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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I just can't comprehend the idea of NOT sacking him. I mean we're clearly going to have to sack him eventually anyway, so what exactly is the benefit of waiting? What do we achieve? Especially baffling as we've been in the exact same situation 2 times already and made the exact same mistake we're now looking to make again. It's just incomprehensible.
  2. If we're taking that approach, why not sell him for £500m? Both figures are just as realistic, and my way we get more money to spend.
  3. So what, his family are going round telling him that people hope he dies? I mean why would you do that? Either his family hate him, or he's google-searching his own name all the time to see what people are saying.
  4. It's the internet. You can't refuse to take shit from people, it's not an option. He's being thin skinned and precious.
  5. Really? Reading some of his Twitter interactions, he's probably the thinnest-skinned human being alive.
  6. Oh great, another grim 90 minutes of parking the bus, surrendering all possession and hoping to nick one on the break. Can't fucking wait. Worked well the other 500 times you've tried it, yes?
  7. "Threat of relegation". We're already down and I think we all know it. Not a chance this cabbage keeps us up.
  8. He already knows this, it's literally happened to him twice already. He just falsely believes that we'll somehow scrape 17th with a loan signing or two and that what we've seen so far is just bad luck rather than a result of rancid team management.
  9. "too harsh" - Fuck the fuck off. Anything less than calling for this incompetent clown to be immediately peddled is too soft, not the other way round. Too harsh? Fuck off. I'm sure supporting this club's giving me Tourette's.
  10. He's not going anywhere until we're in the relegation zone, and even then he'll probably not go until we're more than 1 win from getting out of it. Then some poor fuck will be parachuted in and asked to perform miracles again.
  11. Incredible that this utter clown spent a whole decade being managed by Alex Ferguson, one of the greatest managers of modern times, day in and day out, and yet has managed to pick up absolutely nothing.
  12. Whilst both are shit at both of the following, Bruce is a worse manager but Pardew is a worse human being. Kind of depends where your priorities are, I guess, as to who you hate least at any given moment.
  13. If Bruce remains in charge of tactics, we're fucked no matter who we bring in.
  14. Steve Bruce is doing the reverse, taking Rafa's good team and starting well, then gradually turning to shit over a similar time period. Then the idiots in the press just look at the 2 points totals, see they're about the same and shout "But Bruce is as good as Rafa". Enough to make your head explode.
  15. Give it a rest, they're not above criticism. I appreciate what they're trying to do but when they do something poorly, as we all do, but they do it so publicly, criticism is valid. And having the 2 or 3 of you in here acting like their own personal cheerleaders is just fucking weird and creepy.
  16. Chris_R


    Aye I’ve a massive soft spot for them since that day I’d have been foaming if I was a Plymouth fan, like. Was great for us mind. It’d have been like if Liverpool had won the title here and we belt out You’ll Never Walk Alone at full-time. IIRC that game sealed their relegation as well, didn't it? Yep. I was there for it, and whilst most of their fans left at the end, a surprising number stayed back and clapped our team when they came out to come see the away fans. Although I know I'd not have done the same as I'd be far too in the huff to even contemplate clapping Liverpool round St James's Park if we went down, I do like others have quite a soft spot for them now as a result. Fair play.
  17. I'm going to go out on a limb and say someone who doesn't know anything about the takeover. That doesn't narrow it down very much.
  18. It's pretty fucking obvious, isn't it? Sack Bruce or go down. That's what we need to choose between. Why the prevarication, I've no idea. Just fucking do it? The alternative is abundantly clear to anyone with even one half-functioning eye, and every day we wait means the new person has less time to turn it round and will inherit a worse predicament to escape from.
  19. Chris_R


    I would too, but they're just discount it on the grounds he'd bought success and anyone else would've achieved the same.
  20. I'd take anyone with a fucking pulse at this point, and I'd probably even give it to someone without one. I'm serious on that last point. They could appoint a dead person and just let the players sort it out pre-match themselves and we'd probably do better, like when Clough had already used his subs and took someone off for having a shitter, and just played the rest of the match with 10. We could do the managerial equivalent of that and see a stark improvement.
  21. Depends on whether you look at the points, or whether you factor in form and chance creation. No way do we stop up if he sees the season out, today has proven there aren't 3 worse teams than us.
  22. Must be brilliant to play us, you just know you'll get about 60% possession and we'll just sit back and let you attack all game.
  23. So we're getting played off the park in terms of shots and possession, by the worst team in the league. We really are utter shit.
  24. Or his bread making machine. Could knock out a couple of loaves instead of watching this shit.
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