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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Man the barricades! Yeah, he's really coining it at our expense. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/
  2. They have got to be taking the piss. Can't believe I'm saying this but, after reading that pukey drivvel I think I preferred it when they just hurled insults and sang "sack the board" Are we going to have a "join hands for Keegan" moment ? That would certainly enhance the protest experience. Damned if they do.... How will you contribute to raising the desire to speak in a unified voice? By coming on here and arguing with the naysaying divvies. I'm afraid you've drifted a bit "off message" here. Please internalise the core message "unity is strength" and adjust your hemline accordingly. So there's nothing whatsoever they can do that you'll approve of?
  3. Your core audience don't have an option. 90% of people on here don't have a season ticket and won't be buying one.
  4. They have got to be taking the piss. Can't believe I'm saying this but, after reading that pukey drivvel I think I preferred it when they just hurled insults and sang "sack the board" Are we going to have a "join hands for Keegan" moment ? That would certainly enhance the protest experience. Damned if they do.... How will you contribute to raising the desire to speak in a unified voice? By coming on here and arguing with the naysaying divvies.
  5. If it was that easy to milk money from the club why was John Hall looking to sell for so long before Ashley's arrival? Both Hall and Shepherd's family had their fingers in the pie, why would they want to get out? http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/feb/11/newcastle-united-freddy-shepherd-john-hall So basically the Shepherds were making a lot more out of the club than the halls by the time Ashley bought it. Stands to reason that Hall was happy to sell and Shepherd less so, even though both were making money from the club. It would have taken John hall decades to earn as much from his salary as selling up put in his palm of his hand overnight.
  6. They have got to be taking the piss. Can't believe I'm saying this but, after reading that pukey drivvel I think I preferred it when they just hurled insults and sang "sack the board" Are we going to have a "join hands for Keegan" moment ? That would certainly enhance the protest experience. Damned if they do....
  7. sums up the lop sided view of too many people. I don't have a defence for all of us lop sided people, all I can say is that (like it or not) a football club is a business. Just as money coming in from merchandise doesn't have to be spent on making new merchandise (i.e. it could be spent on staff/players/stadium), money brought in from player sales doesn't automatically have to go straight back on players. You'd have thought it would be when there's no cover whatsoever in several positions though, no?
  8. you havent exactly covered yourself in glory these last few days either. oh well. How so?
  9. No, I don't think Brown did a good job. I don't think Shepherd did either. Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy. We need to spend our way out of it. Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both. However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities. Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good. I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway. The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this. That's because Keegan bought the good players even though he wasn't allowed to buy players so he was forced to leave because Dennis Wise wouldn't let him buy them...or something. You're making yourself look daft mate.
  10. No, I don't think Brown did a good job. I don't think Shepherd did either. Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy. We need to spend our way out of it. Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both. However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities. Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good. I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway. The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this. I've made the improved squad argument myself. It says more about the overpaid shite we had on the books than the top quality we've brought in though. Either way, I've said it before, we could have Man U's squad and Joe Kinnear wouldn't have many more points.
  11. No, I don't think Brown did a good job. I don't think Shepherd did either. Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy. We need to spend our way out of it.
  12. Keegan was in charge for a short spell. I thought Keegan left precisely because he wasn't? You think he had no input whatsoever.
  13. I think they've started mixing up the stewards so some are the new beefcakes and some are the non-threatening bean poles. Seems to have been working much better the last few games.
  14. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. The rate of our downfall under the previous board was alarming, and we were headed down at a great speed. The only positive thing Ashley has done is to soften the drop and we will hope that he will bring that drop to a grinding halt. Just. Then we can start to build again. Though we were in the UEFA cup in Shepherds last season at the club. Another meaningless stat in the context of the actual reality of the situation. I'll be amazed if Ashley gets us into europe at any point. The thing about Shepherd was, he was a twat for hiring some shite managers. For sacking some good ones. For doing it at the wrong times. For taking millions out of the club in dividends and for spouting some shit in the press and on tape....but even with all that, there were only 2 seasons in 10 that Newcastle didn't get into Europe. He didn't accept mediocrity. He was well-meaning and had big ambitions no one has ever argued that. Spending big and fighting relegation is a recipe for disaster, and we were doing that more and more in the last 3-4 years, whatever stats you throw at it. As a club we weren't structured from top to bottom for fighting relegation. Now we are. Woo hoo. How are we suddenly now structured from top to bottom to fight relegation? What on earth does that even mean? Taken from the article you can find by clicking the link in my sig....
  15. Did that actually ever happen?? Nah, but neither did due dilligence, Keegan in charge of transfers, clearing the debt or any kind of spending in the transfer windows so I'm going to work the propoganda machine as much as them to make blatant lies perceived wisdom.
  16. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. The rate of our downfall under the previous board was alarming, and we were headed down at a great speed. The only positive thing Ashley has done is to soften the drop and we will hope that he will bring that drop to a grinding halt. Just. Then we can start to build again. Though we were in the UEFA cup in Shepherds last season at the club. Another meaningless stat in the context of the actual reality of the situation. I'll be amazed if Ashley gets us into europe at any point. The thing about Shepherd was, he was a twat for hiring some shite managers. For sacking some good ones. For doing it at the wrong times. For taking millions out of the club in dividends and for spouting some shit in the press and on tape....but even with all that, there were only 2 seasons in 10 that Newcastle didn't get into Europe. He didn't accept mediocrity. He was well-meaning and had big ambitions no one has ever argued that. Spending big and fighting relegation is a recipe for disaster, and we were doing that more and more in the last 3-4 years, whatever stats you throw at it. As a club we weren't structured from top to bottom for fighting relegation. Now we are. Woo hoo.
  17. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. The rate of our downfall under the previous board was alarming, and we were headed down at a great speed. The only positive thing Ashley has done is to soften the drop and we will hope that he will bring that drop to a grinding halt. Just. Then we can start to build again. Though we were in the UEFA cup in Shepherds last season at the club. Another meaningless stat in the context of the actual reality of the situation. I'll be amazed if Ashley gets us into europe at any point. The thing about Shepherd was, he was a twat for hiring some shite managers. For sacking some good ones. For doing it at the wrong times. For taking millions out of the club in dividends and for spouting some shit in the press and on tape....but even with all that, there were only 2 seasons in 10 that Newcastle didn't get into Europe. He didn't accept mediocrity.
  18. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. The rate of our downfall under the previous board was alarming, and we were headed down at a great speed. The only positive thing Ashley has done is to soften the drop and we will hope that he will bring that drop to a grinding halt. Just. Then we can start to build again. Though we were in the UEFA cup in Shepherds last season at the club.
  19. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. Fuck that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As shit as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously.
  20. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. Fuck that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me.
  21. I've got bugger all interest in anything a student has to say about being a supporter. Whoever wrote that (and I haven't read it) should get a real job.
  22. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other.
  23. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club.
  24. Remember last year when they were saying the same things? When they invited all the box holders and grovelled to them to renew with the promise of big signings and entertaining football? At least we had Keegan then ffs. When are the mugs on this board going to wake up?
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