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Everything posted by huss9

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2198396/Liverpool-offered-Stewart-Downing-Jose-Enrique-Jordan-Henderson-Clint-Dempsey.html?openGraphAuthor=%2Fhome%2Fsearch.html%3Fs%3D%26authornamef%3DNeil%2BMoxley
  2. jenas header at the gallowgate - open goal.
  3. we really need a left footed LB, and Santon or new RB on the other side. the space simpson often found himself in was astonishing but a pass to him never really resulted in furthering an attack.
  4. he does go in for some rash challenges early doors mind. that one at the beginning of the spurs match - I really thought he had crocked himself
  5. huss9

    Ryan Taylor

    sorry, meant at wigan , not tranmere
  6. huss9

    Ryan Taylor

    peter beagrie on the commentary last night mentioned how Raylor praticed freekicks over and over again from ayoung age - they were at tranmere together
  7. do you then have to ring to cancel or is it a one-off 2month subscription
  8. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    That lass on the left is thinking, 'SOON'. 2 of them by my count you missed that bloke at the top. he's got nee chance.
  9. still missing this morning?
  10. he did celebrate the second goal - came over to the corner and congratulated ben arfa - was right in front of us.
  11. tiote was our midfield first half
  12. aye, during the souness era especially, it was like going to the match out of duty rather than excitement
  13. last day of ramadan tomorrow
  14. good to be signing a first team player rather than another squad member
  15. that pissed me off more than any of lacklustre performances on the pitch. no fucking shame that lad.
  16. Nah, there was a massive fuss as he got fit before the Team GB games started despite pulling out. then there was that savage tackle by Adam that broke his leg in 4 places or something
  17. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    ben arfa should have brought himself back the same time as cabaye. lack of professionalism.
  18. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    just a bit of a motivational nudge from pards, and also to keep that team spirit strong.
  19. think Tav is ready to step up as back up RB
  20. http://www.flickr.com/photos/40191515@N05/7652204508/# tav and simpson after reading the journal
  21. nice also to see pards is over seeing the kids in the milk cup - great boost for the kids
  22. huss9


    Leon Knight is an utter w*****, I don't see anything funny about him coming out with that to her husband. thats true. her past is her past. they're married and have kids now. those tweets are out of order.
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