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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. its a good idea,him on the bench is enough to make some fans happy its just that we never thought he will play ,FFS he is our 4TH choice Gk,and somehow he managed to get a game..
  2. i say yell in anger,always worked for me blueyes.gif
  3. thats not good news tbh.. The good news is that we haven't slipped. Thats means we are setting ourselves to fall harder IF we lose against Everton and united..
  4. no,because he didnt score the own goal..,so taking him out will be a bit unfair
  5. tbh,from Carr-Moore-Bramble-Babayaro-Solano,i will be only looking forward for Solano to return,the others can just F*** off..
  6. well,Thats F***in stupid.. One bad game,and he's off?! he is Much better then both bramble and Moore,and tbh he had a good season he is too young to be playing reguler first team football (for a defender),and he will get better in the future at the time,FFS its one bad game,he was fantastic last few games..
  7. Agreed. But Ramage made as many mistakes that cost us dearly as Bramble, . Trust me,no one is near that recored.. Making great use of that quote-function blueeek.gif well,trying something new..was stupid ending up with two blank quote's and a sentence in the middle bluedead.gif gonna fix it now :winking:
  8. Trust me,no one is near that recored..
  9. Newcastle Fan


    won't work simply because we are always the kind of teams that needs to defend and defend well,sure our left and right backs are horrible,but the fact is that most premiership teams attack from the wing might be the reason playing this formation will give us strength when facing cross's,or and attack from the middle,but any good manager will know how to use this plan against us,beacuse neither zoggy,or dyer and milner,and espically not duff know how to defend well,they will be out weak point when coming back,and we won't be able to use them as often when going forward a good plan for our team is the typical 4-4-2,or a 4-3-3 formation,both will work like a charm..
  10. Taylor and Ramage are the best CB's in the club at the moment,they are both young and show great enthusiasm in every game,Taylor is a brilliant defender since the day he made his debut,sure sometime's he makes a fool of himself,but there is no doubt that he is one of the strongest,better,young defenders in england at the moment,there might just come a day when we see him captining england in an international match,but for now i will be more then happy to see him start every game for nufc Ramage is also a good defender,he is much better as CB then LB or RB,and i think with a bit more hard work he can get alot better in the future. just hope roeders keeps those two in the first team,and don't put Moore or Bramble as first teamers the min they are back from injurey
  11. thats an easy way to earn 200k...
  12. I would say no We need some decent defenders,we can't go and spend 9m on a striker Darren Bent is a good player,but what we need now is a goalscorer,who can score with both head and feet,and for a low price (1-4 million) and spend the rest of our budget on signing defenders.. Also,if Owen is to return next season,Bent will have a hard time finding a place in the first team,wich will lead to more problems..
  13. Say what blueupset.gif i wrote this one yesterday blueyes.gif
  14. Carew would be fantastic,Crouch i am not ready to gamble on him (yet),Reo-Coker,can't see what he will add to our team ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Crouch for 70% of our budget?,and have just 3 million left for defenders? this will be a stupid move if it happens Reo-Coker for Parker?? impossible so just carew thank you
  15. Don't lie. Krul isn't going out on loan. http://football.guardian.co.uk/Match_Report/0,,-69213,00.html
  16. well,i went to check the result one more time,and it appeard the game made some few auto-subs to me.. and i FU*KING WON!!!! :banana:
  17. i want him to play as much as he can,he is Fantastic. but glenn said he will propbly loan him to another club to gain experince though i've been watching Krul since the day he moved to us,and trust me he got it all
  18. well,the truth is we need a 3rd keepr since T.Caig left.. and keeping him won't hurt,unless we actually have to play him..
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