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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Not for them, they got to place 100 cookies on everyone's PC so they can sell your browsing history, and show them eleventy billion adverts. It's about the only reason that site exists anymore.
  2. To modify the house-buying analogy a little, it's more like saying: "I'm going to buy your house next year, subject to mortgage approval. I know my last mortgage offer fell through but I'm pretty sure I'll get approved this time, there's no reason why not So can you just build a conservatory in the garden for me now so it's ready for the summer, and then add then cost to the purchase price?"
  3. Similar. For me it was seeing the result on the BBC news ticker. I shrugged and carried on with my day, not even interested in looking into the game any further. No point caring about a pointless club. I don't expect the takeover to go through, but if it did I'd be so delighted just to actually have a club to support again.
  4. Yeah I'm sure they'll privately want them to succeed, but publicly that can never be their stance. That's just not the purpose of NUST.
  5. People have the wrong expectations of NUST, they're not there to fight the club and get Ashley out, that's never been their point. They're there to represent the fans directly to the club and the PL, at least as far as I can tell, and need to maintain civil relations with both for that to be possible. Too many people want them marching on St James' Park to physically haul Mike from the director's office, and when they don't they get all arsey on here shouting "BUT I PAID MY £2!". Fucking chill out?
  6. Fucking horrific use of commas. Daft cunt spelt privy wrong anarl. The fucking doylem. Yeah, I think it's fair to say it's not a quote from a high-powered solicitor's 'cease and desist' letter.
  7. Oh definitely, they'll be fans but lined up by the consortium / NUFC to do this on their behalf. The fundraising they did legitimises it being a fan action too.
  8. To be fair, lawyers have been known before to take money from people who have no chance of winning. Let's not put them on some kind of pedestal here as paragons of virtue and trust.
  9. It’s all coordinated. Especially the section that alludes that buyer talks with the EPL can continue whilst legal pressure on the EPL is ramped up. Its double penetration Well if PIF join in too, it might just make the whole thing airtight.
  10. The same guy who said the statement was coming said it might be a few weeks until completion. The statement (of sorts) has arrived, so why would you choose ignore the rest of what he’s said? Because A) it's infinitely easier to predict when a statement will be released (Something you are entirely in control of) than to predict when a legal case will be resolved in your favour (Something which you are absolutely NOT in control of at all) B) Because I refuse to get overly excited about literally anything anymore, until it's actually finished, because it's just not good for my mental health But mainly A). The PL have a say in this too, and as we've already seen they can drag things out, obfuscate, and cause enough problems that the other side - who've according to Mimms himself already put a deadline on this being resolved - just walk away bored shitless. I hope as much as anyone that this happens, but unless it does I shall continue to assume it will not. And that's not entirely without good reason.
  11. So whilst this is all very interesting, we're a loooong way from "make some room in the fridge". I'd hoped we'd see that the PL's attitude to the deal had changed, something which would indicate there was a real chance of this going through. Instead the PL seem still opposed to it and determined not to let it through, and so whilst like all of us I hope this is eventually works out in our favour, nothing has fundamentally changed.
  12. "Statement" sounds ominous. I'd have preferred, as someone else pointed out, "announcement". But let's see what it is.
  13. 1 in 3 conversion is normally a good rate for a really top striker. So no.
  14. Yeah, the updates are massively appreciated by the overwhelming majority on here.
  15. I’ve already given you the name of the forum... But not here, do we have to go hunting all the time for previous posts? Trawling your post history? Why so cloak and dagger? Just say "I read it on Reddit".
  16. Not doubting you quite yet, but "miles bigger than this place" and a "closed forum". To my knowledge, this is about as big as Newcastle forums get. And forums get big by being open, not closed. Where is this land of plenty, of which you speak? Surely it can't be massive, closed and top secret as well, where even the mention of its name is enough to have sirens go off in an underground lair somewhere?
  17. If she applied her efforts equally to everything the Saudis tried to buy, I'd be incredibly sympathetic to her. She seems to just have it in for us though and this deal in particular. That massively lessens how seriously I can take her.
  18. I find it hard to be too angry at her after what happened to her partner, but she does seem to harbour exclusive energy for only stopping our takeover, and seems to not give a solitary shit about Saudi buyouts of anything else, anywhere in the rest of the world. I can't accept that she just specifically cares about the moral future of NUFC, so the only other option is she's being manipulated, pushed or funded by someone or something else in the background. I think acknowledging and questioning this is fine.
  19. To be fair he himself was a very good ball-playing defender. He was pretty cultured, could pass well and chipped in with a lot of goals.
  20. Whilst I greatly and genuinely appreciate the updates, like last time, and the 10 times before I refuse to get remotely excited until he's actually gone.
  21. How out of date? I've got a can with a best before date of 2014, I promise I'll drink that if the takeover happens. (I should add I got given it as a joke a couple of years back and it's in the back of the cupboard. Normally I am NOT this lax with alcohol) I've still got a shearers testimonial broon ale, and a shearers bar opening broon ale, I'd probably go blind if I touched them. I did have 2 of these beers and opened one a year or so ago. It did taste a little "metallic", but otherwise it was OK and did me no lasting harm. Properly-sealed cans or bottles should be fine. Wouldn't fancy working my way through a case of it though.
  22. How out of date? I've got a can with a best before date of 2014, I promise I'll drink that if the takeover happens. (I should add I got given it as a joke a couple of years back and it's in the back of the cupboard. Normally I am NOT this lax with alcohol)
  23. Do any fans give that much of a shit about European games though? I mean I loved our European matches, truly, but that was because they were something different from the norm. As soon as they become the norm, I'm far less interested. Especially as getting to away games has just become a massive fucking ballache involving international flights and hotels every second game, who genuinely wants that? I can't imagine wanting that to ever be anything other than a novelty, a distraction from the norm, not the actual norm. It would just become grim and a right old slog every week. Even watching the matches on TV would lose its appeal quickly for the same reasons. Plus I have no real opinion on Dortmund or Lille or whoever, I have no historic relationship with the place or the fans so I couldn't massively care about the result. Turn that round to any team in England though and I can find a reason to like or dislike the place, the players or the fans. Maybe some of that would come in time, but I doubt it would ever be to the same level because historically they've always been so geographically and culturally different to us.
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