Totally, he changes the whole feel of a game, teams have to dedicate a load of thought and manpower to stopping him. If he was a better crosser he'd be amazing, as he is he's very useful.
For me the crossing thing isn't the issue, he's not that type of winger. If he has someone who is quick/mobile and making runs off him I see him playing little slide rule balls into space when attacking the other team - the opposition need 2 players on Jonas or he's gone so that should open space for anyone mobile (HBA presumably being the idea) to exploit.
Routledge is more the stereotypical winger putting in the crosses for Carroll when he gets a yard.
Could end up being a nice mix tbh, as was Ginola/Gillespie...last thing you want is identical wingers.
Aye, i'd hate two Laurent Roberts. We'd get nowhere.