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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 3 hours ago, magvicar said:

    I think Rafa is a poisoned chalice for any club to be fair.

    I wasn't too keen on him at Newcastle as time went on. 


    I don't like his style of football and I don't think players do.

    I also don't think he has any man management skills.


    But most of all I don't like the way he left the club, regardless of whether people hated Ashley.

    His utter bull crap of saying that Chinese club was just the project he wanted was laughable. I mean it had nothing to do with the 12 million contract or so he was offered to do absolutely nothing more than any average Joe could've done.


    I feel sorry for any club that takes him on, on the wages he would be asking.

    I just don't like the bloke.


    Worst post of the year contender right here.

  2. By the way, on another note, I thought Man Utd's support was utter shit on Sunday. I really expected them to come up here and rinse us over the cup final but it never happened. They barely made a peep, which is exactly the norm for them when things don't go their way.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


    No chance of an element of rose-tinted glasses either? You always remember the big atmospheres don't you? Bournemouth this year sticks in my mind as being a poor atmosphere but I'll forget it. Man City, yesterday, Wolves, Arsenal last season, and a couple of others sit alongside any match I can think of since the stadium redevelopment though tbh.


    Don't forget as well, your hearing won't be what it was in the Keegan years ;) 


    Lol, I'm "only" 51 bud, and was actually hearing tested earlier this year.....all good apart from some permanent tinnitus from standing next to too many large speakers at 90s raves. :lol:


    I don't think it's rose tinted glasses either. My memory isn't tricking me as I know what SJP was like at it's best...however I have to accept that there is a yearning for those match days to come back, whilst also realising that it's unlikely. But even in the "golden years" of the 90s, SJP didn't have a dedicated kop end/singing section so I am intrigued and excited to see what it could be like.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    I mean this in the nicest possible way, but with the football that we're playing and the position that we're in, is the atmosphere really pissing on your chips that much that it's the focal point of what you post about?


    Pissing on my chips would be putting it way too strongly. But considering how magnificent everything else is about the club, I'd be lying if I said that the flatness of the home atmosphere doesn't irritate me. I've stood amongst some of the most vociferous NUFC support over the last 40 years, and that was generally when the team was utter shit, so to see it so bang average when the club is now the best it has probably ever been is frustrating to me. I know that society has changed and it can never probably be exactly like it was, but there is still room for improvement, and I absolutely know that we can get there too.

  5. Call me the forum misery if you wish, but I still thought there was a distinct lack of a songbook going throughout the game until 10 mins from the end. It really is incredible to me that the Blaydon Races has all but vanished from our songbook to be honest.


    Having said that, you can't fault the support yesterday in terms of urging the team on and cranking up the hostility to the opposition. But this thread was never created as a response to a lack of that anyway. IMO we have still lost the knack of keeping an atmosphere going through songs and I'm sticking to that, despite yesterday, and we really do need that large singing section at SJP.


    No doubt it, when the ground gets going it's still impressively loud but there just needs to be much more consistency and only a major reshuffle of seats/standing areas can bring that about.

  6. 3 minutes ago, geordiesteve710 said:




    Even the all-seater 36,500 was (or seemed to be) noisier than 52,000 after expansion.


    I don't accept that it's just down to the stadium acoustics either.


    It definitely isn't. Just watch that 5-0 from 1996 again and watch the crowd. It was far less family-orientated. Like it or not, that made a huge difference.


    I still love watching the radgies in the old benches jumping off their seats in reaction to match events. Cracks me up every time. :lol:

  7. 2 minutes ago, madras said:

    I dont know if your original link was in response to my bit about the Gallowgate, if it was I was meaning  when the Gallowgate was standing and we were regularly getting crowds round the 20,000 Mark. If it wasn't, as you were.


    It wasn't. Which post of yours are you referring to?

  8. 5 minutes ago, geordiesteve710 said:


    The wankathon over Man Utd fans in this thread is really bizarre like. I've been to Old Trafford shit loads of times to watch Newcastle and the atmosphere is never like the YouTube video linked above. Could just as easily post a link of the Arsenal game at SJP last year and claim there's no problem at our stadium, which we'd all know is bollocks.


    They will be loud today because their away fans always are (unless they go home at halftime) but even at Wembley they didn't come over particularly loud either (although the stadium acoustics might not have helped admittedly) and they were streaming out in their thousands before the cup had even been lifted.


    Such a bizarre fanbase to romanticise.



    As for our fans today, I don't know what to expect. If people realise how big a game it is we should be up for it from the off, but Sunday games are odd and I think it will depend on what happens on the pitch which is a shame. One of the loudest games I've ever seen at SJP was 97/98 (I think) when Cole scored the only goal and celebrated by dancing all the way down the East Stand touchline. Even though Newcastle were dogshit that day and didn't make a proper chance until injury time, the atmosphere was 90 minutes of intimidating noise. Could do with that today really.


    Don't think anyone is romanticising them. Rather, there is embarrassment that our support has sank to something like their level at home games. But also an appreciation that their support has made an effort to turn their home atmosphere around.


    The one area that they do excel in though is their songbook, it's head and shoulders above everyone else in the league for variety.

