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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. can u put the link of the old thread here...?
  2. don't worry,it won't happen,the bloke is a flipping expert but if he falls on his head and injures himself,it will be hilarious to watch
  3. well,fans have feeling too,and titus sure missed alot with them
  4. mine is a toon fan,so it will be a shame ti beat him
  5. he is a left footed player with one hell of a right foot..
  6. that was fu*king brilliant!!
  7. NO SHIT!! i placed him on the bench,thanksfully luque didnt play so he is coming in sold luque btw,hopless cause.,payed my friend the 20 pounds i owe him and signed sibreski..
  8. for 10 million the fu**er should score in everygame we play..
  9. sib without a doubt,he moved,his is great in the air,can both score an assist,he is twice the player shola is and ever will be..
  10. Newcastle Fan


    name says it all..
  11. plz don't turn this to another luque thread,coz i have the abillty of turning ANY thread in this fourm to one keep it on huntington,while all of us say he is a good prospect,guy with luques pic say he is not..
  12. what did u expect?,for him to go tackling everything that walks near him and destroy watfords attacks? simple question,would you have carr over him as a RB?
  13. just beat the spurs,i don't care if we lose all the other games,just please god let us beat the spurs..
  14. as i said before,december is very importent for us,it will define our season,are we going to finish in the top half or the bottem.. and i am a bit optimistc,but just one look at our fixtures will tell u that being optimistic is not enough..
  15. taking them both will be HUGE,might help us to actually reach the uefa cup (hell,maybe even the champs league!!) but isn't glenn johnson on a season loan to pompy,or is it just till january? because mourinho really needs a decent right back at the moment and glen might just get his chance..
  16. if we do manage to win 75% of our next matchs in december,we have a really good chance of going to europe this season if we lose,we have a good chance of finishing with the lower 10 of the table..
  17. Newcastle Fan


    if watford had better strikers today,they wouldve thanked babayaro for giving them the win i mean FFS he was out runned,out played,out skilled,out strengthed,he was beaten in every possible way today. we should take him and carr out and shot the basterds..
  18. Newcastle Fan

    Todays Games

    !!! thats enough to kill my good fantasy run.. bought sib today..lets hope he keeps the good run he had..
  19. no wonder martins looks scared..
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