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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Milner,his peformence has been fantastic,and for a right winger his goals/assits rate is fantastic Martins can also be ranked as our best player this season,his peformence has been brilliant Dyer,Taylor close to follow while Parker,Butt are behind them,Sibreski comes last in this list,suprised Emer wasn't put there with them
  2. I am starting to regret saying that already
  3. God,would you let it go already Anyway,West Ham starting Tevez today,Charlton starting Darren and Marcus Bent both teams are going at each other and we are in for a fine game Liverpool resting a number of players for there game,Robbie Fowler is starting gtoday While Boro just took the lead thanks no a Mark Viduka strike
  4. I'm just about used to the media referring to them as "United" but howay, how can one of our own?!? Srry mate,been reading too much match previews today There is only one United = Newcastle United 8)
  5. Fantastic goal by C.Ronaldo,run about 3 quarters of the pitch before scoring,dribbling past 3 players in the way I wanted United to win,They keep Fulham away from us and i would very much like to see them win the league instead of Chelski
  6. Duff,we all know what he can do,but he is not really doing it here,his peformence has been shit,he seems to lost it all and could hardly return to his former self against a bunch of part timers N'Zogbia,we've seen what he is able to do,he is one of the most talented playes in our Squad and even though his peformence has dropped this season,he will surley want to prove himself as a better player then Duff. So,if you had both of them fit,something that Roeder will have in a couple of weeks or less,who would you choose,and why?
  7. I had a HUGE problem with him when he started,his first touch was poor,he would rather dribble then shoot,he seemed to do everything the wrong way Now,he is THE player to me,he is the guy i count on to produce the goods,his pace is amazing but what i like more about him is his finishing,blast it in with no mercey,reminds me a bit of Shearers finishing,still,its his first season and he might have the seconed season syndrome,but i have to say i am very impressed with his peformence this season,Class player
  8. Taylor/Gooch,but i think with Bramble's recent peformence it will be a shame to drop him,then again he is Titus Bramble and i am sure not too many people will mind dropping him..
  9. Football fans today are mostly fake fans..the thing i like about Newcastle Fans is that most of them are genuine fans these days people would tag a monkey who dribbles past players but never scores or assists as the worlds best player,while players who have 0 skills but are fantastic at doing basic goal scoring and assisting get nothing,alot has change about football these days mate,but still their are many people who understand that football in not all about fancy stuff,but its usually the simple basics that win you games and cups..
  10. From .cock Loves the way he uses and excuse the goes "oo wait,thats an excuse"
  11. I think this thread is "some of the crap here that remians unlocked"
  12. N'Zogbia is one of the most talented youngster in the world (yes,world!),i think he is really underated and really hope he gets to be here for a long time,I really admire his passion and his fantastic playing style,he is the kind of players you just want the other players to pass the ball to,really hope he returns soon and plays more in our team,fantastic lad.
  13. Just checked with DHL,i will get it about 5 days from now Thank you freddy 8)
  14. Pattison works hard,but is really really bad and shouldnt make our first team line-up tbh,working hard alone won't work if you don't have the talent or the skills,still i think he was only used so that Roeder can Keep Luque on the bench for the transfer window,with that gone i see no reason what so ever to even think about giving him more games..
  15. He is one of few players we play who is mentaly good,he seems to move smartly and is really good with the ball,sure he is not as fast as Zoggy or Martins,or have the crossing of Robert and Solano,but he is still a really good player who is still very young,he had some fantastic games for us and scored some smashing goals this season,and i really hope he keeps it up..
  16. Well,as far as Roeder is Conserned,he keeps Luque out of the team/on the bench.. Hmm funny that, I was sure Luque started tonight and Pattison was on the bench! Silly me! Its europe,Luque usually plays,but in the premier league,English cups its always Pattison first..
  17. Well,as far as Roeder is Conserned,he keeps Luque out of the team/on the bench..
  18. I saw the whole Duff being s*** thing coming tbh One thing about Chelsea is that they only sell players who won't help their cause,and it was clear to Mourinho that Duff forms will not improve,so he gave him to us on a "bargin" and now that we didnt sign any defenders i am seriously questoning the "Bargin" in the Duff deal Luque meanwhille is a diffrent case (see the Luque thread) but he didnt do himself any good by not showing any heart with the club,i saw him at Depor and he was pure class,when he came here his debut was promising then he just started going from bad to worse on and off the field..and tonights game is propbly the last time we will see him.
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