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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Good,wanted Chelsea and Liverpool to win tbh.. Thank fuck that barca are out,nearly shitted myself everytime they got the ball in the last 10 min's Now lets hope Man utd and Arsenal do the same,if anyone is going to win i sure hope its not a spanish or an italian team
  2. Scary game tbh Both team are playing with extreme caution Liverpool are REALLY unlucky not to be up,they deserve it tbh,fantastic tactical display and a really good peformence I Hear Chelski are losing to Porto,if they are knocked out expect the same that happend to Real Madrid to happen to them wich is: A)Sack a really decent manager who brings atleast a cup per seasom B)Sell Makalele C)Bring a Cunt who don't know how to manage them,end up in a circle of stupid managers and bad heartless players.. If they win though they might go on to win it ..
  3. Comon Liverpool Hates their guts,but hate Barca much more..
  4. by far the worst player we've had here in 100 years
  5. Anyway,Wikipedia is full of s***,I think Liverpool fans call Anfield "heaven" but not once have a heard a Nufc fan calling SJP anyone of those names..
  6. Credit to Manchester United for the way they improved his game When he first came to England he was a selfish diving cunt, But Manure's coaching staff helped him devolp his strength and fixed his weakness's such as his Crossing and Heading,they turned him to a fantastic player who is one of the best players in the world currently.. We took Viana,who was supposed to be an even bigger prospect,Fucked him up and then kept loaning him and sold him for almost a quarter of the price we payed to sign him Says alot about our training methods compared to Manchester's
  7. Hey.. Well lets hope someone from here went to the game.
  8. True.. But from the report it seems like he can't finish..!
  9. A very good player,a fantastic defender who i would have here anytime We should try signing him in the summer,but i think he will move to a big club (Juve,Real as stated)
  10. Read my post again. I'm talking about when we bought him. Sorry,Didnt notice Well,we will never know will we,wasn't Owen wanted by Liverpool,Chelsea and etc..but we offerd him this huge wage and fee that no one matched ,and we ended up signing him,i guess the same goes for Luque
  11. No body came for him because he hasn't played a decent run of game for the last two years,why take a gamble on him when you have other players who are playing regurlery in their teams...
  12. Was Luque ever class, or did he just have one or two good seasons? Who can blame Roeder for talking up his signing? A) Luque was Class,one of the La-Liga's best players when we signed him and was wanted by both Madrid and Barca. B)I Can..
  13. Wait.. We had 4 millions and all we got is Gooch?
  14. Vs Bolton,Luque starting Playere in Bold have played with our first team this season Lee Kerr is starting the game as part of his trial.. At least Luque got ahead of Carroll this time
  15. Yes You spend too much time in toontastic..
  16. What about Luque you idiot !!! He had NO class when he came here and it's NOT up to you do get the best out of him Agreed But Remember,Duff is not spanish..
  17. Gutted tbh that Lennon And Bentley didnt get any Extra points,while Berbatov got 3! now i am 2 points behind the 2nd placed side in a league with my mates/family,couldve used some extra points..
  18. We are blaming him (And Luque,if he plays) for everything that goes wrong Parker is a decent player,he is being mismanged by Roeder,who is playing him in a free role,Parker is a DMC,he tackles,gets the ball,helps the defenct,Roeder wants him to be the hear of our team,in both the attack and the defence,this effected his form,and added alot of pressure on him,Roeder in clearly not helping by also making him captin,something that made his the scapegoat for most of our poor peformence's Parker is a very decent DMC,he is a fantastic holding midfielder that deserves to go to England,if he plays like he played like season,Putting him in various stupid postion's like what Roeder is doing to him now will only turn him into a worse player Check CoachHTT thread about getting the best of Scott Parker,if Roeder simply do what HTT said he should do,Parker will be one of our better players,but clearly thats not going to happen,and Parker will only go from bad to worse..
  19. Newcastle Fan


    He is decent,but i see him as more of a supporting striker then a main striker,he can't cause problems that for sure,but his finishing is average,i don't think he will be a hit here,we should look for more clinical strikers who can score for fun,we already have a fantastic player in Martins,and Owen is coming back soon,what we need now is a target man,a guy who is great in the air and score with both head and feet..
  20. Barcelona have a good academy maninly because they scout for talents who are really young,they sign players from Brazil and Argentina that are aged from 8 to 13,they improve them in the academy and create fantatsic talents.. But i don't think they have the best academy in the world,Because they didnt really produce big players,i mean look at your team,its a team that will hardly win anything,most of the players in it are youngsters who we still don't know if they are going to devolp into good players or not,another issue is the fact that barca don't really care about their academy,i.e look at the way Arsenal simply "Snatched" Fabrigcas and Juan Merida from them,very few players actually make it to the first team Many other teams have great academy,suprised that not many mentioned Manchester United,most of the team that won the 99 triple were academy players,Most dutch teams have great academys,Ajax/PSV created a new profitable concept of growing fantastic talents,selling them for money,and then replacing them with more academy talents,they started doing that in the early 90's and to this day Ajax and PSV have some of the worlds finisest youngsters in their teams.. Engilish teams in genral also have nice academys,heck even we have a good academy,wich was proven by the fact that most of our youngsters did very well this season,we have a fantastic talent is Steven Taylor,But the real good academys in England are those of West Ham,Manchester Citys,And Southampton (recently). In the Future most clubs will either depend on youngsters from South or North America (already being done in spain,Madrid and Barca),Or Home grown talents from the clubs academy,like here in England,the number of transfers will decrease and Club academys will be the No.1 Source of players for that same team..
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