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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. That's if it's due to mental health reasons. It would be good to leave coloured placards on seats that when held up form '11 SPEED' across a black and white background. I like that
  2. Sebastian Deisler was another one. He didn't top himself but he had a lot of bother with depression. We don't know if that's what this is about yet but we tend to look at footballers as if they're super human. Ultimately they're just people like the rest of us.
  3. Scary to think he was sitting there on the telly with Gary Mac yesterday thinking about going home and ending it.
  4. I'm waiting on Van Persenal beating Fulham for £20.41 Some goal by Nolan btw, absolute peach.
  5. Cracking result. Means we go into the Chelsea game under no pressure to "stop the rot" then a good run of fixtures after that. We're doing really well.
  6. Barca could do with sending Puyol to the fucking abbatoir. He's as slow as a week in Forfar. He just made Clarence Seedorf look like Usain Bolt.
  7. Liverpool won't sell him for at least another 18 months imo, mostly because nobody will pay them even a third of their outlay. The only way it would happen would be a loan deal and i'm kind of agnostic on that one. He's better than the strikers we've got but Ba is in form and scoring, Carroll isn't.
  8. ross magoo


    Fuckin gastro-boozer my hairy beanbag. That's just a pub that sells cheese toasties. Pretentious cunts.
  9. Spain are shite without Messi.
  10. They're stinking. Fed up hearing how unlucky they are, nobody's that unlucky all the time. Excuses excuses.
  11. McFadden's the best player that never was. He's got the ability but he doesn't have the work-rate, he takes the huff when something doesn't come off. He'll end up at Celtic eventually and they'll cream their fuckin nickers about it.
  12. He has his little brain farts from time to time but he's young, he'll iron that out of his game with experience. I have faith in him, i think he'll go on to become a really good keeper for us. Having a settled defence in front of helps at this stageof his development though, Coloccini is a great centre-half to play behind, never flustered.
  13. Absolute embarassment of a club.
  14. Tony Pulis is a fuckin mongol. Moaning his puss off about time wasting. I admire a man of principle. Mongol.
  15. I didn't see it as i was playing fives tonight. Good to hear that Klose scored again though, he's been a fantastic signing already.
  16. If this Lazio team are the second best team in Italy then football's gone daft.
  17. Breaking your neck or being called Bender?
  18. I'd laugh forever if the Spurs fans started singing "where's your Jesus gone".
  19. A lot of talk about what to do with him. Sack him, sell him, fine him, make him play with the reserves etc. Am i the only one who thinks a good hard punch in the puss would do the trick?
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