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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I mean it's ridiculous. We've literally got rid of one bad owner in our lifetimes by acting together. And now people are saying that there's no point trying to act together to get rid of a bad owner.
  2. I guess McKeag just left because he got bored? Left when he wanted to, nothing to do with the fans. Is that what you think? That all the protests back then were utterly pointless?
  3. Fuckinghell man All this because someone dares to renew their season ticket If you're this angry about it mate and you really want to make a change why not go the ground on match day and tell all these fans how much of a disgrace they are and that they should be ashamed of themselves? Answer the question. He hasn't say that though has he I didn't think it was a serious question tbh Let's assume it is. What's your answer?
  4. I take issue with Seymour saying he's not supporting Mike Ashley, he's supporting the players. You simply don't get to make that distinction. You're handing £600+ over to Mike Ashley, of course you're supporting him. Maybe not in terms of cheering him on and giving him your best wishes, but certainly you're supporting him financially. You simply cannot deny that. And believe me, as the tightest man on the planet, Ashly would far rather have £600 from you than have £0 but your goodwill towards him. You could argue that you withholding your £600 alone won't drive him to penury, and or course it won't, but you not being his sole financial support doesn't change that you are still supporting him financially. That's inarguable.
  5. Chris_R


    So we've basically got no money. Makes total sense if you can get it agreed. Frees up cash for other players / black paint / leopard-print sofas for Mike's house.
  6. I don't think anyone at all has a problem with us being shit. We've all seen us be shitter than this and still went to matches. The issue is that even at our lowest ebb, the club wanted to be better. Wanted to improve. Ashley does NOT want Newcastle to be better. 17th is not his aim this season, it's his aim for every season. Even if we finish top 6 by some fluke (it's happened before), our aim is still 17th next year and players will be sold to drop us back to that level with the money trousered. I don't care if we're shit. I do care if we have no ambition to better ourselves. Our only reason for existence is to advertise his shit shops on TV and line his pockets.
  7. If season ticket money meant nothing to Ashley, he'd give them away for free. Of course it matters to him. Of course depriving him of money will hurt him. Suggesting otherwise is incredibly naive. If anyone wants to continue to go, then go. But do it with open eyes and realise exactly what you're doing, ie funding him, keeping him there, and accepting (and paying to go watch) a club which doesn't even want to compete and is nothing but a giant billboard for his tat emporium.
  8. Fuck this shit. Hope we plummet down the leagues and get sold for £1.
  9. Chris_R


    So we've basically got no money. A few weeks ago we had £50m PLUS the Perez money.
  10. Chris_R


    Well I reckon that if Hoffenheim's sporting director is saying it's nearly done, then it probably is nearly done. What's odd is that we've been so publicly trying to do this deal since February and not one other club has come in and looked like gazumping us. Which maybe says a bit about the player? I can't help but think we're overpaying here, and if we were to spend £45m on someone this should not be it. Also obviously this isn't a change of policy, it's just MA trying to turn £45m into £150m rather than his usual trick of trying to turn £4m into £15m. This kid will still be actively peddled in 18 months time with Bruce or whoever the current patsy is doing a Pardew and telling everyone loudly how difficult it's going to be to keep hold of him, even when nobody has suggested he's leaving.
  11. i'm of the same opinion Maybe so, but he's proven he'll turn down a profit too. Might as well hope it all crashes down because at least that fucks him over.
  12. Chris_R


    Despite the discussions, we already know exactly what the fee will be. Undisclosed.
  13. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Aye, it's like a giant blackboard now.
  14. Fuck that, he should get both barrels too. Shouldn't accept the job if he wanted to be respected, fuck him. Totally agree - If Steve Bruce is a Newcastle United fan as he claims, he wouldn't touch the job. But all of the sportingstaff is quite irrelevant with Mike in charge. More of the same ambitionless tedious bullshit. Hard to believe anyone finds it okey to work under those circumstances. Bruce should definitely get grief for coming like. He's complicit in what Ashley is doing now, he's came here knowing he's only there to make sure we aim for 17th whilst saying 'yes sir'. Everyone knows the main aim is the fat man, but imo there's no reason not to go after Bruce (and any other manager who agrees to the parasites terms) as well. The way I see it, it's another angle to getting at Ashley just like the little campaign against Bishop. Make working for/with NUFC toxic. Every bit this.
  15. This cunt is going to be our Cattermole. Inept, and a big new contract to act as a millstone around the club's neck when we're wasting away in league 1.
  16. Chris_R


    I don't use it myself but if this guy is on Twitter, as 99% of footballers seem to be, he should be told exactly what he's walking into online so that he hopefully stays well clear. I want the whole club to become such a toxic, nasty brand that nobody but the most desperate, money-grabbing people will go anywhere near them. Let it burn.
  17. This. I've watched every game for years and yet never given the club or Sky a single penny in that time.
  18. Because people have pointed out that 3/4 of the cancelled tickets haven't been flagged as available.
  19. It's been said that numerous times, people who have cancelled still have their seats greyed out. The club are trying to play you. This is one of those genuine #wait times.
  20. So there's at least one seat available in the vast majority of areas. I make that AT LEAST 132 seats are available!!!!
  21. So does that mean Mourinho's not coming then?
  22. Ashley splashes out to get his man , good old Mike backing the team “again” You just know the spin ffs. Watch the fat cunt spend £80m , you watch Yeh, them ungrateful Geordies, get a local lad who loves the club, Mike spends millions on strengthening the team & their still not happy unless they're challenging for the title / champions league He will inevitably spend some money, maybe decent money. But then the media and everyone will conveniently forget he's not spent a sodding penny in the last few years and that this is still only enough to paper over the cracks and try to replace those who've been flogged. Then when the team goes down because it's shit and managed by an incompetent hasbeen, it'll be because the fans didn't support the manager. We never took to him, not his fault, how could he succeed in this toxic atmosphere?
  23. Yeah, that's definitely our stadium.
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