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Everything posted by Peder75

  1. On the plus side Krul, Smith, Caroll, Saylor and the short bit we got to see of Barton. If this is one of the top teams we just met, I'm not worried.
  2. Can't wait for monday. Now is our chance. Please do something right for once this season.
  3. Swedish commentator says Butt has a knee injury... hope it lasts.
  4. Not the first time Shola is offside on a set piece like that. He has no clue when to move back into onside position.
  5. Parker for me too. Since Speed left there has been a void in our midfield and I had high hopes Parker would be the man to fill it.
  6. Hamburg looks really strong at the moment. Top of Bundesliga and 10 wins in their last 11 games.
  7. Peder75


    I'm surprised none before Optomystyc Knight had Raylor in their eleven. Our corners and freekicks has been on another level since he joined. Raylor also did quite well when he played in a central position after Nolan was sent off. He would be my first choice in a three man midfield too.
  8. Turnover is not equal profit. Huge difference. The thread title and article is misleading.
  9. Something some of you seem to forget is one of the most importent things, motivation. It was clear already after the loss against Liverpool, which Given branded the lowest point in his career, that he didn't had the motivation anymore to fight day in and out with a team that only went downhill. Also when he joined City he said that he was really looking forward to the training on monday, like he had not done that for awhile in Newcastle. Based on this I think he left in just the right time. I rather have an eager Harper that now has the chance to show he can fill the void from Given, then having an unmotivated goalkeeper, that just wished he played in a better team.
  10. Second clean sheet in a row, and away. I'm not too unhappy with that. Good to see our defence playing as well as they do.
  11. That's something I've seen to little of in our defence before. Bassong quickly taking Enriques position for that attack and at the same time ordering Enrique to move in to the middle. Good communication between our defenders.
  12. If you asked me that question before JK took over I would say Shola any day. But with the physical presence Shola shown up front in the last few games, he will give the other striker some extra needed space to work on. Right now it's Martins and Owen fighting for the other place.
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