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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Enjoyed that and a great win that should now secure our top-flight participation for next year. Could see the difference though when Willock went off and then Bruce took ASM and Wilson off, we looked like we might actually throw away a 4-0 lead. I hate Bruce as much as anyone but even I'm struggling to blame him for resting players at 4-1 up with 10 minutes left, we should just be able to do that, but fucking hell it shows how badly we rely on certain players.
  2. Glad I forgot about this and watched the snooker.
  3. I doubt he's found anything himself. If what he's saying isn't total bollocks ("if" being the most important word in this sentence), then I read it as he has been given this info by someone like De Marco, directly or indirectly, and told he can post it today if the PL don't agree to our demands in the background.
  4. We're just so rank. Only one way we can play and it's defend for 90 minutes and hope ASM nicks one. Problem is we even play that way when ASM isn't on.
  5. Entirely this for me. I think the takeover is, at best, unlikely, but it's clearly still bubbling away and so for that reason I hope we stay up. If/when that falls through though, I'll be instantly back to hoping that we just disappear down the leagues because under Ashley we're utterly pointless as a football club.
  6. ASM is to Bruce what HBA was to Pardew - The guy relied on to create miracles to cover for the manager's inability to fashion anything approaching an attacking philosophy. We're still fucking grim to watch, but at least when one man gets the ball there's some excitement. Hopefully now we do not retreat into our shells and try to protect a 2-1 lead because you just know how wrong that'll go with Burnley getting a late equaliser.
  7. Better put yourself in a coma for the next 3 years then.
  8. Our expectations are just too unrealistic. Any manager winning more than 1 in 50 from behind at HT should be good enough for Newcastle fans.
  9. Harsh, it was just a double post.
  10. Sure I only pressed post once, but clearly the board software decided it was such an important message it needed repeating. Who am I to disagree?
  11. I mean, you're taking abuse for doing a shit job. Maybe do a better one, or if you can't, fuck off? The abuse isn't exactly meaningless or without reason.
  12. I mean, you're taking abuse for doing a shit job. Maybe do a better one, or if you can't, fuck off? The abuse isn't exactly meaningless or without reason.
  13. I must have missed that, it didn't seem to be something I could find. Is there a link to the process?
  14. Decent idea, but the "If it doesn't work, we'll give all your money to charity" bit doesn't sit right with me. Plus that needs a timescale, or at least clear and transparent conditions attached to it. Way too nebulous.
  15. I'm not a member of NUST, never have been, and can't see a time I will be, at least not under this NUFC regime for reasons I'll detail. I also don't know any of the people behind it. But I do think they get a rough press from many, as many seem to want them to be an Ashley Out protest group which they never can be. That's not their purpose. Their purpose (forgive me for speaking on their behalf and correct me if I'm wrong) seems to be to foster a good working relationship with the club to better the interests of the match-going fans. This is why I'm not a member - I'm not and will not be a match going fan under this regime so NUST are not for me, but under a different regime if I did have a ticket I might consider joining. But they can never and will never be an Ashley Out protest group, or in favour of boycotts or protests and expecting them to do so is missing the point of their existence. If that means they're not for you, move along or form your own group, or find a different one that's already out there. But don't expect them to change purpose because they cannot, their required relationship with the club to advance match-going fan issues precludes them from doing that.
  16. I don't doubt Bruce can change formation, but football is about more than putting 11 people in a different shape on the pitch. They need to understand their roles, duties and responsibilities to each other and as a unit. Benitez excelled at this, whilst Bruce "doesn't do tactics".
  17. Whilst on one hand I definitely agree, on the other hand it also allows us to very quickly identify and possibly prosecute racist assholes.
  18. Dunno where we score 1 from, we never even get out our own half.
  19. Look, it's a nice day, why fucking spoil it?
  20. My hope went sometime during Pardew's reign of horror. I'll admit it came back a bit when Rafa was here, and I enjoyed watching us again and supporting us but I always felt it was a blip, the footballing equivalent of a dead cat bounce. Then he predictably was forced out and I found it incredibly easy to going back to not giving a shit. Only way back for me now is a takeover. This one or another one, it matters not, but I cannot support this version of Newcastle United.
  21. It's a soft "yes" from me to relegation. The possibility of the takeover stops me actively hoping for relegation, but really I've never expected this takeover to be allowed to proceed since day 1 and my thoughts on that haven't changed one bit. Ashley's stewardship of the club has and continues to be disgraceful and I can't in any good conscience wish for that to be successful for him, and I don't recognise or feel anything for this version of Newcastle United in any way.
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