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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Do we have any direct quotes saying that they won't buy if we get relegated?


    The money it takes to get back up is what Liverpool would spend on a goalie. From PIFs perspective, surely it'd be a minor inconvenience.


    Quicker to just buy Leeds.


    Except Leeds don't offer the same package, nowhere near.  Not this year or any other year.


    Delusional. What do NUFC have that Leeds cannot offer?

  2. He only has to get a win from either Villa or Leeds and that will get him another month. And I think that he will probably get that win from one of those. If he loses both though he's a goner but only IF the takeover is on course to happen.

  3. Being a blind faith believer is all that some of us have left. The scepticism of others is completely understandable and valid though as long as those people don't snigger at the optimists. Having said that, I want to see something concrete develop over the next few weeks as this smoke and mirrors stuff is just tedious now. If we are still going off rumour and hearsay by early February then I might have to join the cynics gang.

  4. When we finally got rid of Pardew I thought I'd never hate a future manager any more than that but a little more than 6 years later here we fucking are.


    This prick actually talks down NUFC more than Pardew did.

  5. If the club is allowed to drift towards relegation, putting the deal in jeopardy, surely that shows it is nowhere near as close (or certain) to get done as many seem to be under the illusion? And that Ashley is not actually desperate to sell, as people have been stating as fact for months now?


    Correct. If nothing else, Bruce's ineptitude is going to reveal how close this deal really is.

  6. This despicable cunt has had a free ride for the last 18 months as the club and its support have effectively been in a coma since Benitez walked. Apathy has reigned supreme but tonight it feels like something has clicked and people have been stirred back into life. Whether its just the final straw of shambolic performances being broken or the dawning realisation that the takeover will be passed but then sacked off because of relegation, one thing is for sure....if he is still here for the next game the level of scrutiny is going to be magnified tenfold.

  7. Think I have lost the appetite to follow this thread now. All of a sudden we have a much bigger problem than Richard Masters, the Premier League, Qatar, the big six and the national media. And it's right here on our doorstep.


    Honestly dont think I have the stomach to follow events at this club over the next four months. Its got the mother of all disasters written all over it.


    If Ashley is happy with club outside of bottom 3 as implied by Chronicle, then I suspect takeover is not currently in immediate danger. Obviously things could deteriorate further over next couple of games, but think 8 point gap is saving grace at the minute.


    When the buyers start getting twitchy he will act.


    Banking on that gap would be the biggest mistake that Ashley could make. By the time it evaporates it will likely be too late to arrest the slump.


    If the buyers are as confident as we hear and the takeover looking nailed on then they should be doing everything they can to oust Bruce right this minute and get Benitez back.

  8. Think I have lost the appetite to follow this thread now. All of a sudden we have a much bigger problem than Richard Masters, the Premier League, Qatar, the big six and the national media. And it's right here on our doorstep.


    Honestly dont think I have the stomach to follow events at this club over the next four months. Its got the mother of all disasters written all over it.

  9. Here we go again, the scumbag national media getting a whiff of possible takeover success and in go the barbs..


    It's nowt you lot ain't been saying on here about his tweets.


    Did Panja's sarcasm in that tweet just whoosh straight over your head?

    Not at all, but you've all been whipping yourselves into a frenzy every time he tweets. It's a pretty accurate observation.


    Football fans in getting-excited-on-twitter shock. Does he also take snidey swipes at the fans of other teams when they get excited about stuff regarding their club? Or is it just NUFC supporters who rattle him enough to provoke a response?


    We'd better batten down the hatches again folks. The filth are getting wind of this coming back. They thought they had swatted it away for good but now they know that they didnt. Expect the next 4 weeks to be like those in May.

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