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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. I dont know a great deal about horse racing but speaking to people that do, I have been told that it is all about the winning & owning the best horses rather than the money for the people involved in horse racing from the middle east. They take great delight in beating fellow Arabs on winning a major race or out bidding one for horses. Is this stuff true? True when it comes to Horse races in the UAE, Camel races in Saudi Arabia, sadley even though we are in 2008 and even though those people own so much money they still think as if this was 1850, for them winning a horse race and owning the best horse is a source of great pride and honour, they would pay millions to get the best horse and will stop at nothing to get it, its truely ridiculous. I am not sure about horse racing but I have a good friend who works for Emirates Airlines and with them being a Dubai based Airline and from travelling there frequently for training courses etc, he says that they are very competetive with their fellow Arab States and are always looking to outdo each other. Thats true, in UAE's case they have inner states such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi always trying to outdo each other, while UAE the country spends ridiculous amounts of money just to make sure its the foucs point of the region, i don't think there are many places in the world that come near Dubai when it comes to the quality of that place, anything is possible there, all it takes to make it possible is for one sheikh to think "why not?", thing is they always look at what other people did and try to do it again, only better, and larger, we bulit an F1 track here in Bahrain, they were so pissed they bulit an island, with a F1 track as one of the attractions in the island. At least their national team is/was and always will be shit
  2. I dont know a great deal about horse racing but speaking to people that do, I have been told that it is all about the winning & owning the best horses rather than the money for the people involved in horse racing from the middle east. They take great delight in beating fellow Arabs on winning a major race or out bidding one for horses. Is this stuff true? True when it comes to Horse races in the UAE, Camel races in Saudi Arabia, sadley even though we are in 2008 and even though those people own so much money they still think as if this was 1850, for them winning a horse race and owning the best horse is a source of great pride and honour, they would pay millions to get the best horse and will stop at nothing to get it, its truely ridiculous.
  3. You got to understand that what happend in City won't happen again, what happend in City was one bored Sheikh who thought that having the best team in the world would be a good thing to brag to his friends about went and bought them, he dosn't care if he wins or loses money as much as he cares about his team getting results. However those invesment groups are bulit to achieve profit, and i highley doubt that buying this club at its current state with the price on offer is going to be a good decsion business wise. On the other hands, i know that their are at least 4 or 5 other people who are just as rich/if not richer than the guy who bought City, so if one of them decides that he wants to play real life PES with him he might just buy or club.
  4. I live here (well pretty close anyway) and its the first time i ever hear of them, the name isn't actually pronounced zabeel its actually alot funnier than that in Arabic Anyway i wouldn't trust them with a takeover, but if they do pay 860m for us then Ashley is a better business man than i thought and if they do pay that amount then they'll defintley work their ass off to make it the best there is..so lets see.
  5. Beye is back according to the same link you sent. Why go with Lough when you got Edgar and Tozer?
  6. Wasn't that yesterday ? Old news, trying to get DIC to buy us but they weren't interested. I don't know but he is in Dubai and i've been told that he was seen today, still didn't take the trip back i guess.
  7. That Harewood miss was awfull, last season he came on when it was 4-1 and Spurs scored 3 to make it 4-4, this season he came on at 2-0 and almost helped making it 2-2..
  8. Weird. didn't he get up and went straight to Guthrie like nothing happend? can you do that with a broken leg?
  9. So both KK and Shearer? wow Anyway i think its a bit unfair that he was getting payed for doing nothing, "club ambassador" is just a role given to him due to his legendery status here, if he was actually getting payed for it then its a piss-take surley..Shearer is one of my heros but getting payed for doing fuck all isn't fair espically considring our huge wage budget.
  10. I have no reason not to believe him in all honesty.
  11. Actually we all knew that Ashley wanted to run the club this way, but the mistake he made was appointing Keegan, if he wanted to run the club at the way he said he wanted to run it in his statment then he shouldn't have hired Keegan in the first place, to be honest i'm a big gutted that he's going to leave espically after this statment but he brought this on himself, he had to options, to either stay and fix it, that of course means facing the extremely frustrated toon army, or sell the club and leave, he choose the later and i can only wish him the best in the future..
  12. Was never the same after that Bullard incident though.
  13. As stupid as it was i actually felt happy when he did it, was actually hoping he breaks his leg.. Pure frustration i guess
  14. Were still in it, its just 4 games, and even though our luck ran out sooner than every season lets try to keep it optimistic
  15. Owen's peformence today deserves a mention, he seemed pretty determined and wanted the ball all the time, he was trying his best to encourge his team mates to step up their game, my opinion of him increased after this match.
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