  9. 1 minute ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    The fixture and the opposition made the atmosphere that night - there were plenty of turgid atmospheres that season.  Half the articles in The Mag in the mid-90s were whinges about the shite atmosphere from the all-seater stadium (and the grumbling about 'glory seekers' who'd came into the ground).   The home game vs Sheff Wed earlier in the season I recollect being about as flat as it could be for a capacity crowd.


    True. The difference though is that, even on one of the better days, the modern-day SJP atmosphere never hits the heights of old.


    I haven't watched the 5-0 for a long, long time so as a warm up for today I thought I'd give the whole match a watch to see if I am just looking back at the SJP atmosphere of old with rose tinted glasses. Well, this confirmed that I'm not. A wall of noise from all four sides of the ground throughout the match.


    Yeah, the scoreline played a part, but, even in the 15 minutes before we scored the first goal, there is a hostile intensity to the atmosphere that just is not there anymore at SJP. 


    Watching this really made me miss the days of the pre-Level 7 St James's. If the ground is extended they really need to take stadium accoustics into consideration to keep the noise inside the ground.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

    Man Utd fans were completely silent at SJP last year and our crowd was excellent. This love in with Man Utd's away support is such a weird offshoot of their lavish success in the 90s. When have they ever demonstrated defiance in the face of their more recent set of circumstances? They fucked off like Sunderland fans during their hammerings at both City and Liverpool. When did you last see a half empty away end of ours way before full time?


    I agree with you on this to a large extent. Yeah, their hardcore is excellent and regularly makes a lot of noise. But then, considering how successful they have been over the last 30 years, so they should be.


    My experience of them is that, when a game is gone for them...or looks like it has gone...then they go missing.


    There isn't a Man Utd fan under the age of at least 50 that has tasted real adversity. And I mean the kind of adversity when you genuinely hate your club for what it stands for,

  12. 14 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Here’s an 8 minute sample of the Stretford End all standing and singing. I fucking despise the cunts but i don’t see how anyone can say our current atmosphere compares.


    I’ve seen every argument under the sun on here such as large stadiums aren’t conducive, times have changed etc.


    But that’s all it is excuses, for this video I could have pulled out one from Leeds, Forrest etc which again would piss all over our current atmosphere.


    The Strawberry Corner is a start but to see fans already whingeing on about having to stand is embarrassing, especially when you’ve got practically a full end standing up in this video.


    There needs to be a massive fan culture shift at SJP starting with the Strawberry corner.





    Yeah, that's class. And the exact kind of atmosphere we need on Sunday to help beat them. You can guarantee that they will be making plenty of noise, and rubbing the cup final defeat into our faces. Unfortunately I can see our crowd being flat again.


    And yeah, the SJP atmosphere has been poor on plenty of occasions over the last 20 years.....in fact you could argue that a section of our home crowd have been in a permanent sulk since we blew the title in 96..... but there is something different about the current situation. Our support has become very, very generic with a pitiful song book and only reacting to in-game events, rather than being proactive and changing the course of a game.


    Giving the Strawberry corner an all standing section is a tiny start, but it has to be the seed for something much, much bigger.

  13. 40 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:



    93/94 was probably the best year for atmosphere I've experience. Apart from 92/93 the previous years the atmosphere was either toxic or non-existent most of the time.

    The alternative to not making it all season ticket was to have thousands of people queuing for tickets overnight (as with the scramble for away tickets) and thousands in the end queuing for nothing, people from outside the city at a massive disadvantage. The same people complaining about season ticket only would be complaining about that.


    True. But it would have been reasonable to leave something like 6/7000 seats as non-ST. To have league games as 100% ST holders was crackers. Hindsight is a wonderful thing though.

  14. For those who can access the thread, have a look at the state of these posts man. Actually willing the North East on to be seen as a shithole, all in the hope that keeps NUFC from being successful. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-sportswashing-compendium-thread-jan-mar-2023.1597866/post-37992688


    For those who can't access the thread, here are some of the comments. They are the saddest & most bitter fanbase in the country, bar none.



    "they will pull out within 3 years once man u and spurs get taken over and they realise the north east really is viewed as a cess pit to anyone with significant wealth".


    "The day will be magnificent".


    "They'll build a Sheikdome in Longbenton imo".

    "£2k a season ticket / £150 a match ticket.

    Your lifelong / working class NUFC fans priced out.

    Be f***ing lifting for them.

    The sportswashed amongst them are either too dense or in denial about what is to come".

    "Or of course the owners will pie them off as soon as a more attractive club becomes available in a more attractive area of global influence".




  15. 7 hours ago, TheDarkKnight said:


    Cool. Thanks. :)


    Newcastle are a top club, so I didn't think there would be an issue, but it never hurts to ask.


    In fairness, most teams' forums are cool with rival fans chiming in. The only real trouble that I had was in the Brentford forum.


    I think it's fair to say they don't like outsiders. I even got into a debate with the admin, I asked him why there's a choice to choose with team you support when you register. His reply was "So we can separate the idiots from the Brentford fans".


    Small club mentality. A bit of a "Deliverance" feel.



    You obviously haven't been on https://www.readytogo.net/smb/forums/pure-football.86/ have you?


    Hint : It's like the Brentford forum on steroids.



  16. 3 hours ago, 54 said:

    Now that we're half decent again, would people want these and Middlesbrough back in the Premier League?


    Think I would to be honest, adds a different dimension to a couple of games a season.


    Back in the third division is where I want them.

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