his mistakes? Been waiting for this for a looooong time now tbh. Overall he probably doesn't even know what he does wrong, or refuses to see how s*** he is. Sack the snakey c*** asap if you ask me! Get rid and move on. What 'learning from his mistakes' did he do at his other clubs..??
  12. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    I hope Ashley doesn't mind losing some of these blue chip players who we worked so hard to sign then, because another mediocre season next year and some of them will want out. They certainly will, and before the season ends too - be gone in January although I expect at least one departure in summer if Pardew stays. I wouldn't blame any of them either, although some haven't covered themselves with glory of late...
  13. Tiote was a revelation when he was first signed under Hughton - he has gone steadily downhill under Pardew's managment, and it is no coincidence to me that other players we signed in January have also declined since joining the club. There HAS to be a connection and if Ferguson wanted to sign Tiote last season but was put off by the 20m fee, he must have seen something in the player. I don't believe the Tiote we saw making his debut against Everton has suddenly lost his strengths of winning the ball, being available for a pass, and then passing sensibly and accurately....remember, SBR got Shearer scoring again almost immediately after taking over from Gullit because he saw that the player wasn't using the strengths he possessed...all down to the manager.....
  14. What you should have said is that he won't change his philosophy because a) he hasn't got the ability to bring the best out of players and b) ' because we pulled 150,000 fans in our last 3 home games..you see, they enjoy being bored stiff and they aint going nowhere fast..!!''
  15. I agree with the general gist of this although the club did have to dissociate themselves with hooligans wearing the club colours. There is no doubt, though, that they would use the incident to cover deficiencies which were blatantly obvious on the pitch because they know how furious most of the fans are with losing the derby like this.
  16. That's just it - we aren't... Some want to defend Pardew under any circumstances(justifiable if he had any sort of long-term track record of success as a manager, which he hasn't) and the majority want him gone like yesterday. How can such divided opinions be on the same side when each thinks that their opinion is best for NUFC ??
  17. You really shouldn't have bothered with the edit, it makes you look like a tit. Yep - a pointless and silly comment. People have a right to vote what they like based on their opinion of how the team is playing and the likely results from the teams we have to play. Based on Sunday's performance, how could anyone see points coming from the home games with Liverpool and Arsenal ? Likewise, based on our appalling away record, how could anyone see points from WBA, W.Ham or even QPR if Remy is in the mood..? Fortunately, football is not based on logic therefore we have a reasonable chance of getting 4 points from these games ; if we fail, we deserve to go down and in my view, it would be entirely Pardew's fault because of the money spent in Jan and his inability to fashion a decent side from these signings. It is stupid, though, to deride people who voted higher than 4 - anyone can see we are still in a very dangerous position and the 'teams around us' are mostly in better form than we are.....
  18. You need to remove those specs you borrowed from Pardew - they were by far the more dangerous side and could easily have scored more ; Taylor lucky to escape a pen award for shirt-pulling in the box for starters... We were second best in every department bar goalkeeper, mainly due to Pardew's lousy selections and hopeless, outdated tactics. Whilst he remains at the club, there will be more days like these.....
  19. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    If Pardew is retained after the summer, NUFC will continue to decline and fail - a club the size and potential of NUFC is failing when fighting relegation and that is what will happen. What will NOT happen is a steady improvement in the club's fortunes and that is what the club should be aiming at. If they keep Pardew, they might as well do what an old friend of mine said they should do after he became disillusioned at the lack of success following the 50s when he used to follow them. He said ; 'They haven't a clue how to run or build a successful club ; they should knock the place down and build flats on it'........ I can see exactly how he felt.......
