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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. So they want a dream team pairing of their most successful post war manager and greatest top flight goal scorer.


    Just shows you how lifting the club is when that pairing is Sewpa Kev and Peyter Reid!!!

  2. Look at how much coverage the Etihad etc gets. It's great for global exposure.


    How would be people feel about the Stadium being rebranded under these?


    They may well have to in order to get round financial fair play in the same way Man City do. Who’s to say they wouldn’t want to build another ground? Quite frankly doesn’t bother me. Sports Direct did because it made us no money and the brand is shite!

  3. Okay, so what would turn Newcastle fans off of Staveley (and Al Maktoum)?


    He owns a place in Blanchland, my favorite place, so nowt for me, I would also like to see Ashley as the owner of SAFC I think its a good fit.


    Ashley and Pardew, back in the premiership, happy to tread water, happy to take a spanking off us twice a season, that'll do.


    It would be music to my ears when those immortal words came from their mouths “we can’t compete with a sovereign state like Noocarsel”. Imagine the meltdown on Ready to Groom ???

  4. Just wait until Jan when Short sells anything that isn't nailed down, including tangible assets, not just players.


    He might just try and get rid of a few thousand pink seats. May as well. Not like anyone will be using them

  5. I wonder if they'll use the Shields v Hartlepool game as an excuse for a poor turn out day over on ready to groom ??


    EDIT: Had a look and found some threads already alluding to this. ???

  6. Don't you have to register payments to agents though? That sounds like a potentially sticky wicket for us, from an FA point of view.


    Given the fact that some of the players in question contributed to our demise maybe we could argue for a points addition as opposed to a points deduction. We certainly gained no sporting advantage from the likes of Sissoko and Marveaux!!!

  7. Fucking cunt turned down a move due to geographical reasons [emoji38]


    Hull is literally a millions miles from Newcastle  [emoji38]

    Jesus fucking christ.  It's easily under 200 miles.


    143 mile. The cunts probably got a caravan at Whitley Bay for his hols. If he still feels the same when his contract ends I hope the fucker enjoys his 20 quid a game turning out for Ashington

  8. NDAs are normally full of legal caveats. If anyone has signed these with regards to selling the club surely even the vague detail put out by the chronicle could jeopardise any deal. Nothing to see here.

  9. 380m will include the debt surely? He essentially owes himself the money now?


    The 20m knockdown is probably the 20m he's promised the players if we win the FA Cup. He did say he'd only sell when we won something!

  10. At least shepherd was a fan of the club, he just made some ridiculous decisions.


    Based on the logic of the Mansoors wanting to buy the club from Ashley I'd say it's a safe bet that they'd have snapped us up from Shepherd and Hall..... or we'd have been bought by an even bigger cunt than Ashley

  11. From next match and until he leaves or dies we should cover the stadium with Ashley out signs and keep on cheering the players and Rafa.


    Apart from the fact the banners would get confiscated :/


    Maybe we could coordinate loads of people to go to tills in his shit shops with basketfuls of items, get the cashier to ring it all in to the till and decide they only want the socks. See how that fucker likes it. Very much like his transfer policy

  12. The club spending next to no money makes it a talking point. Everyone outside of Newcastle thinks we're a bunch of deluded arseholes.


    Creating a bit of drama keeps us relevant and therefore advertising shite direct by stealth. If we'd had a reasonable window we'd be in the background drifting to mid table mediocrity. That wouldn't sell Slazenger t shirts

  13. May be, just may be, he is going to meet a player and persuade him to come?


    Yeah. Either that or he's given it up as a lost cause and he's going home to get some dinner.


    He's went to drop Colback at St Peters metro station


    Looks like he's left enough room between his car and the kerb for another car to fit in. We're signing someone lads.


    Very close to the white line, wheel not straight, signing no one lads.


    why is he moonwalking away from his car? Fucking always showing off for the cameras.


    Probably come to tell Rafa to not bother. There's no money. It'll be like the scene in that Hitler video that everyone dubs. Rafa going beserk and eventually calming down because we've still got Dwight Gayle

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