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Everything posted by huss9

  1. for a fucking billionaire, Ashley doesnt half make some daft decisions with contracts. How is that even in Ashley's interest to set up a rolling contract like that. it's not as if som club's gonna come along and offer to buy out his contract.
  2. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    Ryder is a joke. Coming across as all hard lad on twitter. yet his chronicle article is almost excusing Ashley and explaining his lack of spending this window. Douglas has been slightly more critical.
  3. think this has been a set up by edwards and bruce. they are hoping fans will lay off bruce and feel sorry for him becuase of how mean ashley has been to him, and its not bruce's fault at all, etc.
  4. depending on what he was promised, he should quit and sue ashley. unless he was promised fuck all when he took the job.
  5. huss9

    Joe Willock

    stick him upfront if wilson's injured. no one in else in the squad can finish.
  6. huss9


    sunluns going up and newcastles going down!
  7. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    but surely bruce is desperate to cling to his job and would take any decent advice going.
  8. honestly think we're gonna run out of luck this season. relegated. no sale. and i dont think ashley will fund a promotion charge. think he'll make as much as he can from player sales, get his loans repaid from the parachute payments and let the club rot and plummet down the league. if he then manages to flog it even for £50m he wont have done too badly out of it.
  9. still fuming at his response to the questions about the chants against him. "they're entitled to their opinion". not an ounce of humilty from the cunt. should have been more along the lines of, "i can understand their anger and frustration. i'm the manager and i have to take responsibilty for the performance."
  10. absolutely. but seriously, what was miggy's role today?
  11. and what is this fucking sytem? other than 5 at the back, wilson up front, ASM being allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants, what is the system?
  12. either he's as clueless as bruce, or bruce isnt listening to him.
  13. unconditional love? this cunt is putting a strain on my relationship with my kids.
  14. spent fuck all, and turned the club around within weeks. tactics, passion, fitness all better. no pay off needed for everton to get him. just the type of manager ashley could do with.
  15. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    muscles not made from tissue.
  16. where the fuck was miggy meant to be playing today? and fuck me, some of the diving/collapsing by ASM and Miggy today was fucking embarrassing.
  17. exactly, i think even jones has lost any credit he initially had. seems to be strikers coach and nowt else. he must be as tactically clueless as bruce and the other steves.
  18. but if on a matcday your kids beg to go, you take them. we do plenty of other stuff together. going to the match is just another one.
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