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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. The fanbase that thinks its ok to chuck missiles at opposition players would definitely turn down Saudi money. Definitely.

  2. I do sometimes wonder if one of the reasons why our songs have speeded up is partly due to the horrible modern-day prevalence of cocaine being used by away fans. Mix the marching powder with the already-millons miles per hour Geordie accent and that's a potent combination for singing too fast. Could be something, could be nowt.

  3. I backed his decision to play Wilson in the cup final as I thought it was the right thing to play the team that essentially got us into 4th place. Yet again though, in that game, Wilson did nothing to justify the faith that the manager put in him. He should have been dropped today, no question about it.


    If Wilson plays ahead of Isak next week then Eddie will feel his first bit of wrath from the support.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

    We played a champions league qualifier with about 10,000 empty seats 20 years ago never mind the atmosphere being loads better. It’s total bollocks.


    Means nothing. You can still easily have a better atmosphere in a stadium with 30k people in than one with 50k in it. Reduction of numbers doesn't necessarily equate to a degradation in atmosphere.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Jonas said:

    Actually the best the atmosphere probably ever was at SJP was when there were no away fans for half season in 93/94 and they were an irrelevance the year before too when the atmosphere was great also.


    There'll be a couple hundred people sit near the away fans for the goading but it wont change much. Always think of Norwich and about thirty in the corner of their end behind the goal bantering with the away fans but its not going to motivate someone on the other side of the ground.


    Nah, we were largely silent even for the semi-final v Southampton man. It might never have been perfect back in the day but there's no way a 1990s/2000s SJP would have been so mute for such a big occasion.

  6. 1 hour ago, relámpago blanco said:

    There is quite a lot of libel in there.  I don't understand the way they go on.  I sort of miss the derbies.  I'd quite like them to get promoted.


    You obviously didn't see their reaction to Sunday's result. 


    Hopefully they will be in the Championship, or worse, for at least another 5 years. They absolutely hate being a football irrelevance outside of the PL. Long may it continue.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bellis80 said:

    That’s what a football crowd is though. Seen Forest and Leeds mentioned as good atmospheres in here but they’ve just come back up recently and in the shit like we were last season. It’s never been bouncing every week.


    Would agree about the songs but look at those listed previously on the thread, some will always be there and are heard at times but maybe we just need to accept we’re old cunts and someone isn’t going to be singing about Terry Hibbitt these days. Saying the atmosphere is shit then also saying the songs people are singing aren’t the right ones isn’t going to help.


    Nah, again I disagree. If you look at Man Utd, and even Liverpool these days, what their fans do to keep an atmosphere going is get their songbook going. It's the perfect way to keep an atmosphere bubbling along, even if a game is poor, and it kills me to admit it but Man U do it really well. Even Liverpool have been pretty good when I watch them at Anfield, as they get the "Allez, Allez" song, or the "Jurgen said to me...." one going around the stadium to give it a lift.


    Because we have almost completely lost our old classic songbook, then when a game goes flat, the place just goes silent.


    There's two ways to make an atmosphere. One is getting raucous in reaction to match events, and the other is having a sing-song when the match goes flat. We have lost the ability to do the latter.

  8. 1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

    Right there and level 7 corner above would probably be about 5.5k seats ? Right next to away fans NP would object to fuck, but I fucking love it and would get some real back and forth with away fans going. That’s what’s missing from SJP there’s just no banter with away fans anymore.


    I wish we still just gave away fans the small Leazes/East Stand corner. It was the perfect spot for a singing match between both sets of fans.

  9. 1 minute ago, Hovagod said:

    I think the atmosphere in the home game against Man Utd last December then City in August were two of the best I have ever experienced. Villa was really good this season too. Not sure where this idea it’s crap now is coming from. 


    Last season was definitely better than this one. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, we seem to make more noise when under adversity. This season, in a comfortable position, it's completely lost its edge. The Man City game was right at the beginning of the season when nobody would have expected to make a consistent push for the top 4.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

    I think the atmosphere is as good now as it was 25 or so years ago. Before the extension it kept the noise in better but don’t think it’s dropped much. We get reminded of the old games seeing clips on tv regularly but they’re only the big games. Playing Fulham, Derby or someone like that at home was as quiet as it is now. Think people will be moaning however it is and wanting a drum or just constant noise isn’t what an English atmosphere is for me. Crowds react to the game here rather than being organised and putting on some kind of performance. The flags have been magnificent and added something that wasn’t there but that’s before the game. Organising things to be during just seems weird to me.


