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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Given time I think he would do well. They have whinged about the football Carlo Magnifico played and I don’t think it’ll be too different under Benitez until he gets his players in, like the way we looked post Miggy. Difference is, they won’t give Rafa a chance.
  2. Despite him being linked last year when it looked like we were going to have the richest owners in world football…. Some of the names I’ve seen on there this week too.
  3. Aye. Love the bloke and him being the person to win us our first trophy after 50 odd years would have been magical. However, I do think that under new owners who are happy to throw money at the club, there would have been an element of our support who were very impatient and unwilling to ago through the rebuild process that would inventively happen.
  4. Can’t believe I’ve got the Everton manager’s name tattooed on me
  5. Yeah that is true, I feel ill that I compared the two in any way.
  6. He would be silly to go there. He would be like Bruce coming here, where the fans don’t want him from the off and when things aren’t going smooth, he will be public enemy number 1. Bit like this Chelsea move. He doesn’t pick his clubs very well, wor Rafa…
  7. My mate gets his haircut off the same barber as one of the first team players. He told him a few other things - none takeover related but some of them actually funny. One of them being that Bruce turns up to training every day with some muckle Bacon Sarnie which causes great amusement.
  8. I find it hard to believe anything I hear that is isn’t official, but I heard 2 weeks ago that the players believe that Bruce is waiting for a pay off so that he can put it into some huge mansion he’s building in the North West as that is all he talks about, which tallies in with that post earlier. So my hopes are now raised!
  9. Be purchasing 3 of the finest Gary Abletts and dropping them in one go to celebrate when that despicable, adultering cunt kicks the bucket, I have to say.
  10. I was under the impression he had a Ken in Jesmond.
  11. It’s the only thing I care about at this point. Couldnt give a fuck who we sign if they’re playing under Bruce.
  12. Aye think you’re right, fair reason.
  13. Much as I love Rafa and consider him a genius, I do question as to why he would rather live in England than Spain.
  14. I don’t think them coming back to the table is an issue, it is widely accepted that if given the Green light they will be back at the table. I struggle to see how it will be settled outside of court now too if I’m honest. They have been preparing for the arbitration now since what, October? Maybe earlier? Just seems as though if there was a chance of settling it would have been done already.
  15. 15 months this fucker has been going on now, longer actually. Surely it ends with a positive conclusion. I can’t stand seeing the big fat arsehole standing there saying how happy he is after a 7-0 defeat at Old Trafford next year either. The bloke is a loser, absolute fucking cretinous loser.
  16. Surely Everton can’t give Ferguson the job man. As close to replacing Benitez with Bruce that you can get really - although still a long, long way from the same stupidity.
  17. Fucking surely not? The worst piece of shite I have ever seen in my life that. I say about our fans that you could print the NUFC badge on a lump of shite and people would buy the fucker, but I actually don’t think anyone sane (other than that daft wife) would wear that.
  18. I wish the baldy cunt would start writing about a different club. The Cockney, roll on deodorant headed cunt has 0 affinity to our club and city, other than the fact he’s having an affair with the Bacon sarnie shagger.
  19. Lost a lot of respect and faith in Keith this week. Thought he handled himself well on that podcast last week but he has shown himself up and come across as a big bairn on Twitter. With that, my faith in the takeover has wained as I put a lot of hope in the positivity coming from Keith.
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