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Everything posted by Munkey

  1. really wanted to have a wander along tonight but have bloody work to do...well pissed off..
  2. didn't realise the Effra showed football...had a long wander around on Boxing Day trying to find somewhere and there was nada...even went to Clapham and there was nothing..
  3. the west brom game on monday? may have a wander along to that pub watch it..no bloody pub in Brixton shows the newcastle games
  4. i know that one - was done out a while ago. used to look like a bit of a dump but looked grand the last time i walked by
  5. Munkey


    http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_5700957,00.html "Former Wimbledon and Newcastle United boss Joe Kinnear has revealed his interest in becoming the next Scotland coach. " I'm sure that would go down well with the Scots.....
  6. fuckin hell...doncaster usually couldn't score in a brothel...why do they manage now...bastards
  7. Munkey

    London Mags

    aye, i know it. it's on the other side of Brockwell Park from where i am - can (vaguely) remember getting hammered around there when London was shut down because of the snow earlier on in the year
  8. Munkey

    London Mags

    i live just off Brixton Hill, near the White Horse pub (if you know it).
  9. Munkey

    London Mags

    sounds grand, i'll have to have a wander there for the next Newcastle game that i'm around for. been in London for 5 years but tend to keep in Brixton to watch the games.
  10. Munkey

    RIP sale thread.

    ashley will probably find some bloody reason to drag it out further....probably until transfer deadline day,
  11. Munkey

    Radio 5 Live

    probably as a podcast or you'll be able to listen to it on the iPlayer
  12. Munkey

    Radio 5 Live

    aye, that's fair enough but it's not his job to interrupt people and not let them finish making their point. he's done that a few times so far.
  13. Munkey

    Radio 5 Live

    can Clem not just let the people talk without fuckin interrupting every time..damn annoying
  14. Munkey

    Radio 5 Live

    aye, the bloke does come across like a complete muppet
  15. Munkey

    Radio 5 Live

  16. it says that "Joe Kinner says that..."..hopefully the cunt is either making it up or he turns it down. absolute bastard joke
  17. Munkey

    RIP sale thread.

    as far as i remember, he never left the BBC. he was on a 'sabbatical'/ allowed leave from his punditry to help Newcastle for the last few games of the season.
  18. gutted...a total legend.. RIP
  19. yeah i had that today - manu fans gloating that they signed the little sheep-shagging twat. even when i said that i couldn't give a shite that the mercenary little prick's gone they still rambled on and on about it
  20. Munkey

    RIP sale thread.

    how come it seems that with every other club takeovers go relatively easy..but with this club they're a long, drawn out, painful process..
  21. thought nufc said today was d-day...either way i canna see anything happening...didn't they also say that shearer's out of the country and won't be back till monday?
  22. not as devastated as i expected to be. slightly depressed but, as people have said, it was expected given the performances of the past season. will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks and months regarding a clean out and rebuilding process
  23. will be playing football then will be going down to the pub to watch it - planning on getting steaming drunk no matter the result. will be somewhere around Brixton anyway and i canna remember seeing that many newcastle fans around there will have to put up with the jibes from me mates who are mainly arsenal fans...bastards
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