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Everything posted by Munkey

  1. aye, same. baffled by it yesterday and now 'meh' bordering on happy. i know he scored canny important goals and is apparently a major factor in the dressing room, but surely he wouldn't get into the first team next year with Barton, Tiote, Cabayo and Gosling in central mid.
  2. grand pic of Hernandez after his dive.. looks terrified of Simpson http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3873/newcastlevmanunitedjavi.jpg
  3. christ...that'll do...class game..think i'll just go off and have a heart attack now..
  4. who the fuck thought fat sam would be a good commentator...he's shite..
  5. grand start so far..just hope manu don;t catch them on the break
  6. got 2 VIP tickets for the game last night. ..was unbelievable the atmosphere...game...outstanding. the only thing that detracted from it was the completely shite ref and linemen..totally useless.. Wilshire was absolutely immense last night. as was Koscielny.. one of the best moments of my life so far
  7. that has got to be the most exhausting game i've ever listened to...i'm in shock
  8. fucking hell...just turned the sodding radio on and 2 nil down....
  9. me dad mentioned that a sunderland fan hit harper..anyone know anythin about that?
  10. wish the fuckin commentator would shut up about the last game against stevenage...
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