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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. They've got cash turnstiles on today for the Leeds game!!!


    Just saw a couple of Facebook posts where people are hawking round to buy free tickets. Someone's told them they don't give them away anymore so full price it is.



  2. See some Chinese fella has just bought a lions share of Southampton for 210m which values them at around 265m


    With that logic there's no way on this planet anyone is greasing Ashley's palm with 600m. He'd be lucky to get what Southampton have, although arguably we should be worth more - so maybe 350m is a fair price in today's vastly inflated market....

  3. I'd imagine that the overdraft covers things like Opex(wages etc) whereas Capex (transfer fees etc) has to be cash in the bank.


    The fact we have so many players we don't want suggests we're probably at our limit or thereabouts as we strive to not breach the wages to turnover ratio which no doubt last year we smashed due to reduced revenues in the Champo. Probably want to consolidate this year and get back within those constraints.

  4. Probably doesn't really want to offer an opinion on the interview.


    To be honest a cynical part of me wonders if they're trying to drive him out using the media. I think The Scum referred to him as grumpy Newcastle manager today. Ashley might feel Rafa is throwing him under a bus so he's decided to have a go himself. Either that or he's a moron. More likely both :/

  5. More and more every day NUFC is an acronym for no use fucking crying.


    I first attended games in my teens in the dark days of the late 80s when things were bleak.


    We had the roller coaster 90s where we were able to far exceed expectations and the golden years of Robson where we again exceeded expectations.


    Ashley has proven to be bad for us. He's struck gold in persuading Rafa to join in the first place, and sadly all of Ashley's chickens are coming home to roost after years of mismanagement. Players on wages that they wouldn't get anywhere else because they're dogshit and now we have to wait until their contracts run down or wait until someone is mad enough to take a chance on them.


    Thing is, and I hate to say it but the snippets we've seen from Ashley's interview are right. We got promoted from the Championship by pretty much sustaining a Premier League operating model. We've probably now got a couple of years "transition" where we get rid of the deadwood and get back on a more level playing field with the rest of the division.


    And anyone who doesn't think Rafa knows this is crackers. Yes I think he probably thought there would be more cash and it doesn't help that Penfold is inept but he sees it as a project. I do reckon the problem is more to do with the wage bill than anything else though.


    Time to leave the bedwetting a few weeks. Get the transfer deadline out the way, see what we have then. For what it's worth I think we will be fine this season. Hopefully we will then kick on.....

  6. A few Mackems on my Facebook are going with the "one more point that the Jawdees spin". Have kindly pointed out that we took six points off Derby last year. Seems to have quietened the fuckers down

  7. I'm in no doubt we will bring the players in to fill the positions Rafa wants fill.


    I also think because of past experience there's a lot of putting two and two together and coming up with 5.


    Rafa is a pragmatic type of guy. We're newly promoted, do have some money to spend but the target this year is to consolidate. He will know our limitations for this year.


    The problem will come once we don't meet his ambitions to improve.


    Rafa will of course be trying to get the most money he can so will be playing the game cannily. I might just be being blindly optimistic but Rafa always talks about the project. No way were we going to blow our stack on having a go this year.....

  8. From what I can see the family are actually taking some solace from the extended coverage their little boy is receiving on Social Media. If they get some comfort at such a sad time when they're basically waiting for their son to die I personally can't see the harm in it.


    Irrespective of what people think it's a 6 year old boy who isn't going to last much longer. I was quite moved by the obvious affection that Defoe has for the little lad. There's only a handful of kids in the UK suffering from this rare form of cancer. Hopefully the awareness raised through little Bradley's plight and the funds can go part of the way to giving some others a fighting chance

  9. https://www.safc.com/news/club-news/2017/june/update-on-manager-position


    In talking to parties who have shown interest in acquiring the club, owner Ellis Short is determined to make sure that the best interests of Sunderland AFC are at the heart of any decision regarding its future.



    Aye, I'm sure he's really bothered who he sells it to (if any fucker is even remotely interested in them). :lol:


    He won't give a flying fuck who buys it from him should he somehow manage to find a buyer.


    "Ellis Short is determined to make sure that the best interests of Sunderland AFC are at the heart of any decision regarding its future."


    ;D ;D ;D



    Ellis Short wants to make sure he gets as much of his money back as possible....

  10. I'd even condone changing the words of a well known song


    I'm coming home Newcastle

    I might as well have been in Jail

    I'd walk the streets all day and night

    For a bowl of chicken chow mein

  11. I'd not be surprised if they're waiting until promotion is confirmed before they release any detail about who the sponsor is as that's likely to be a factor in the size of the deal and will have a bearing on name/numbering styles.....

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