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Gallowgate Toon

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Everything posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Once Tino had found the rhythm of the game after a couple of minutes, he was his usual self. He's a fucking brilliant sub in our current scenario due to his adaptability.
  2. Surely with Brighton's SUPER POSSESSION style, they shouldn't be experiencing any injuries?
  3. This is him still managing intensity while forward options return from injury.
  4. Masterclass considering the midfield and Isak getting injured. We look close to our old selves. Fitness held up really well in that one and, consequently, so did shape. Hopefully, Wilson and Barnes back in the squad for Saturday. Onwards and upwards.
  5. I wouldn't hate it if Tino was a sub for a winger along with Miggy today as well. Protection from wingers is massive for our team, both for FBs and the midfield itself. Knowing that we can make subs for both wingers at 60/70 minutes could be a big help.
  6. Aye, we probably need to bypass the midfield where possible. Tbf, Villa do play that high line so it's potentially a good time to accept sitting deeper and hoping Isak and Gordon's pace can cause problems.
  7. Class. In a couple of years he could be a really decent force in the league.
  8. We'll take decent confidence from that and hold out for a 1-1.
  9. Feel like whenever we have a break I really miss watching Bruno, Gordon, and Isak play footy. Sneak a 2-1, Gordon & Isak to score.
  10. For all everyone says we need a sitting mid as all top sides do, Rodri is very positionally fluid now. Presses high as well. Liverpool don't play Endo much either.
  11. He's just stating the obvious but it is weird for him to be so on the nose in public. Potentially a slight shot across the bows for Joelinton too. He loses a bit of bargaining power with a longer term injury.
  12. Actually think he'd be quite a logical stopgap for us, tbh What he's better at is what we're lacking. As long as it doesn't go past the loan period. Can't see Spurs doing us a favour though.
  13. Taken down by Adam P. Divnt mess.
  14. Feels like we'd make him an 'attacking' 8 with license to rotate into the channels.
  15. Gibbs-White is very talented but inconsistent, like. Coming to an age where you'd expect him to iron that out though. Seems like he might be available at a decent price considering Forest's finances.
  16. Not sure Rojas is that solid anymore. Pretty sure he went through a period of having digs at Miggy after some games about his lack of right foot Seems to rarely post about him now. Jacobs will have been given this info from a Saudi source, presumably.
  17. He's absolutely infuriating sometimes but I think he'd be a really useful member of the squad still. Minteh is meant to be very similar in profile (really good presser/defender from the front (probs doesn't have the stamina), isn't he? Wonder if we think we have Miggy's squad replacement sorted for next season already.
  18. Pizza Rob's hit rate is reducing, tbf. In fact, his inaccuracy has increased since it came out that we were leaking fake rumours.
  19. Selling him now with our current FFP situation for decent coin would be objectively decent financial business but I'd be fucking gutted. He's such an important influence on many levels at the club as well as still being a very good player. He & Bruno are the soul of the current group.
  20. Isn't he good mates with Kane? He probs just wants another pal there for when Dier's craic gets boring.
  21. Pretty low, iirc. Joelinton and Bruno's defensive numbers were massively ahead of everyone else last season, from memory.
  22. Don't think he's going anywhere quite yet but the day he does I'll be really gutted. Watching him for any other PL club would be tragic too.
  23. He doesn't need to do the Shearer or Wilson-type battling, tbf. He can work towards channels more though - when we were penned in on Satuday, we were playing long balls down the line to get some relief but Isak was staying central. It was probably just fitness related, like, but I'd expect him at 100% to be doing that running in that scenario. Helps to split defenders too so if they win the initial knockdown then he has a better chance of collecting and making something happen.
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