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Everything posted by huss9

  1. on the positive side though, it did get a lot of others up off their seats and applaud even louder to drwon the boos out.
  2. what did edwards have to say?
  3. yup. booing the taking of the knee whilst telling anyone who will listen that they arent racist. i'm of asian origin and the missus is of hardy northumbrian stock. i take my mixed-race kids, who've luckily never experienced any racism at school, to watch the team they love. my son was almost in tears today sat in the gallowgate surrounded by adults booing the knee. it really shook him up.
  4. hopefully to make dhgate a lot of money.
  5. i think he means longstanding match-goers being lectured to by longstanding armchair fans.
  6. sorry, did i miss something? we talking about the wilson interview?
  7. no chance the arabs are going to buy us. the best thing they could do for this club is to say they no longer retain an interest. the fat cunt then has no defence for not looking at other buyers (not that he would give a sit though).
  8. i dont understand why its inevitable. just cant get my head round it.
  9. came on to mention this. there was more abuse to the taking of the knee than there was towards ashley - and not a single bit of abuse for bruce either. worst thing about today was the realisation that i still actually give a shit about this club.
  10. several sublime moments today but his performance was marred by a couple of ridiculous incidents. hard when he's surrounded by so much shite.
  11. had a decent run out in the last friendly and then has to watch joelinton come on ahead of him when we are chasing a goal. he's not great mind, but he's better than the brazilian.
  12. he was done after half an hour. just a passenger after that and was a hindrance.
  13. the fella is clueless. but where the fuck was jones? he should have been screaming in the fat cunt's ear to make subs and changes to the formation. ok a little harsh on jones but isnt that his job? it was obvous 5 minutes into the second half that ritchie was done and needed to be dragged off for lewis. why was hendrick on the bench instead of manquilo - we could have done with bringing him on for krapth and going to a back 4. and we were playing 6 at the back, not 5, as thats where shelvey spent most of his time. by the end of the game, Rice was so far forward he was playing off their striker. just no shape at all today.
  14. because even if we get relegated, he wont be sacked.
  15. the only positive i can see is that if (and its a big fucking if) Bruce has the balls, he can say yes i'll sign but i need a decent wedge for this season's transfer kitty as i'm not willing to put up with the shit from the fans otherwise. not gonna happen though.
  16. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    who was the last CM we paid a fee for? miggy doesnt count.
  17. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    yeah lets rely on Brewcy and Steve "40mJowlinton" Nickson,
  18. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. omg - rambling idiot. but that was class gurn on 30 seconds.
  20. huss9


    by the way pre-season is going, i bet they'd beat us.
  21. tbh the kit is shite but the range of light blue training gear looks great. best in ages. bet its priced ridiculously though.
  22. often he doesnt realise that when he opens his mouth, he makes himself look an even bigger buffon and even more clueless. that comment about the players fitness ffs.....
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