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Everything posted by toonarmy

  1. Fuck it, pards isn't going anywhere now, might as well try to enjoy nufc now
  2. Rooney lashed out in frustration. Definitely a red
  3. Crowd really getting into it, this is...fun? What is this feeling?
  4. We actually look really good, not just entirely trying to survive
  5. See the above post. As it's near impossible to separate the individual from the context of his team, role, competition they're playing in, etc I think it's risky business giving too much importance to these numbers when comparing them side by side. Statistical analysis has a role to play in football, but you've got to be comparing like for like otherwise the numbers are meaningless. A great example is comparing Demba Ba's pre-Cisse and post-Cisse scoring records with us. If you remove all context, it looks like Ba's form completely dropped. You need the context of knowing he was being played in a wide position to figure out what's really going on. Another example would be Jozy Altidore's scoring record in Holland. The numbers alone are meaningless without context. You can't compare Messi's all-Barca career to Ronaldo's career looking just at the numbers, which is why I'm focusing on their current talent, attitudes, performances. Actually, those stats were derived in context, the article had a whole segment trying to separate Messi's numbers from the impact Barca has had on his numbers. Not to be a jerk, but try reading it during halftime, I'd be curious what you think afterwards.
  6. Anyone have any sense of when FIFA will be mailing out the tickets? I hope they do it really soon...
  7. Messi and Iniesta have been poor today. When's the last time anyone has ever said that?
  8. I'm sitting watching this next to a La Liga fan while trying to prove the EPL is better. This game isn't helping my argument.
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