  20. Christ. All this trouble off the field has damaged the image of our club enormously. We appear now as if we have fans who can't take a Derby defeat, and this after we had tanked them 5-1 2 years ago, and a few years earlier, 4-1 at their place for heavens' sake.... Obviously, I know that as ever, this is a minority who have brought our name into disrepute but it is the majority who suffer for these things....who knows what under-the-counter deals will be done by the PL in order to punish the fans - you can draw your own conclusions and we are in a relegation battle now...... Fights are nothing new at Derby games , even dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, but they tended to be isolated affairs - this is something else and most of us on here will be disgusted by those who have brought disgrace on our club - the last thing we needed on a very bad day for Newcastle United. No excuse whatsoever for this shambles.
  21. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    not many defend him, it's more some (me included) dont blame him for cabaye being cack the last few weeks, for sissoko being likewise, i doubt he told debuchy to look ordinary. for all i think pardew should be getting more from our squad theres still a nagging in my back of my mind from stoke and fulham about playing in europe and the effect it has. which is why I believe he should be allowed to start next season and see how we're doing then if there's no improvement (assuming all goes well transfer wise and theres no sudden grenade taken to the squad ala carroll deadline day) then would be the time to sack him but he imho should be given the chance to prove last season wasn't a fluke ....and then, after 10 games when we are massively under-performing, we sack him and have precisely ZILCH choice of managers because all that are half-decent are now in jobs and you can't approach them until the close-season...not that we are going to be given massive choice anyway under the current regime..? No - he HAS to go in summer and a new guy given the full pre-season to work with the players - it will take at least that long to get rid of all Pardew's bad coaching.
  22. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Agreed here. Players need to take some blame too. Cabaye is nowhere near as good as what some people make him to be. Harsh, Cabaye hasn't been good of late, but Cabaye is one of our best players man. He runs his socks off and is very precise in his passing game. He's one of the few creative outlets. Unfortunately he's sitting deep and apparently carrying a knock. I'd rest him, he hasn't had a rest since he left Lille with the Euro last year and all. Yes, and apparently, Alex Ferguson doesn't think he's overrated either...!
  23. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    If you believe that, then do you want Graham Carr sacked..? He recommended them after all, and plenty thought we had got bargains.....
  24. Game was basically lost when Gutierrez, who shouldn't have been at LB anyway, made a disastrous pass which they fed to Sessegnon who did the rest although I thought Krul should have made a better attempt at saving his shot - well placed but not too much pace on it. Pardew was totally out-thought and dominated by Di Canio - his timidity as a manager there for all to see by his selection of Gutierrez instead of Haidara at LB and the usual yawning gap between m/f and attack. Off ball movement among the players is virtually non-existent and that made it easy for Sunderland to snuff out attacks....how many REAL chances did we create..?? Pardew showed his colours once again by bringing on Shola far too soon - HBA did help when he first arrived as a sub but he was nowhere near as effective for us as Sessegnon was for them although we gave him far too much room in the middle. The game was effectively over when Johnson got their second...we don't usually score more than once....... Regrettably, this is probably the start of a period of being second-best in the worthless 'NE Top Dog' contest unless Pardew goes and is replaced by a better manager - Di Canio had clearly instilled belief and organization into his side, who played better than for months but we made it easy for them. Pardew has been exposed totally as a manager who is not god enough for our club...or any of the others he was with and who fired him. Whether Ashley is bothered enough - or knows enough about recruiting a manager - to send him on his way is debatable and the small matter of scraping another 4 points is looming large .....
  25. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Yes - you are right BG ; Ashley will put up with Pardew as long as STs are selling, but today was a step too far for many fans. A large percentage of supporters have reluctantly gone alomg with Pardew's dire football partly because the team was winning last season and partly because the lack of spending last summer gave him and excuse in some eyes. Today will have had the scales falling from many eyes and the utter humiliation given by both the defeat and Pardew's total exposure at the hands of Di Canio(who totally rubbed the fans of NUFC in the dirt)will have many thinking that the outlay isn't worth the football entertainment on offer. If ST sales show any sign of dropping off, Pardew will be gone during the summer but that is what it would take - Ashley and Llambias haven't a clue when it comes to football matters but they will learn a sharp lesson which is that in the end, the fans will force their hands.
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