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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Even if Luque went the other way? I will be delighted tbh
  2. I don't think its us,i really hope its us,but tbh i don't think our Managar or Chairman are smart enough to sign such a good player
  3. Roeder will never be the manager O'neil is,he took villa from a relegation threatend side and managed to create a great team who will cause anyone trouble,he didnt even spent alot in doing so,and he is slowly starting to use the teams youth team to create bright stars for that future such as Agbonlahor and Osbourne,all that in half a season Roeder meanwhile..
  4. A really good player hope we sign him somehow
  5. I would say no the winter break is a good chance for youngsters to shine and for small teams to do something + its always nice to watch if your a fan
  6. ok maybe we needed a striker but did we need a 10 million striker?/and no defenders? btw,what case?
  7. Very shortsighted. Sure we probobly could have bought a cheaper striker but I don't think we could have bought a cheaper striker that is proven in the CL, is only 22 and still has his best days in front of him. Oba is not the complete player right now but in a few years he will be. He may not fire us into Europe on his own now but when wehave built up the rest of the squad in a few years I'm sure we will be very thankful we have signed him. As for Duff I have no doubts he will come good. Sure he has lacked form and been unlucky recently with injuries but when he does get back i'm sure he will give us a massive boost. i know martins is a fantastic talent but we needed defenders,we couldve spent those 10 million on buying one or two decent defenders,buying defender was our priorty and as much as i like Martins,i would've always had one or two defenders over him.. Duff was a good player,but lets face it he's been shite since day one here,but i am hoping he comes good but overall,15 million on a striker and a winger,that left us suffering because of our poor defenders,and now all the good solid defenders have moved,our only hope is that we can somehow snatch a good defender before the end of the january transfer window,and that looks unlikly tbh..
  8. Newcastle Fan


    Myhre is good.but Carson is much better,its not his fault that the rest of his team are shite..
  9. I will say that Roeder is a Miss here First of all,he had at least 15 million to rebulid the squad,he couldve signed decent good defender but decided to waste it on Duff and Martins,i like Oba and he will do nothing but good for our team,but we couldve got a cheaper strikers who can score more often for less the 10 million Another thing is that when you are a manager of Newcastle United,finishing Mid-table (and thats where is seems were heading) is never good enough,you have the fans,you have good players,you have the money to back your team up,so its only your fault when you screw it Glenn was never the manager for us,we couldve taken a better manager but no,Fat fred had to hire him on a permenet basis,and now i really can't see us going to europe next season,heck i am just hoping we just finish in the top half of the season But,lets hope i am wrong..
  10. Newcastle Fan


    Agree with this being a strange situation Isaksson is one of the best goalkeeprs in europe,he is a fantastic Gk and he is much much better then Nicky Weaver,yet somehow Stuart Pearce prefers Weaver over him..
  11. Brilliant goal it seems Henry is faster then Martins blueeek.gif
  12. Roeder is a F**KING idiot Today he clearly show who shit of a manager he is,not winning against a 10 men Championship side,he should be sent back to training our youth team because thats the only job he is good at Pattison was by far our worst player,he has been shit all season and the only reason he played today was because Roeder didnt want to play Luque,i like O'brien but he is not first team material,yet,and now we will have to play a replay at the worst possible time..
  13. If Butt is not Fit today would u rather have Pattison,or Luque as our LW
  14. i am starting to think this is ture,all of the other clubs are making moves for players,or scouting players,and i didnt see Roeder in the last Feynoord game
  15. he needs a striker he only got two Natural strikers (Drogba,Sheva),the others (Kalout,Robben,etc..) are makeshit strikers he also needs a defender,so some of us here will hate Chelsea even more come the end of January
  16. He is the kind of physical footballers who rarley think while playing we need a bit of both,smart mentaly good players,and strong physical players,Souness brought i bunch of technecal players,while roeder likes a more physical style of play,and it shows clearly in their signings..
  17. Its Kuyt all over again Intrested,but won't make an offer,then we Sign Zat Knight in a swap deal with Bramble..
  18. All good players,buts its the price that will decide if a player is a good buy for us or not i would say Bale,heared alot of promsing things about him,and he is young,he is also a defender so he will only add to our squad in a postive way but he won't be cheap..
  19. Why is my name in ur sig :confused: :wullie:
  20. Newcastle Fan

    Stephen Carr

    I met a juve fan yesterday,he was pissed off it seems Boumsong is still playing shite even with Juve and in Serie B
  21. Here is my line-up Considring that Butt,Parker,Emre are all out Given Solano Taylor Huntington Edgar Dyer Milner Pattison Luque Sibreski Martins If we do play this way,i say we will get a easy 3-0 win
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