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Everything posted by huss9

  1. all the liverpool fans I know thought he was a great player but they don't like him.
  2. just shows how out of his depth brewcy is. he's only now looking into whether Kell is allowed to play. should have done this weeks ago. wtf?
  3. huss9


    good job our owner never would.
  4. if we get taken over, I'm delighted for Leeds. Massive club with passionate fans and a great away day. if we're stuck with ashley then Leeds coming up is a disaster for us.
  5. Extracts from ‘The Magpie Prince: Why Does MbS Want to Buy Newcastle United?’ by Tom Pollitt, published on Inside Arabia; Given driving-bans for entirely different reasons: ‘Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) is the de facto ruler of a desert Kingdom where drinking alcohol is officially illegal and, until recently, half of the population were prohibited from driving simply for being women. It may seem surprising therefore that he has taken interest in the rainy British city of Newcastle, a place where it is unofficially illegal not to drink alcohol and where the locals (known as Geordies) are given driving-bans for entirely different reasons.’ Penchant for violence: ‘In fact, aside from a shared, well-documented penchant for violence, MbS has little in common with Newcastle folk. So, what could he possibly want with them?’ Cannot understand a word the locals are saying; ‘For a man notorious for his opposition to freedom of speech, it will be refreshing for him to get involved with a city where outsiders cannot understand a word the locals are saying.’ Often becoming violent in order to protect their treasure: ‘It is fitting that MbS wants to buy the Magpies, as the magpie is the animal whose lifestyle most resembles his own. The crafty black-and-white birds are known for collecting and hoarding shiny objects, often becoming violent in order to protect their treasure.’ Rendered the country scarcely better to live in than Newcastle: ‘Saudi Arabia is a country much maligned for its militarism, religious fundamentalism, and human rights abuses. To list just a few of the myriad atrocities, the kingdom routinely executes more people than any other country and is carrying out a harrowing air-war in Yemen that has driven hundreds of thousands into famine and rendered the country scarcely better to live in than Newcastle.’ Naturally, Newcastle fans have never heard of him: ‘Then there is the widely reported murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in December 2018, an act for which MbS is widely held responsible. MbS’ brutal crackdown on domestic dissent has also been widely publicized, as have his (largely exaggerated) steps towards so-called “modernization.” Suffice it to say, the prince is a major player on the world stage and you would have to be living in a remote, tribal community not to be familiar with him. Naturally, Newcastle fans have never heard of him.’ The internet is full of bewildered members of Newcastle’s “toon army” of fans: ‘While MbS is a big fan of flogging, the modern football supporter is more into blogging and vlogging. The internet is full of bewildered members of Newcastle’s “toon army” of fans, barely containing their excitement, desperately trying to figure out who this bloke is and whether he really has £280 billion. Who said football can’t be educational?’ Like a Newcastle fan on a night out. “[MbS is] volatile and arrogant: ‘The way the CIA describes MbS makes him sound like a Newcastle fan on a night out. “[MbS is] volatile and arrogant,” an anonymous intelligence official told the Washington Post. “Someone who goes from zero to 60 [and] doesn’t seem to understand that there are some things you can’t do.” So, maybe the fans will like the prince when they get to know him.’ As yet unidentified language spoken by the people of Newcastle: ‘For one thing, he [MbS] would need an interpreter to translate his no-doubt inspiring motivational speeches from Arabic into English and a second interpreter to translate them from English into the as yet unidentified language spoken by the people of Newcastle. In reality, he may not need to do very much.’ Many of them would be willing to accept a bid from Lucifer: ‘Besides, in defense of Newcastle fans’ willingness to overlook MbS’ crimes, many of them would be willing to accept a bid from Lucifer himself if it meant finally seeing the back of Ashley.’
  6. "me brutha was gettin married so we arranged a stagnate for him. how's the bacon did ye say?"
  7. surely that kid from the u23's who's been out on loan would be better than one of our midget fullbacks at CB
  8. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    I completely disagree with this. Kane pulls out wide onto the RB. CB can't just follow and leave a huge gap in the defence. did u see where schar actually was?
  9. huss9


    would love to blame his shitness on brewcy but i think that would be harsh.
  10. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    ok his fault for the first goal. but the second was even worse - and that's bruce's fault. the positioning of the defenders was all over the place. never happened under rafa.
  11. where is the well drilled defensive system rafa set up that let players come in out of the team without upsetting the back 5. the second goal today was absoltely ridiculous with regards to the positioning of the cb's. where was schar wondering off to, leaving krafth to mark kane? thats partly down to the player, but your coach should have it drilled into you over over again so that its second nature.
  12. huss9


    today was his worst cameo yet. even muto would be a better option. is the lad worth even £10m?
  13. why take gayle off for joelinton, but keep ASM on even at 1-3 down. and dont get me started over his treatment of longstaff jr.
  14. there's idiots and there are nasty vile racists who use words like coon and nigger.
  15. 12 years old ffs. any normal 12 year old isnt aware of language like that or the KKK unless they've been brought up hearing those words. 3 of my kids are 12 yrs old or over. i'll F and blind in front of them at times, i admit, but they wouldnt/havent ever used language like that and i dont even know if the have eaver heard of a "coon" - its just such an oudated insult. i used to get it in school in the 80's and i'm of asian stock!
  16. probably needs to go 3 cb's with manquilo and ritchie as wingbacks in the absence of rose. we really do have a shit unbalanced squad.
  17. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    bruce using him for his "physicality".
  18. the old dogshit vs horseshit argument. whats the fucking point. you wouldnt want either shoved in yer face.
  19. honestly think liverpool played better last year, but have had the rub of the green in a few matches earlier this season. and city's defence.
  20. wtf was he doing today. i'm sure he's been trying to show just how much of a tactical genius he is and how he thinks outside of the box. how else can u explain schar starting a second game in a row in midfield with matty longstaff on the bench. bentaleb hadnt been too bad against bournemouth. and then fucking about with the fullbacks for no reason whatsoever. then joelinton coming on to help us win it from the wing. substituting gayle and leaving us with no striker on. he really showed himself up during the game and then made an even bigger fool of himself after the game by complaining about VAR. absolute fucking clown.
  21. did forget the inability to beat villa or west ham at home?
  22. thank LFEE, that makes more sense.
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