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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. I would rather watch us struggle at SJP than succeeding playing in some out of town stadium. SJP is our home, our identity and history which should never be forsaken for extra commercial revenue or some other bull s***. In this day and age where history and tradition means f*** all the only real thing we have going for us is our ground and our fan base, the very things that should never be traded or allowed to be corroded by commercialism. f*** a new stadium. I'd rather 30k than 60k if it meant moving.

    I understand how you feel - none of us want to leave SJP - but if the club was to have any hope of matching the PLs top sides we need a bigger stadium when the time is right. I certainly WOULDN'T want to stay at SJP if it meant capacity limited to 30,000...its small club thinking. Arsenal had to move from Highbury and that must have been just as much a wrench for their fans too.


    If we moved to get something bigger and better it would be hard to argue with. The club will be here longer than any of us and if I'm not going to see us win anything I'd much rather one of children/grand children did

  2. To be fair there's some sensible comments on the Nonceson thread on ready to groom but either the rest are WUM or are all on the cusp of being nonces themselves. Just build a big wall and add HMP and be done with it

  3. Genuine guess: Coral.


    Already have a relationship with the club, don't currently sponsor a PL side, loadsa money.


    Good shout.


    Probably not - they're merging with Ladbrokes and will be going through a rebrand. Paddy Power perhaps? Other left field one could be Ryanair? Recently launched shed loads of new flights from Newcastle including a direct flight to Madrid

  4. Just found out the Premiership season (notice I didnt say their season) doesn't  finish till two weeks after the championship season so there may be no chance for enjoying their hopeful demise in our ground.


    There'll be plenty of tickets going. We could enjoy it with them in their hovel.

  5. With the way football is right now I wouldn't be surprised if we arranged a collection for them and clapped on some irrelevant minute.


    15th minute for their hero then donate the cash to a charity supporting teenage girls who have been the victim of grooming. It's what they would want.

  6. A pal of mine who generally isn't far away with what he says reckon Charnely is the one at risk of losing his job

    Mind to give more details?  We wont trust 100% no worries but do have interest to know why.


    It appears to be Charnleys inability to do his job that didn't get players over the line and Carrs meddling. Ashley being ill advised. Rafa not furious at Ashley. He's furious with his cohorts

  7. Didn't the announcement say he had control of all footballing matters? That doesn't mean he will set budgets etc.


    Plus everyone's assuming that we fucked up getting townsend. If Palace want to keep a player they've got under contract I'd say we have't got any control over that. Plus who could we buy that would be as good as Shelvey that could make the step up to the Premier League next year at a sensible price who would be prepared to drop to the Championship?


    Mountains out of molehills and I've always been a massive sceptic of Mike Ashley

  8. What's to say Townsend didn't just decide he wanted to stay and help keep Palace up? We've been very restricted when you look at who/what we've been linked to. We don't want to spunk shitloads of cash now on players who won't cut the mustard in the premier league. Sheff Wed have spent 10m quid on Jordan Rhodes! He couldn't get a game for Boro who aren't prolific.


    We've decided to stick. Let's see what Rafa says in the coming days and more importantly look to the summer. If things start to go wrong there then yes there's a problem. But for now let's just hope we do what we need to in order to be promoted

  9. Wouldn't call Villa a rival at this stage. They're 22 points behind us with 19 games left. They'd have to do better than us by 22 points from the 57 available. Not going to happen.


    There's still 3 hours or so to go. Be nice to bring a couple in but don't think we will suffer too much if we don't.

  10. Ulloa would be an alright signing for them if they can get it done but it seems Ranieri has no interest in selling him.


    Ulloa has just tweeted he won't play for LCFC again.


    Perhaps that may be the case but why would they sell to a rival at the bottom of the table? I dare say we'd have more chance of getting him if we wanted him. It would massively bite Leicester on the arse if he went to the mackems and kept them up at their expense

  11. If we win our game in hand there will once again be a 9 point essentially 10 point gap between us and third place. We beat the team currently occupying 3rd spot 4-1 and comfortably beat the team in 4th away from home. From 18 games remaining those teams have to get better results than us in 4 games to get above us. I just can't see it as long as we keep our focus.

  12. We need to take a step back here like.


    So we're not in the Premier League, so it's going to be difficult to attract players of the calibre we will covet once promoted. It's hard to see who we could bring in who wouldn't want big money over and above what we can currently afford. Clubs don't want to loan out players who they might need when they are trying to get the odd extra million or so in TV money by finishing 14th.


    It's very much a sellers market. I'm also in no doubt that when we go up Rafa will be given what the club can realistically afford to give him. Rafa may be ambitious but he will also be pragmatic. He won't be expecting Chelsea levels of investment - for now. There will be a plan to be a near top half team next year with year on year improvement. He will also have cast iron assurances in writing I'm in no doubt. If Ashley reneges on these it will cost him just as much to let him leave. I have a feeling he's learned a lesson and he's been given a chance to keep the fans off his back for good.


    Let's just enjoy the rest of the season, hopefully go up and reevaluate where we are when pre season comes around again.


    I think people have to realise we aren't a premier league club. At the moment at least

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