    I disagree I'm afraid. 25 years ago we had a varied songbook that got aired at most games. Now we've got 3 songs in total, and they are all shit.


    The atmosphere would go quiet in games back then too, but not in the way it does now. We are literally kicking off games this season and you hear a pin drop right from the referee's whistle. It's painful to witness.

  11. A lot of the old classics started to die off in the Ashley era, as the fact cunt slowly choked the life out of the club.


    One song that emerged in that era that made be genuinely angry was the "Don't sell Cabaye" one. A perfect measure of how small time Ashley had now made NUFC, in that fans were now singing a begging song to keep hold of an above-average midfielder.

  12. 2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Not just folk on here who thought atmosphere was shit on Sunday. 




    "I’m expecting this six years deep into PIF ownership, not now".


    This highlights the real worry, I think. The club is changing so fast, and if we are not careful then it could be the case that the club's fanbase could quickly be unrecognisable from the one that NUFC are famous for.


    All fan groups, fanzines etc have got to come together to ensure that like-minded people are together at SJP. The cup final was disappointing but an anomaly, in the grand scheme of things, as there can be various mitigating circumstances that make the atmosphere bad in those one-off games. But there needs to be a system put in place at SJP so that everyone knows more-or-less what to expect atmosphere-wise at home games.

  13. 1 minute ago, Geogaddi said:

    I don't even think Man United need state ownership, so these new owners coming in and spending a fortune on players will be no different to what the current owners have done, Man United haven't been miles off winning the league due to lack of spending, its due to the poor recruitment and the players the managers have bought. That isn't down to the Glazers. New owners aren't going to suddenly make them any better on the pitch as its not the lack of speniding thats the issue anyway.


    They do need it, but not for player recruitment. It's required to rebuild their stadium and a brand new training complex. If Red Cafe is to be believed they don't have a pot to piss in, in terms of money in the piggy bank for infrastructure. The Glazers have squirreled it all away.

  14. 33 minutes ago, christ said:

    Could we add a poll to the OP? Existing ST holders who’d be interested in a singing section, members who’d be interested etc? Be good to get some idea of what the figures look like just on here.


    I've added a poll with some questions. Let me know if there is anything I should add.

  15. The Glazers will be absolutely mental to turn down £4.5Bn in the hope of getting £6Bn. Pretty sure they will agree a deal of £5Bn with the Qataris. At the moment its all part of the negotiation tactics, to make it look like they might stay.


    Although it will undoubtedly give them more power it will also be good for us as it fully legitimises our own takeover and puts a lot of the "Sportswashing" spotlight on them and away from us.


    There's also no way they will dominate like they did under Ferguson. There is too much competition this time around.

  16. 2 hours ago, Heron said:

    My (personal) take on the atmosphere was that it was flat as a fart for the most part. It seemed absolutely deafening when their team was read out and when the national anthem was sung I was like ? 


    Then it only lasted for 5 or 10 minutes and it was like our bubble just burst. Felt like our fans lost faith and when they scored the tie was as good as over for most.


    Part of it may have been the night before, but I think thats just an excuse personally. I think our recent lack of goal scoring prowess and Man Uniteds increasingly good form had us like rabbits in the headlights when the big moment of the match finally came to take place. Our attitude (which I love and which is why we are loved) is to be there, take part, have a belter time, and leave popular, plucky underdogs. Man United turned up to win, on and off the pitch. If we scored on the 30th minute we'd have won that tie undoubtedly, but that first goal was crucial.


    I was lower tier, behind the goal, and myself and this guy got proper emotional at the start, just oozing with pride. We hugged and then that was it. Both his mates and mine stuck it out together for the duration. Stamping on the metal and when the knees and feet became too sore reverted to banging it with a clenched fist. It's what I love about football. That sense of shared pride, overwhelming passion and a love of where one's from. In how many scenarios in life does this happen?


    For me, I'm maybe a tad old school and that has its pro's and cons. I'm not old enough to have experienced the days of hooliganism and the genuine danger of any given away day. That has to be a pro. Likewise, I grew up in an era where those older than me educated and policed me into understanding how to behave at the pub and the match, generally speaking. Of course there are moments when you lose your head or you say or do something stupid but hey ho, that's life. Now, for the betterment of society, women and kids are in abundance at the match. As they should be. However, I do feel that there's a sanitisation of the game whereby the tribalism is almost entirely removed and it's becoming a very generic thing to attend any match, anywhere in the country. You hear the same drab songs coming from away ends and the home fans sit in silence unless they take the lead. Home advantage no longer exists. This whole thing about putting away fans pitch side is absolute nonsense to me. There should be home standing/singing sections and the away fans should be in the worst seats on the stadium. Of course, that's not great as an away fan, but it's all about giving your team an advantage. That way the away 'hardcore' have to be on their game to balance the playing field.


