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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    and he failed at that too.
  2. because enough people didnt join in or do their bit. its easy criticising others. cant leave it to a dozen or so to do it all.
  3. @Greghas given up his free time and been involved in more protesting over the years, than ALMOST all the other posters on here put together.
  4. huss9


    heart of marcelino proportions.
  5. huss9


    how this fraud stayed on for 90 minutes! so many moves broke down as soon as he stepped into the opposition box.
  6. fair few loud chants at him throughout the game, even before they scored. "cheer up steve bruce" got an airing too.
  7. yes the mighty newcastle are hampered by having more journalist following them than most other clubs.
  8. sacking without payout on the cards for his behaviour????
  9. so not only did the fat cunt go on holiday 3 games into the season but he never even told the players, nor did he delegate anything to his coaching staff to put in place with regards to training and tactics??? surely jones must have known and asked what he wanted them to focus on in trianing while he was away. the whole lot are a joke.
  10. he put in cheeky line to "balance things out".
  11. who's got the HBA bedsheet? can we not just replace his face with craig's?
  12. craig will probabaly get served with a complete stadium ban now, not just a press room ban.
  13. still scandalous the East Stand hasnt been named after him.
  14. Richard Keys writing on his personal blog – 13 September 2021: ‘Who said this? ‘My life as a manager has normally been with teams where we did not have too much money and we had to sell players to bring in players. As I have said before, we are lucky to have owners who want to spend money and we have to find a way to do it properly’. This guy has managed Valencia, Liverpool, Real Madrid (for 6 months) Inter (for 6 months) Chelsea (temporarily) Napoli and Newcastle – where he spent £102m on 18 players before a successful tilt at the championship. You’ve got it. I know you have. As we all know, he left Tyneside for a ‘long term project’ in China, (where they print money) but was back after 18 months looking for a job. The one he got surprised a few people – but not me. He’d been trying like a bear to get it for years. I hope he does it well because he’s with a club I like a lot – but come on Rafa. You’re having a laugh. Never had money? At which of the above list of teams didn’t he have money? He’s always had money. The problem has been that he’s always wanted more money – more than the owners of those clubs would trust him with. Now he’s in the last chance saloon he’s got to behave. There isn’t another one for him after Everton – so he isn’t looking to fall out with the owners like he did Mike Ashley.’
  15. richard cuntkeys spouting shite again
  16. and he did all that with a fraction of the net spend Bruce has had.
  17. huss9

    Joe Willock

    willock looked a little better today.
  18. joyful seeing this cunt implode. doesnt even need anyone else to do it. he just opens his mouth and makes himself look an absolute tool. wonderful stuff.
  19. joelinton was a disgrace today. absolutely no fucking effort at all. strolling around in midfield whenever we were on the counter and hiding out on the wing the rst of the time. and this fucking utd/ronaldo media wankfest has to stop. listening to the radio on the way back and fuckers going on about the great atmosphere at the game. fuck me man, they only made any noise for a couple of minutes after each gial, and were dead for the rest of it.
  20. huss9


    dont know if he lacks the balls, or the tactical nous to be proactive and make a positive change whilst in the lead. he certainly doesnt lack the players. just a very cautious manager who is more concerned with not getting it wrong, making a mistake and losing rather than trying to finish the opposition off. world cup semi and euros final.
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