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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Good shout for Eagles, he looks like the Championship's Cristiano Ronaldo.
  2. Kevin Phillips and Jamal Campbell-Ryce.
  3. He's mental, he created the whole "seconed season syndrome" theory and literally scared the fuck out of everyone untill they got relegated, even turned down the intertoto invitation because he wanted to focus on the league and not get relegated.
  4. Thats two, lets see who else is going to stay.
  5. He'll be one of the first players to leave.
  6. Because their cunts. Absloute legend imo, one of the greatest players of all time, won 5 champions leagues and pretty much everything else, 20 years with one club and he will always be an example of loyalty and being a top pro.
  7. Keegan should be blamed for probably ruining any chance of having a successful season/finishing in the top half. Relegation certainly has nothing to do with him. I think that still means he takes a share of the blame.
  8. In a sense that it could be what we need in the long-term i am.
  9. Been following it all season and there are no teams that really cause any threat to us next season, all are crap.
  10. Right, now i know am going to get a proper bashing over this thread but here it goes anyway: As much as it hurt watching the team that i've supported for 12 years now (since i was 8) go down after all these years, one can't ignore the fact that it was coming, since the Souness days the threat of relegation was around us and one fuck up after another turned it into a reality, but even do this club has sunk as low as it can sink in its premier league history one can't ignore the fact that it might just be the wake call we need. For starters it will be the end of an era where we paid millions on over-priced players who don't do fuck on the pitch, Duff for example who is being paid insane amounts of money even though he's clearly average, and i really don't need to mention any more names because their all known, it could also be the end of the Ashley regime and hopefully were going to have someone who restores some sense to this place instead of treating a football club like its a business and the only aim is to get profit, also we'll get to see which one of our players are true to their colors ala Juve two seasons ago, the likes of Steven Taylor will prove vital in our bid to come straight back up next season, if more players like him are willing to stay and fight we'll be defintley be back within a season. one more thing is that we have a group of very talented youngsters such as Carroll, Krul, Lua Lua and others coming through and they might just get a the chance to develop next season. I know relegation is not an easy thing to take and that the reality of it haven' even sunk in yet, but really after watching the club for the last 5 years it was obvious we were going no where, this could be the wake up call this club needs to restore its real image. Howay the toon!
  11. Nothing is gonna change, going down or staying up we'll still be Newcastle Fans and hopefully next season SJP will still be full on match days.
  12. He's gonna miss and send us down, this is Newcastle remember.
  13. Fucking awfull, was really hoping he gets picked for the U-21..shame.
  14. To show you just how easy it is to look class in the spanish league, Diego Forlan just scored a hatrick, taking his tally to 32 goals this season!!
  15. He's been finished a long time ago, at the start of last season i said he's done and we need to sell him and i can't believe he's still starting every game for us, he's not a bad player, clearly has the abillty to tackle at least but he's past it physically, he's slow, dosn't seem to move as much or really help the defence, and in our current situation the last thing we need is a player like him on the pitch.
  16. That play-off final was by far the most boring game i've watched in my life..
  17. Would love it if its Jose.. Think its gonna be Taylor and would like it if he's the one who saves us, been the only player playing with heart in our team.
  18. I'm pretty sure Giggs won't play.
  19. Everyone if i'm being honest.. Keegan- For leaving the club the way he did, if you have a problem with how the club is run you try and fix it, and even if you can't you just don't walk away from the club and the fans and leave them in the shiiter. Ashley and co- Because their a bunch of cunts who tried to manage a football club like its a Pizza franchise, cost cutting and no respect to those working under them eventually caused everyone to lose any respect he had for those bunch of fucks. The Fans- For the hectic dooms day reaction that caused Ashley to literally flee Newcastle and put the club up for sale. The Players- For being effortless and not even botherd throughout the season. Pretty much all share the blame although some more than others..
  20. We never improve our players, never.. i've never seen a single player here get better in whats supposed to be his weakness, James Milner came here unable to cross and he left unable to cross, now at Villa he's crossing them like he's David f***ing Beckham and has got alot faster too, Titus Bramble's concentration problems are now gone and so, yet here we get a player with amazing stamina and effort and we can't get him to kick a ball properly, whoever is doing the coaching needs to be shot.
  21. People do realise that no matter who Fergie puts out on saturday we still need to get at least a point at Villa?
  22. He was playing yesterday like he didn't give a fuck, not even trying to play and yet still ended up scoring!
  23. If i wasn't a Newcastle Fan i'd be laughing my ass off.
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