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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Considering I've been using the word 'goon' to describe these idiots for weeks now I'd say it's yet more evidence they are on this thread. Whitley Mag would know I'm sure. I’ve never seen a more negative poster on this forum during my 16-17 years on here. A quick look on his previous posts and he hates everything about the club. Just log out, go for a walk and get some fresh air. The efforts from some posters to convince us that this takeover is dead is just ridiculous. This. Some folk just need to stop supporting this club (IF they in fact actually do), and go to a Man Utd or Real Madrid. Looking for, and continually posting negativity to simply belittle other fans and people who are trying to do good for the club is beyond comprehension. It's entirely possible to support the club and believe the takeover won't happen. It's also entirely possible to support the club and think the letter to Boris Johnson was amateurish. These things are not mutually exclusive.
  2. Wrong. It doesn't matter what they sign at the bottom, they repeatedly talk about the fanbase as a whole in their letter and indeed in all of their communications. And it doesn't matter if people do things for free or professionally - If you do them publicly, do them well or expect criticism. Then there's a choice: Throw your toys out the pram, or use that criticism to do better next time because, as said, we all want them to do well. But the criticism absolutely is valid and should not be censored just because they're doing it for free. They're representing us, in our eyes AND seemingly in theirs. If we feel the tone is wrong, we have every right to say that.
  3. This is such a nonsensical argument. I'm not allowed to criticise because I haven't written a letter myself? Get out of here. That's like saying I can't criticise any of our players unless I'm willing to be a better professional footballer myself. Think the referee made a wrong call? Don't mention it if you've not reffed in the PL yourself. Criticise the government? Not until you've been PM yourself and done a better job! You see how silly it is? It just doesn't work like that, stop talking such utter soil. I have every right to criticise anything I wish that's released into the public domain, especially if it purports to be taking action on my behalf. We already (rightly or wrongly) have an image problem as a fanbase, and as a fan I'm entitled to not want that made worse and I absolutely will speak out if I think that's the case. Again, I'm very much behind the concept of what they're doing but if they're getting "disgusting" stick over this letter, it's because of what they themselves have written. Maybe the fault is there, not with the people pointing that out?
  4. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. *You're Also, there's a big difference between writing a post on an internet forum and writing a letter to the Prime Minister as representatives of an entire fan base. I support what they're doing, but that doesn't make them beyond reproach. This isn't some binary "with or against" situation where we must be entirely partisan in our thoughts. Their letter could've been a lot better and there's nothing wrong in pointing that out.
  5. That letter was released yesterday, no one said much about it. Them 1 person said "its embarrassing" and about 8 people within an hour follow suit. First I've seen of it is now. So I'm commenting now. When I fix my time machine though, I'll be sure to comment yesterday too. And the letter's a fucking mess. It's surely not hard to find someone who can compose something coherent, yet they've gone with this. It's terrible.
  6. Fucking cringeworthy mess. Whoever wrote that should have no involvement in any of this ever again.
  7. Glad someone put a big red circle round like 50% of that tweet so I knew where to look. Don't think I'd have spotted the relevant bit without that, be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  8. Assuming any legalities go our way (massive assumption, I know) the PL will want to drag it past the end of Jan so that PIF can't buy anyone, so they'll want to wait to the end of the season which with cabbage head in charge will mean relegation, so PIF walk away.
  9. I'd just prefer them not to be shit.
  10. Bloke frustrates me a lot, like. Clearly a very intelligent bloke and a fan who's done an awful lot of good work for the club, but can't shake the feeling that he's getting precisely what he deserves. The idea of cheering a manager for the sake of getting behind the lads, rain or shine, should be seen as a very fucking antiquated idea as a Newcastle fan in 2020. Have some fucking resistance. 'Getting behind the lads rain or shine' is absolutely something I used to do, and would do again, if we weren't run by inept cunts who didn't give a fuck about ambition. I hate the whole notion of support the team through thick and thin at the moment, the club/owners don't deserve it. We're not even being asked to support the team through thick and thin though, because it's just all thin. There's no ambition to serve up anything BUT thin.
  11. It really wouldn't be. And that's based on him being currently unemployed. At Bournemouth he used to have a chairman who backed him absolutely. I cannot think of a single reason why he'd wish to come work for Ashley. Also, if Ashley sacks Bruce he has to pay compensation. If Ashley hangs on for a month or 2 longer, that decision may become a new owner's problem. No chance Ashley sacks him when you factor that in.
  12. Pardew was sub-standard but an utter cunt. This guy is just fucking terrible.
  13. If they were playing in my garden I'd probably close the curtains. Pointless side with no ambition led by a manager who plays awful football. Desperate for regime change to get me back involved.
  14. This is the thing though, I don't think it's a battle they can't win. "Can't" is a massive word in this context, and one that absolutely nobody can use in this situation whilst still maintaining any credibility whatsoever. Of course they can win a legal battle. They might or they might not, but they most assuredly can.
  15. What are you on about man? Of course people can think that it's off. They're just choosing to listen to different information to what you choose to listen to. Not everyone has to believe journalists. Personally, I believe Ashley and AS still want the takeover to happen. I also believe that it's highly unlikely to happen, and given that it's looking like the only way it can happen is by essentially bringing down the PL I think you'll be waiting a VERY long time (if ever). You shouting all of this "IT'S ONLY LOGICAL THAT IT'S ON" bollocks is as tedious as Sean's tyre kicker Staveley and HTT's 3pm Friday chat. I never believe journalists (obviously) and there is no "logical" reason to think that the Takeover is off (none at all) but I know that some people do find reasons (if 'reason' is the right word) to think like that. MOST that do say that though are definitely on the wind-up . . as it is so illogical and really impossible to come to that conclusion using intellect and reason. Whilst I accept that something it still happening behind the scenes, and that this much is undeniable, I do not and will not accept that there's any kind of inevitability about the takeover eventually happening. I've never believed it would go through, I've said that since day 1. I don't doubt the interest, but I do know that the PL and other teams won't allow it. They'll have to be forced, and that's not a formality. Obviously I'd love for it to happen, I just don't think it will.
  16. I long for the day we have to change the thread title.
  17. Chris_R


    In a row. 46 first season (Plus 3 in the playoffs) 36 last season 15 so far this season Totals 97 or 100 so far, depending on if you count the playoffs.
  18. Chris_R


    If anyone wants an early Christmas present, just thought I'd let you know that on 19th December this lot will play their 100th League 1 game away to Shrewsbury. (That's excluding playoff games - If you count them, they're already on 100 which was clocked up by their 1-0 defeat to Wigan)
  19. You're asking the PL to choose between the interests of the "big 6" and Debenhams.
  20. Chris_R


    Well I mean he did play there, so it's not unlikely.
  21. Just put this season's fixtures on the wall and throw a fucking dart at it.
  22. Chris_R


    Didi Sartori put his little finger to the corner of his mouth as he said "£100 million"?
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