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Everything posted by huss9

  1. our government feel the saudi's are good enough to deal with and that they are our allies. so surely that should be the thumbs up for us.
  2. Hope the FCB takes "Craigy" from skysports with him.
  3. Second this ( but not the expecting to win and by how many bit, I was always too cautious which made the relief better when it played out over the 90mins). We smoked everyone back then. I'd turn up 99% sure we'd win pretty much every week. At home we were immense. I've never been more in love with my football club than at those times. I don't give a shit about trophies, league wins, I just want to love my club again. I want the new owners to have good intentions. I want to believe again and I want my two sons to be able to grow up proud to say that we are a family of NUFC fans. Not ashamed. exactly how i feel. i couldnt give a shit about trophies at the moment (obviously that will change). just want the hope and the joy back. but most of all i want my kids to experience some kind of positivity associated with their club. i'll never forgive Ashley for their tears when we got relegated, and their heartbreak when they heard rafa was leaving. i'm sick of telling them how great we were under KK and SBR. and yes we did actually beat the likes of Barca and Juve at St James. i couldnt give a shit if we were being taken over by the North Koreans, Its the end for that FCB.
  4. we already had a billionaire, who had rafa as a coach, and a full house 50k every home game. just competing would have been fine for most of us. Sure, what I meant was you need to spend a vast amount of money to compete. sorry Ian, I know what you meant. it was just to point out that we were probably in a position to at least try and compete for 7th place. Rafa's know-how meant we probably had to spend less than our immediate rivals to achieve the same position. some things money cant buy.
  5. i think there'll be plenty of opposition amongst the masses to the return of Rafa. Loads of buggers out there saying Bruce has us playing better football. Not saying they wouldnt want Bruce gone, but many wont want Rafa back.
  6. we already had a billionaire, who had rafa as a coach, and a full house 50k every home game. just competing would have been fine for most of us.
  7. huss9

    St James' Park

    should completely close down strawberry place match days. let out sites for local brewers, foodies, artists etc. stick a large screen above the club shop showing old games, goals, interviews etc. would be great.
  8. huss9

    St James' Park

    yeah, the stadium location is an absolute godsend for the local economy. it was the main reason the rugby league fans demanded the return of the big weekend to newcastle from anfield. there's so much potential for local businesses eg foodstalls with regards to the use of strawberry place as a fanzone on match days etc.
  9. on the subject re shitty chronicel journalism, does anyone have that Anita/Antia article. that must have been their nadir?
  10. yup. and she'll be cheering like the rest of us where he fucks off. sure i've seen her joining in the FCB chants especially away from home.
  11. Ian, I wouldnt even be bothered if we signed no galacticos. even if it was just a net 50-70m spent this summer but with a proper plan i'd be happy. buying palyers we need rather than they are are available or a bargain.
  12. its ashley's one last fuck off to us fans. i'm going to sell you when theere's a lockdown - gonna have a party? - knock yourselves out. i honestly think there would have been pandemonium in the city centre and around sjp if this had been down at any other time. one huge party. i would have taken my kids down there just to soak up the atmosphere. oh well, will just have to party in the garden.
  13. don't, just don't. it's too hard.
  14. huss9


    they've got the easiest of the run-ins.
  15. hopefully doesnt catch the coronavirus as he doesnt look the healthiest. just saying.
  16. No fucking mention that staving off relegation is now seen as a successful season, year in year out. The excitement and satisfaction coming from Bruce and the media that we've nearly hit 40 points is fucking disgusting.
  17. Red card in our favour has been a long time coming. the number of players who have missed games due to unpunished horror challenges have really had an effect on our season. Ritchie and Manquilo are the two that come to mind immediately but there have been others.
  18. Joelinton doesn't get into those positions
  19. thats harsh. southampton were getting battered first half, especially before the red. second half they sat deep.
  20. so nasty and classless of bruce to bring it out in the open. the fat cunt is such a hypocrite, they way he has jumped from club to club in his managerial career. the kid just wants a low end premer league wage. he'll know what some of the chaff in out squad are earning. he doesnt know how far he's gonna go as a top flight footballer so he needs to make as much as he can for himself. there's no way of knowing if this kid isnt gonna end up in league 1 in a couple of years. we've had plenty of young lads here that have had promising starts and then just slipped down the leagues. and the only person "in his ear" will have been his dad.
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