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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. Montrose on a wet Wednesday night?
  2. You'll probably be told to meet in Syntagma Square then two hours before the game you'll get herded onto buses and taken to the stadium under armed police guard. They'll look after you. There are lots of teams in Athens and they all hate eachother, if the police don't protect you then the other fans will. We found the Olympiakos fans to be very friendly when we were playing AEK.
  3. If you're booking hotels then don't book anything in the Omonia neighbourhood of Athens, that area is awash with junkies, hookers and alcoholics. There is a good metro line from Athens Airport into Syntagma square, use it. However, don't rely on the metro system to get you around the city to different destinations as some lines/stations are sometimes out of use. Don't try to navigate your way around the city on foot, Athens is a maze of narrow sidestreets and alleyways, you'll get lost. Get a taxi. Like any other city in the world there are honest taxi drivers and not so honest taxi drivers but you'll just have to live with it. Bars are quite expensive in Athens, you'll pay 5 Euros for a beer in most pubs. When Dundee Utd played there we all just congregated in Syntagma Square, there are two little stalls at the bottom of the square where you can buy cold cans of Heineken and Amstel for normal shop prices and as long as you don't get too rowdy the police will let you drink cans in the square. There are thousands of stray dogs running around Athens but they're mostly harmless. I hope that helps.
  4. I paid about £400 for flights when Dundee Utd played AEK Athens a couple of years back. The qualifying rounds are a fucking nightmare, it's basically a case of like it or lump it.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/dundeeunitedfc/posts/10151010534448730?comment_id=23053502&notif_t=like "Attitudes towards us shall not be forgotten" Terrified. MONGOLS
  6. What if people in the lower divisions have no interest in 17th century politics though?
  7. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=224218&pid=1060159449&st=0&&do=findComment&comment=1060159449 They don't want Nick Griffin's support. Apparently he's "a fucking fenian bastard"
  8. He was a self-obsessed fucking fruiter. When asked if he regretted what he did he said "Yes because i'm in here but no because being in here has given me the chance to get qualifications". He didn't give two fucks about his victim's family, it was just "ME, ME, ME". He looked fuckin inbred anyway, most of them do. The absolute fucking dregs of society.
  9. I bet Fred West was Rangered out his tits aswell.
  10. Nick Griffin has come out in Rangers defence on Twitter. So now we have the most despicable, horrible, disgusting mutants in the world being backed by the most despicable, horrible, disgusting mutant in the world.
  11. What happens if they draw 0-0 on penalties? Do they all get taken outside and shot?
  12. England will get football stopped.
  13. Genocide is the only answer.
  14. http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/magoo1982/mongol1.jpg
  15. The Celtic board would love to vote to keep rangers in the league. Any rule changes regarding the voting structure and distribution of prize money require an 11-1 majority so basically the old firm can maintain the status quo by teaming up and vetoing any changes. Without rangers in the league everything's up for renegotiation. Their fans would mount a fucking insurrection though. If it looks like there will already be enough votes from other clubs to keep rangers out then Celtic will vote to keep them out too just to appease their fans as their vote would no longer matter.
  16. All of them So far hearts, utd and Aberdeen have said they'll vote no. Rangers and killie will vote yes, Motherwell will let their fans decide leaving hibs, st mirren, st Johnstone, Ross county , inverness and Celtic.
  17. Bit s*** of Hearts given their own financial problems the last 2 years they could easily have been in a similar position, that said i agree with them saying no so cant grumble too much. The Hearts situation is slightly different in that their debt is owed to Ukio Bankas of which Vladimir Romanov is the majority shareholder, so short of him kicking the bucket I can't see their debt being called in any time soon.
  18. I feel sorry for them because they are just doing what we would do if we were in their situation, fight to keep our club. The thing is though why would they wish the same thing on supporters of other clubs? Because they are horrible detestable odious cunts. Probably the worst human beings on the planet.
  19. http://www.dundeeunitedfc.co.uk/index.asp?tm=2&nid=4224 Dundee United release a statement saying they will vote to reject Rangers' application to join the SPL. The votes are stacking up...
  20. I think the Division 1 thing only comes into play if a move is made to restructure the leagues. Right now as things stand if their SPL application is rejected they'll have to apply to join Division 3.
  21. That's the impression i've got aswell. I don't understand it though because if you listen to Rangers supporters then the SPL can't survive without them therefore there won't be an SPL by the time they get there. Or maybe they were just talking bollocks as usual.
  22. Is that what their statement was about? I must have lost the point somewhere between Romanov talking about mafia conspiracies and the bit where he called Rupert Murdoch an Aborigine. He's obviously been sniffing Pritt Sticks again but fair play to him for voting No. Motherwell have said they'll put the decision to their fans so that's 2 votes in. And by the way it's not 7 to go, Rangers need 7 other clubs to vote Yes. If Hearts and Motherwell vote No then only 3 more No votes are required. Celtic will vote No so we're really only 2 votes away now. It would take a U-turn of cosmic proportions for Hibs to vote Yes, so after them only 1 more vore is required. Not looking too good for Rafackinpeepilbyraway.
  23. Rynek Square will be lively tonight. I hope the Czech fans like fighting.
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