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Everything posted by huss9

  1. uncal mick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has he been up to any fresh shannannigins recently?
  2. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    probably made him drool, thinking of the cheeses slices on his burgers.
  3. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    sure Krafth was a Brewcie pick.
  4. i reckon ashley just absolutely hates the fans. the FCB will be well aware of whats going on but he's probably shrugged his shoulders and told edwards "well, we havent been told anything! so as far as we're concerned there's no change in the situation." he's probabaly promised himself absolutely nothing is going to come from his side that will give the fans any joy.
  5. dare him to say that to his new boss.
  6. wonder if we get a green 2nd or 3rd kit in a show of appreciation to our new Overlords for saving us from Ashley.
  7. i'd love us to win the fa cup but i'm not as bothered as i was. just wont be the same not being there. however it would get us into europe and be better for recruitment. so thats 2 trophies in 2 years and onto the champions league!!!
  8. i really think Brewcy's quotes most of all have revealed this is really close to happening.
  9. definitely. the results were better than the performances though. I didnt like Pardew but could put up with him as we had some decent players who seemed to be winning matches. And I thought the summer transfers would improve us still further.
  10. but thats not his fault. the previous manager had left him that formation and he didnt have the appropriate furniture to move it around. he tried, but it looked awful. so he's gonna leave like that, slowly get a few more pieces in and move the furniture around very slowly till he's got it how he wants it.
  11. I presume you've already smashed the bottle with the picture of Ashley on it. How the f**k is Karl Marx sharing a pic with those 2?? looks like shearer with a wig and fake beard.
  12. I've just worked out why they called the pirate broadcasters BeoutQ!!! fuck me, I'm slow.
  13. watched alot of it. wasnt was bad as i thought it would be without the crowd. wouldnt have a problem watching us and the rest of the premier league season behind closed doors. just a little piped crowd noise.
  14. that team that finished 5th, man. we just needed a new coach and 2 or 3 quality additions especially in defence. fuck me - what could have been.
  15. freddie paid for souness to come. if he'd waitied a couple of weeks he'd have had him for free. not that it would have made us any better.
  16. that goal for us against manu at home.
  17. There’s definitely a bit of the Ronaldinho syndrome with Bale - Bloke has won a heck of a lot, some players just lose the hunger after such a period of sustained success in their careers Plus he’s very injury prone rather have hatem for a season. just the odd supersub appearance to say goodbye properly.
  18. huss9

    St James' Park

    what would people think if SJP was renamed Saudi Aramco St James Park, or something similar, if it meant trying to get round ffp? you reckon fans would kick off? i wouldnt be too bothered.
  19. Schweinsteiger fiasco. Evening Chronicle (apart from the p45dew front page and John Gibson)
  20. having to take my 6 yr old and move from the milburn paddock to to the gallowgate because of the stick and abuse i got from those sitting there for joining in the boycotts, handing out flyers, anti-pardew and anti-ashley chants. it ended up being much better in the gallowgate as 2 of my other kids also ended up getting seats and it was great there during the WorFlags/Rafa times.
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