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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. When I got my season ticket in 1992, the queue started at the Milburn and went down to the Strawberry, ffs. "Queueing out the door". Yeah, it's gonna be rammed next year.
  2. There'll be people who couldn't get a ticket last year. Either they lived away, or didn't have the financial means, or whatever. There'll always be new people getting their first season ticket and today is the day they'll rock up at the club. Saying there was a queue is meaningless.
  3. They do deserve all they get, yes. But it's hardly surprising there's a big queue first thing this morning on the first day the tickets go on general sale. The people in that queue are utter mugs, of course, but it only takes 20 people to be in a queue for it to be "out the door".
  4. It'll be a snowball effect too. This year will be the start of it tipping and next year it's only going to get worse.
  5. I think this just means that 13,000 tickets are available. It doesn't reflect at all how many have cancelled, as it will include every seat which would have been available on the day last year. But then you have to factor in that as Wallsendmag says, people who have cancelled still have their seats greyed out. Long and short of it is that at this stage, we've no idea how many have cancelled.
  6. Must admit, this line gave me a semi.
  7. Because of his early success in one niche industry, he now thinks he's some kind of commercial genius who has discovered a formula that will work anywhere. And no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince him otherwise, because he's thick as pigshit and arrogant as well. He stumbled upon success with SD and ran with it to great effect, but it's not replicable in the wider world and he'll just never see this.
  8. I’m trying hard not to give a shit. I'd have to try hard *to* give a shit.
  9. Ah, what Wallsendmag said.
  10. Didn't someone on here say that although the deadline has passed, they don't release the old season tickets to the public until after an even later date in case people change their minds? Can anyone who has cancelled look to see if their ticket is available?
  11. There's no newspaper which deserves to receive a single penny from us, certainly not the chronicle. Ffs we can't reward their cowardice and bootlicking supplication by giving them money for a full page advertisement. If any of them actually bitter with some decent investigative journalism then sure, but not until then.
  12. He claims to be a christian aswell. So, at least he clearly admits he incapable of rational thought.
  13. Sheff Wed are idiots if they don't hold out for every penny they can. If his contact says £5m, they'd be foolish to even take £4.999m We're down to our sixth choice and keep bragging how the new manager will have £100m to spend. To then plead poverty over this just won't work. Sure, Bruce isn't worth £5m, but that's their problem.
  14. You'll be won over in no time then Well yes, there is that.
  15. Bruce can't win me over with results because I hope we lose every match. Whole thing needs to burn down so Ashley leaves. Last thing I want is Bruce to keep us clear of relegation.
  16. Here man, just f*** off will you. One of the worst posters this place has seen and given their was a Nazi lad back in day it’s a congested field. Absolute f***ing bellend. Hughton still has fans though. Not think it would be a smart PR move by Mike Ashley? I’m a Hughton fan. Why are you maligning the good man’s name? As I said it would be a good PR move too. It's irrelevant as to whether it would be a good PR move. The important point is that Hughton has actually met Mike Ashley before and has more than a shred of self respect, dignity and credibility so would come nowhere near the job even if it were offered to him on a silver plate.
  17. Unlike Allardyce, Hughton strikes me as having at least an ounce of credibility and self-respect so I can't see that getting off the ground.
  18. Luke, I'll also judge Bruce's tenure on his results. The point is I'm not interested in being an active participant in his tenure. Instead of judging Bruce's tenure preemptively, which I don't think anyone is doing, I'll judge the appointment itself now. And it reeks of him being a patsy, a flunky, and is indicative of our utter and chronic lack of any ambition whatsoever. I'm perfectly able, entitled, and prepared to do that 'judging' immediately and I'll meet his appointment with vehement anger, disappointment, and a renewed determination to do whatever little I can to expedite Ashley's exit from my club. Cunt.
  19. They didn't. It's well known that Rafa approached them. They just said "Yes" when we were staring relegation down the barrel and he offered his services.
  20. We're not even mediocre. We only have aspirations of mediocrity. Whole club is a joke. Bring on the Bruce, let the inevitable commence.
  21. It's giving me hope that the whole thing crashes and burns. Worst we could do is appoint someone like Allardyce who, however toxic a human and however terrible the football, would have an actual chance of keeping us up so this shitshow rolls on another year. It has to go one way or the other for me, either a takeover or a total implosion.
  22. No, not a chance. But Ashley probably does, that's the issue. Until we actually finished 10th in the Championship, he'd still think all is fine and we'd bounce right back. He's certainly not going to be shitting himself over that near-certain future now, before a ball is kicked in the PL in which we've finished mid-table for the last 2 seasons. Yep, that’s what I think as well, so it’s a win win to me. Either the fat cunt sell us now or one year after relegation. The only scenario that he won’t sell us is he has funds to invest now and prevent relegation. We are lucky that he is in trouble now and couldn’t do so. He doesn’t have time anyway. That’s why back to my original argument, I believe the statement is true that the stumbling block is not the fat cunt. Someone is blocking his last lifeline. It’s fine if that’s not the case to me anyway. No takeover, relegation, no promotion, takeover. I would also take this. Oh, I'll take any "out" at this stage. Ashley's removal is everything, and there's no set of circumstances regarding the club which I'd not accept in order to see it happen. Everything can be rebuilt given time. We've had 12 years of ambitionless purgatory and we'll at least have another 12 years of the same if we don't do something. Owning this club has to become toxic to him, a millstone around his neck in terms of the finances, his brand and his own happiness.
  23. No, not a chance. But Ashley probably does, that's the issue. Until we actually finished 10th in the Championship, he'd still think all is fine and we'd bounce right back. He's certainly not going to be shitting himself over that near-certain future now, before a ball is kicked in the PL in which we've finished mid-table for the last 2 seasons.
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