    The answer, as others have mentioned is to reshuffle. Nowt wrong with family enclosures, nowt wrong with sitting, but there's also nowt wrong with standing, singing and actually,  swearing.


    I feel like many probably do at the match: It's where my troubles leave me, for 90minutes. Same when I play. Nothing matters but football for that time. Sure, people swear, lose their heads,etc. Sure people sometimes need to dial it in and be respectful of others, but for how many is football a form of therapy?


    I feel like many think it's embarrassing to sing alone or to get passionate, maybe it's a British trait, I don't know, the whole stiff upper lip kinda crack, but for me I enjoy people showing raw passion and hence I tend to show mine.


    At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


    I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."


    I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed but also angry that this would matter at such a time.


    Which brings me to my final point. In another thread someone has mentioned when I protested vs Arsenal and wrote something passionate on here (will also pick that up in that thread) but for me, that day, something as a football fan died inside me. I love the match and getting behind my team, but the way I felt that day made me feel entirely alienated from the club and city I love. Random people calling you a cunt for standing up for the same thing they also love, whilst they themselves do fuck all about it except complain in a pub.


    I'll be honest, I don't give that much of a shit that people wouldn't protest, but don't also spend hours complaining of a situation you're unwilling to do anything about if that's the case. Most of my best mates carried on with their tickets and I'd see them every match day still as I made my stand and sat in the pub whilst they went. For the most part it was fine, I accepted my choice but some days it upset me, I no longer had my 'therapy' and I felt an outcast (despite it being of my own doing).


    I remember these planned protests, several of them, when well renowned toon fans pushed them and then dropped them last minute and lead with a 'voice' but no actual presence. Doing public U Turns at the last gasp as those that followed them ultimately sacked protesting off, but I didn't. I said my piece and followed it through. It's that feeling of relief I feel at almost every game now, self vindication and pride in staying true to myself that tip me over the edge. Whereas some others have probably become spectators, there in body but not as much spirit and hence the silence until the team give them something to shout about.


    Mike Ashley fucking ruined this club and its gonna take more than 15months to repair those 15(?) Years. The bastard.


    (Apologies for the war and peace...)


    Great post, but also pretty depressing too. Unfortunately the Ashley years highlighted that we have a sizeable amount of wankers in our ranks. Every club has them though as it is a society thing.


    Agree that the damage inflicted will need time to repair. I think that the dust has still yet to properly settle on all of the bomb damage done by him, to be honest. The smoke is slowly clearing and we are seeing what is left of the club we once had.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    I don't think its as bad as people think. Compared to anything in contemporary times it isn't.

    If you watch other matches with the same critical eye as you put on our own you'd see that.

    Liverpool v Real Madrid in the CL last week wasn't even average SJP standards and Wales v England in the rugby, a massive game, even the commentators talked about how it wasn't very loud.

    Check Man City out this weekend,


    Compared to the 90s and earlier everywhere is worse now. Its sad but we shouldn't beat ourselves up over such a concept.

    All for improving it. But it’s never coming back to that level. Nor is Anfield whatever you do or anywhere else.

    Hear what you are saying, but just because almost everywhere is dreadful doesn’t mean that we should accept it. We can get it to at least 75% as good as it was just 20 years ago. And it’s already been pointed out that there is still an excellent atmosphere at places like Elland Road, City Ground and even Old Trafford.

  18. 3 minutes ago, pedro111 said:

    @Heron is the embodiment of how every fan on this forum feels about this football club and this city. Speaking for myself I can say that he has the balls and wherewithal to really make a difference. Something I could only dream of. I know he has said that he will put in a word (and that's great) and that he wants to focus on wor flags but in my opinion the flags and atmosphere go hand in hand. His experience and knowledge of dealing with the club and his all round passion for NUFC is unmatched and could be key if he were to take some kind of a formal lead role in any plans going forward. I realise that it is easy for me to say this and that he is probably sick of all the effort but the man's a star and there is no one better.

    Very much agree. To be honest, the flags on Sunday were truly incredible and I felt such pride watching them in the boozer. If we can get the noise back to match the level of the displays we will be in a really great place as a fanbase.

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