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Everything posted by huss9

  1. cunt having a go at "greedy" matty longstaff, now. fuck off bruce. and "how many 19 year olds have been playing in the premeir league this season?".
  2. Derek Harrison Gate has a website in thailand to help people like you.
  3. dont see many of this season's kit knocking around. even with my bairns and their mates - only a couple have one. often, no matter how hideous the kits initially seem, they usually grow on people, and look better on. this season's home kit is horrendous.
  4. bringing him on instead of a shortstaff or hayden nearly cost us the game vs wba.
  5. thats why we had to get rid of Rafa. he was letting the players fuck about and do what they wanted, with no guidance, and no comeback for any slacking off.
  6. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    Lets be honest, Manquillo - for as steady as he's been - is another one we should be upgrading on. thats the the theory, but not the reality. with the limited budget the fat cunt will give the other fat cunt to give the other fat cunt this summer - RB isnt a priority whilst we have manquilo. would rather sell krafth or yedelin even for £2-3m to add to the "kitty".
  7. this kid needs his contract sorted out as a priority.
  8. https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/11949097/bruce-clashes-with-reporter-over-saint-maximin-story
  9. Hayden yesterday, ASM today. hopefully this is the beginning of the end.
  10. daily mail now saying Bruce lied about ASM injury - he was dropped rather than injured.
  11. huss9


    Ritchie who had 3 decent efforts on goal, got in the box more and tended to have more of a positive impact in attack? This despite he was average too? The guy is a complete donkey, not a 40p player never mind anything else. Does he get enough service? No. But there is no excusing how shit he is in his all-round play and game or lack of. By the way from what I was watching, it was 4-5-1 with Gayle the lone striker who did more than Jokelinton has done all season in that one cameo. thank you. seconded.
  12. What did big nose say? Bruce is protecting ashley by not complaining about the recruitment - january in particular.
  13. great take and run from miggy with a prefect pass to gayle who couldnt take the chance. he was the only one getting at them and putting them on the back foot. didnt take his chance to score well but he was head and shoulders above everyone else. needs better players around him. cant do it all on his own, which at times he looks like he is trying to do.
  14. huss9


    second half was horrendous from him. during one attack he was just standing in the centre circle watching the team move forward. ritchie wasnt great but he had 4 attempts at goal - only one of them from outside the box - and he came closest to scoring for us yesterday. so how was joelinton better than him? a couple of neat flicks and passes on the touch line and then standing admiring his good work rather than sprinting forward into space for a return ball.
  15. thats fucking disgusting from the clubs and the players. stopping a game due to protests against an owner thats gone against league rules.... but when its racism, they keep on playing.
  16. huss9


    tbf he looked more comfortable there because less is expected of him and its easier to hide.
  17. huss9


    lazy. just no fucking urgency or desire.
  18. if he was injured and not going to play, then why post that a couple of hours before the match. i honestly think bruce is bullshitting about the lad being injured.
  19. huss9


    if bruce says he's not an out and out striker - why the fuck didnt he tell ashley that when he was told he'd be spunking £40m on him. dont believe a word that comes out of this FGB's mouth. he just as stupid as the FCB.
  20. he's probably just been flying round their complex at prayer time, trying to put them off for a laugh.
  21. i hate this fucking myth. it was safe and defensive initially - out of necessity. but he managed to work on it and turn it round. we had a decent last few months of the season.
  22. sin bins would be a decent options for situations such as this.
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