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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. Thing is at this minute in time "doing a Leeds/Portsmouth/Southampton" might not be a bad thing for the long term future of the club. Yeah it will be humiliating and embarrassing etc but it would rid the club I believe of Ashley et all as we couldn't go that way under him because of his wealth I guess.


    The alternatives such as setting up a rival club might seem ridiculous might even be worth exploring and build up over the next 20 years or so as a credible alternative.


    I've not used my season ticket much at all this year as its not enjoyable any more. There's people there that take their kids to soak up the atmosphere and see us pit our wits against the likes of Man United who couldn't care a less that we lose because its to be expected. I don't think we have a god given right to success but a team that was remotely interested trying and a little bit of ambition wouldn't go a miss. We don't have an identity or purpose anymore, we are simply there to promote the tat emporium and remain members of an exclusive club which provides rich rewards to it's members through TV revenues.....


    I'd rather we had a team of cloggers in the conference who wanted to do their best....

  2. Howey mentioning a new owner coming in and destroying the club - ala Leeds and Pompey. :rolleyes:


    Big difference is they wont get Newcastle for the paltry amounts paid for Pompey and Leeds... Any new owner would be paying big money and would want to protect their investment

  3. One other factor to consider here is if we were a middle of the road Premier League team with no back page headlines (good or bad) it takes him and his tat brand out of the spotlight a little.


    If we're in the news albeit through controversy we're still making headlines, therefore his tat emporium stays in the news.


    Same as if he really was considering selling us. It wouldn't surprise me to see a condition of anyh sale that the SD advertising has to stay for a specified period, and he might even sign a 10 year shirt sponsorship deal before he sells us. Guess who wins again.......

  4. We're in a no win situation really. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The fact that we were all over last weeks news may have put a bit more pressure on Pardew, but what it also do is raise Mike Ashley's profile a bit more, and with it his tat emporium.  If nothing is said or done, exactly nothing happens. Sports Direct is a brand that appeals to people who want cheap sports stuff, apart from the people who genuinely want the best for our club, the rest probably couldn't give a shit, and see it as the football version of hollyoaks, but every article written about Ashley talks about his business therefore its more free advertising for him.


    Its not just with us though. He got plenty column inches about zero hours contracts. Publicity by association. Does your average chav give a shit that his tracksuit bottoms were sewn by a five year old earning 20p a day? It all keeps him in the news. Would Sports Direct get as much media attention if Ashley owned us? Not a jot....


    The only thing I cling on in hope to is that he will eventually go and play with Rangers, and grow his empire by franchising club shops at as many English clubs as he can, then leave us well alone. My head tells me he's here till the death.


    In that case, I'm out.....

  5. I'd suggest if Ashley hadn't of bought us, someone else would have....


    Hindsight is a wonderful thing......


    And anyone who doesn't think Ashley will get his money back is mad. No doubt in the last financial year we made a very healthy profit, and will do so this year, and should we stay up next year too. If that money doesn't get spent, does anyone honestly believe that money stays for the next owners?


    If we've made a 20 to 30 million pound profit last season and do so for the next two years the cash will be leaving the club with the owner. He might not have trousered it as some suggest on here, but Barclays will be keeping it safe for him, make no mistake about that....

  6. What makes it worse is having to listen to dimwits like a friend of mine who says "I'm not a true fan" as I'd take defeat and relegation if it meant getting rid of Pardew. He's a good manager apparently and its not his fault, and we've spent loads of money so we should give him a chance.


    Fuck my life, there's no end to the brainwashing that goes on... I'd rather we "did a Leeds" .

  7. I've supported the club for almost 30 years, and believe me in that time, I've seen us dish up some dross, the dark days when we almost got relegated to division 3, the playoff semi final defeat by the mackems, but to be honest, I think I'd rather have that than what we have today.


    Back then, we knew our place, we were an honest club, and when change was required we got it. McFaul was sacked as he was in it above his depth, Jim Smith got fired when he'd went as far as he could, Ardiles was replaced by Keegan and we almost won the league, and that team will be remembered for a long time.


    In the years that followed, we would begin the season with blind optimism, and we had some Wembley appearances, a day out in Cardiff, and some great European nights which most will remember for a long long time. Hell, we even had season upon season of European football which spoiled us a bit.


    When Ashley took over, I like most probably thought it was a new dawn, wealthy owner, be competitive, but the fella got his fingers burnt and thought bollocks with it.


    Well I'm now at the point where I'm saying bollocks to it as well. Spending upward of a couple of thousand quid a year to know before the season starts that its finished. No dreams of Wembley, no chance of sneaking in to Europe, and not even a hope in hell of being entertained in the right way.


    In the current climate I don't expect us to win the league, but I'd quite like to watch 11 honest blokes try their best and actually feel as proud as the people in the stands about the club. The previous regimes had their many faults, but none would have stood for the shit that Pardew spouts.


    I have two nephews who I take to the games now with me, and they're young, and don't understand really. But until there's some change in attitude or ownership at the club the only challenge I now have is finding someone to take these two to the match for the next 16 home games because I'm done.


    The only way I fear we will see off both Ashley and Pardew off is by getting the whole crowd behind a concerted campaign to discredit his beloved business. Quite how we get that to happen is beyond me. Sadly the majority seem happy to sit and suffer in silence, or they get replaced by chavvy kids paying a fiver to sit in seats that have cost ten times that much in the past who would shout toon army at a team of retarded monkeys and go home happy.


    I couldn't bring myself to even cheer the two goals yesterday. When you feel like that its time to go.

  8. Maybe they need to go after Ashley instead. Wonder how much one of those large advertising hoardings outside the ground costs. Nice sports direct advert featuring a lonsdale tracksuit with Jimmy Savile photoshopped on it. sports direct as worn by Jimmy Savile...

  9. Would love to see his face as our 52k were chanting that.



    I don't think they'd be a way back from that.



    This would be a quality way to get the message across.  Imagine first game of the season,  sky cameras picking it up too...  Needs to be a campaign to make this happen......

  10. Feel like the only difference between being in the Championship and the current ambitions is that in the championship we might win a trophy.

    which one ?


    The one for having the highest average attendance

  11. If they do go up maybe they will request home matches to be played when we're away... would help them a little, and the plod might actually want that anyway...

  12. Everyone in the crowd turn up in a white T-shirt with derisory comments about Sports Direct on them for all to see. Do this home and away for every match.... would have much more of an impact......

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