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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. the duff news is really really good at least zoggy will get a run in the team,he is far better then damian all of the players are replaceable
  2. agreed,but with two center backs running the team,no wonder we are having striking problems..
  3. don't think he is our type of player,he will fit a championship side though he is good with passing and freekicks,other then that i see no reason for us to bring him we should leave him to the mackams,trust me he will just waste their money
  4. didnt zoggy win the last vote,what changed then
  5. lol,the problem is that here in the middle east newcastle are not that famous (well,i think i met all of the nufc fans in my country)-besides from archie brand So i had to travel to newcastle to get my shirt
  6. none really,maybe sib and solano,1 more year,moore and bramble shold be offloaded soon
  7. to be honest,i am really unhappy about the result i think it will only delay roeders sacking,wich is to come sooner or later have u all forgot that we are NEWCASTLE UNITED,and here we are jumping with joy for stealing a draw vs arsenal with 9 players defending for our lives don't want to ruin the fun,but we did the same thing with the palermo game,and look where are we now,don't think the will be a kick-start for our season,just a very luckey escape hope i am wrong btw..
  8. didnt like the peformence that much,i think we were far too lucky to get away with a draw,i mean a 9 man defensve wall had to work,and thank you very much for Adebayor,a horrible display that reminded me of heskeys display vs us in the wigan game (we won!) on a postive note,dyer,martins,given,bramble,all fantastic and i still think roeder is doing exactly wat souness was doing last season (win 1,lose 4),and keep ur job for as long as possible overall,more then happy with a draw,wouldve loved a win though,can i say that we are "drawing" or way out of the relegation zone?
  9. crouch is one of those 200 c players who think they are 160,i mean the guy is a palm tree and he still jump over players to win headers!,signing him will be a big mistake,unless we want him to replace shola,then go for it,nuthin much will change really Crouch for me is a joke,some games he is brilliant,other games he is pure shite!,a player like that will really not help newcastle,what we need i a jan koller style giant who can win any ball in the air,(john hartson will do)..
  10. Thats really sad,he suffred from Alzheimer's and manyother things,and the last few years were filled with operations and trips to the hostipal A true legend,R.I.P puskas
  11. read the penalty thing,the poor f***er saved SHEARERS penalty!,all i can say is how man 12 yearolds,or even 30 yearolds can do that!
  12. all are fantastic partnerships (ameobi and sibreski,hell no!) but i prefered last seasons owen-shearer partnership,even though it was only for (5 or 6 games?) but they still managed to show some fantastic stuff.some good ones are most of the shearer ones,and the Kluivert and Bellamy,also cole-berdsley Btw,barnes was a striker?!
  13. Did he still look like his dog had been raped ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ gold! to be honest,we are lucky to have the likes of zoggy in our team,fantastic talent sadly being ruined by an idiot manager
  14. phil cave i guess,they say he is a fantastic set-piece taker,but never got to watch him in person
  15. lol,hilarious,a player wanted in barca,madrid,and other clubs can't make the bench is attacking superior newcastle united
  16. one of the funniest titles ever :Brambles "boost" soften babyarao's "blow" NO,ITS NOT A BOOST,its the worst news we got this week,and NO,babayaro's injury is NOT a blow,its the best news we got all week GOD HELP US!!
  17. i think its good that he is injured! i would rather put duff or n'zogbia at left back then give baba a chance!,even when fully fit but it seems rammy will get his place so that means titus is back,and he will be facing none other then henry,a sacking of a manager in the making
  18. i really hope he goes after the game,atleast if we are sure of a defeat vs arsenal,lets just hope they defeat us bad enough that shepard feels that sacking roeder is a must
  19. viana was loaned in the robson days,sold in the roeder day! That comes along way to show you that our loan deals are just a case of a good player who we don't know wat to do with him... Btw, i don't think roeder will last enough to sell luque
  20. we should really try doing that!
  21. Agreed,at least if he scores goals he (or they..) will improve their case To be honest,these days i am more intrested in the reserve's then the first team,where else can u see a newcastle side winning!
  22. i rather not use this quote,coz norwich got relegated that same season...
  23. Thats the last thing we need now,the NIGERIEN FA speaking about our players-team,i guess when a (big?) team falls everyone wants to have a shot at it,all we know is that every nigerian player who played for us was full of shite,babayaro,martins,(ameobi?) Roeders henry quote,for crying out loud,u have luque who's case is alot like henry,and u don't even make him travel with the club,while martins,who i think will do us good only when its time for the next olympics,is not really a football,he is a physical fellow who can't kick a ball,yet u paid him 10 million! funnley enough this is what roeder is telling luque everday
  24. Don't we have a match come saturday vs arsenal,why will kieron play 2 games in 3 days?,at least luque will get the chance to score few more goals to "prove" himself,and bernard,well i gave up on him playing along time ago,the other team youngsters should do well,btw go the game,give gateshead some support,they might get somewhere, is paul talbot still playing there?
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