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Everything posted by huss9

  1. If Jones and Bruce genuinely care about this club they need to demand a half decent but realistic transfer kitty. we got sky money last year. if ashley cant pledge around £30m, they both need to tell him that they cant do their jobs and resign. Bruce doesnt need the hastle or the money. Jones will walk into another job with his decent reputation. they need to force his hand. still, whats the point anyway...
  2. just reported in the chronicle.... unless they made it up.
  3. reminds me of our classic 70's bukta kits wthout the collar.
  4. yup. hurts more. and the anger rises. we could have done so much better. dont blame the players for this one.
  5. people say southgate got us to a semi final, semi final then a final in the last 3 tournaments. but look at who he to play. on these 3 occasionas, as soon as he has met a decent team, he's had no answers.
  6. huss9


    just dont think southgate has developed much in terms of "in-game management" since croatia in 2018. also i really think we need to stop this "brave/gallant loser" outlook in out sportsmen/women.
  7. we've had a world cup and a euros where we've missed the big boys and had a real chance of winning both - moreso these euros as france were on a different level to us in 2018.
  8. maybe the media can give him a couple of days off, but then these things need saying and debating.
  9. i just thought 3 years would have been long enough. he hasnt change his outlook much since 2018, i wonder if he will now. he's come out and taken the blame for the penalties but imo its the 75 minutes before that he needs anaylising and apologising for.
  10. people saying they're optimistic for the future? we have a great squad but are stuck with a manager who hasnt developed. just exactly a re-run of 2018 croatia - didnt/wouldnt make proactive changes then or now. great man-manager, i admit , but shockingly overcautious in-game management.
  11. huss9


    no that was alluding to the semi against croatia in the WC
  12. huss9


    we ran out of energy after 60 minutes and he did nowt about it.
  13. calvert-lewin and sancho for kane/sterling coming on may have given chiellini a bit more to do. he strolled through the game.
  14. huss9


    didnt learn owt from the croatia semi in the world cup, or the the flukey win against denmark.
  15. maybe not hanged, but he deserves a hell of a lot of stick. but the media will bum him as usual.
  16. yup - players dead on their feet in the second half and he couldnt bring himself to make any positive changes. honestly think even Bruce would have done a better job.
  17. southgate really needs calling out for this debacle after the dust settles a little. we got lucky in the semi - but he didnt learn his lesson. so fucking cautious. mount kane and sterling were out on their feet early in the second half. italy would have shit themselves if we'd brought some pace on then and really went for it. .... and ffs - using subs to try to win a shoot-out rather than using them to try to win it in open play. he's fucking ridiculous. keep using these tactics we are going to win fuck all. we lost anyway - would rather half lost having a real go rather than the cowards route of trying to se it through to pels.
  18. just goes to show how lucky we are up here, even if SJP does need a real scrub up.
  19. huss9


    hope people down there ask them what the FTM stands for. show the sad obsessed fuckers up.
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