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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    Let me refresh your memory then. Second half against WBA in his first season here. We were 3-0 up and we ended up shipping 4 goals in 45 mins which cost us 4 places in the league and probably a few million quid. I can't remember the exact details but I'm pretty sure he made a few spastic changes in that game as well. Just in case anyone's under the illusion it was just bad luck yesterday. Tell you what with a memory like that i'm astounded. We let in 3 goals. It felt like defeat so pardon the odd memory lapse Aye, you're right it did feel like a defeat. really pissed me off, had been all set to stay behind for the lap of honour but it totally changed the mood
  2. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    at one point in the first half from just inside their half he plays a ball down the channel for cisse but going away from goal, cisse sets off and is in front of his marker, does shola get frward either to the box or to wide to support the man with the ball, no he walks forward, slowly and toward a reading player who had passed him with everyone around me screaming at him to get forward. he's just not physically up to it, hasn't enough football nouse beyond a little cut inside when in the box and i've never known a player get fouled so much for so little off the referees. (the last bit inside his fault but it all counts against the team) aye thats the one - just ridiculous
  3. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    in a way, the fans booing the substitutions should have been seen by cabaye and marv as support and appreciation for them
  4. should have pushed anita up instead of bringing him off as well
  5. not the booing tweets that bother me - it's the you dont have to pay our wages/no one's forcing you to buy a season ticket one. disgraceful and he should be fined for that one.
  6. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    sack him during the window and its going to be harder to sign players - managerless club in a relegation fight.
  7. who had a go at which player? it was obvious the boos were aimed at pardew!
  8. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    really lazy today. at one point in the first half he made a short pass forward to a team mate 10 yards into our half then just stood and watched ratrher than bomb on forward into the box or move out to the wing to provide another option
  9. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah let's blame a player put in a position he's never played in and has no ability to play in at all and not the idiot who put said player in position. watch the match?
  10. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    pardew was awful today, but cisse really needs to take more of the blame for today's defeat
  11. its a shame there isnt a question and answer session for the manager from the fans after the match, because we really need to know his thinking behind this. also he needs to explain why he keeps picking jonas despite admitting himself that jonas has been poor this season.
  12. how jonas and shola were on the team sheet to start with, never mind playing 90 minutes needs explaining as does the marv substitution. cannot excuse cisse at all today. was he more to blame for the defeat than pardew? santon to blame for the equaliser - awful positioning.
  13. don't hate him at all, far from it. makes a lot of good points, but he is almost unbelieveably positive though.
  14. This - I said so the other day... someone's mentioned it before, but i really think he is DL or someone else in MA's inner circle
  15. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    would have more sympathy for pardew if he didnt come out with negative bollocks that he does. he has used the injury situation to rewrite history. we were just as bad earlier this season with saylor, cabaye, and ben arfa in the side.
  16. just seems a bit of a set up. too much of a coincidence that san lorenzo were making noises about wanting to sign him, ages before any of "his personal problems" came to light.
  17. good news for us. southampton weren't looking too bad and seemed to have a decent system and a decent team spirit.
  18. wont sign a CB - steven taylor coming back, and they will hope to convince colo to stay for the rest of the season.
  19. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    yes it is, but can see pards, DL, and MA reading it and not giving a fuck
  20. mike to RTG - their first ever poster of colour?
  21. I'd guess Sunderland...except that he really hates them. as did clark and chopra
  22. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    I'm not that far behind the optimists like Ian W on here over some things but if this scenario develops do you think you'd come to the conclusion that the people running the club haven't got a clue what they're doing chancing it like this? For me to conclude they really haven't got a clue I'd have to see evidence that they really had totally screwed up due to recklessness. If they work hard to get their targets, there's evidence of bids going in / being accepted but things just don't work out, I'd have some sympathy because that can always happen if you have any kind of transfer policy / wage structure whatsoever. If they really do drop a bollock I'll be the first to point it out, I just don't think they've dropped a big one yet and we're at a point where speculation is a bit futile. I'm certainly not determined to let them off the hook but why complain about investment in the midst of all these transfer bids? It's just daft that was not strengthening the first team over the summer
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