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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Has barton played his last game for the toon ,i think he has and good riddance a horrible little excuse for a human being

    I seriously doubt he will actually, if his story that his attack was provoked is true he probably won't get any form of a sentence, just a fine.


    Are you on glue!!  :cheesy:  :idiot2:


    His latest escapade was no doubt provoked, but he is already on bail awaiting the Dabo case (that alone could result in a sentence) which was adjourned a couple of weeks ago.


    No judge or magistrate is going to go easy on him now that he has broken those bail conditions.


    He going down

    No i'm not on glue, perhaps i was being too direct when i said that i seriously doubt he will go to prison, for me it could lean either way but provocation can reduce any kind of sentence given. If he did actually go to prison though he would only get a few months. I just don't think a court will send down a footballer for afew months when they know he has plenty of money to pay hefty fines and can do plenty of community service activities, instead of filling prisons even more.

  2. Has barton played his last game for the toon ,i think he has and good riddance a horrible little excuse for a human being

    I seriously doubt he will actually, if his story that his attack was provoked is true he probably won't get any form of a sentence, just a fine

    he has disgraced the club by being out at that time of the day.

    regardless of the outcome of these charges,

    he is a scroat and we should never have signed him.

    Has barton played his last game for the toon ,i think he has and good riddance a horrible little excuse for a human being

    I seriously doubt he will actually, if his story that his attack was provoked is true he probably won't get any form of a sentence, just a fine.

    Has barton played his last game for the toon ,i think he has and good riddance a horrible little excuse for a human being

    I seriously doubt he will actually, if his story that his attack was provoked is true he probably won't get any form of a sentence, just a fine.

    not a expert on criminal law but what has gone before and the fact that he decked someone and it was caught on cctv then started lashing out at passer byes is enough for me ,then the little case of assault coming up with a damn good chance of a jail sentance is enough for me to say he will not play for the toon again .Will our new owners and manager just say  "hey joey calm down son and let your football do the talking " i think not  hes gone to far this time imho.

    Yes but the fact that he was apparently 'provoked' into the attack is a huge mitigating factor, if somebody could testify that yes the man Joey hit assaulted a girl at Barton's party and made jibes about his brother (one in prison) then Barton could be let off very easily indeed.

    I agree with the being out that late part for sure and a club suspension is definitely necessary and a sacking could be used, but i don't think Sam has the guts to sack a player he bought.

  3. He said when he first came here that it would take him 5 years to sort out this club and many on here were fine with that 6 months ago. Its an absolute mockery that people are calling for his head 6 months in, in fact its plain terrible. No wonder the average life of a manager is something like 13 months with all the ridiculous pressure put on the main man by the fans. why can't we be patient, we have no divine right to be better than the teams above and we shouldn't expect too much. Maybe if we were in the relegation zone i would be worried and consider bringing in a new man but for now we are totally safe and i'm sorry we might just have to deal with mediocrity for a couple of seasons until we get back to our old status. If we sack Sam now, what are we going to do? go on with this endless carousel of managers until we actually are relegated? because if thats what we do now, that is what will happen.

  4. death by drunkin driving,murder.

    hard one to call that lads,i see the gist of things though. :thup:


    Not in a court of law though, unfortunately. You can drink until you are paralytic, take as many drugs as you want, play your nintendo ds while driving, and it will still not be murder.

    True, a girl from near where i live was texting on her phone while driving and collided with another car. The woman in the other car died but the girl was only sentenced to 3 years in prison and obviously a driving ban.

  5. Play Barton alongside someone other than Butt then we shall see what he is capable of. Barton has to cover for Butt too much so Barton can't press forward as much and do his thing. Did anyone see his pass on the half volley after a corner, he had his back turned had a defender on him and it was about 40 yard pass but he got it there with pin point precision. Somebody with little talent could not do technical passes like that.

    Obviously theres alot of s*** going on in his life atm so it wouldn't be too fair too judge him so early.

  6. He'll never fit into a 433 system.


    Agreed. To play effective 4-3-3 you need clever adaptable players. Oba is very instinctive and totally unflexible. Play him as a striker in a 4-4-2 or not at all.


    Yep. In a 4-4-2 he could basically be played as a luxery striker. Alongside someone who is guaranted to score goals, Martins could provide the 'special' and 'unpredictable' touch.


    In a 4-3-3, with Martins always wanting to come infield, it in effect nullifies half of any potential width for us, putting more pressure on the left flank.

    But he has scored the most goals for us this season, while being played out of position alot. Doesn't this make him the automatic starter in a 4-4-2? i think he is the main striker in a 4-4-2 that gets those goals. Another player should support him imo.


    I've just said, yes, i'd play him in a 4-4-2.

    But as the luxury striker. Since he has scored the most this season, why shouldn't he be the main starting striker?


    Does it really matter if I call him a luxury if he's still playing? :lol:

    Well no actually, it doesn't  ;D. I thought you meant he should not always start, be brought on for luxury, unpredictable touches. My mistake  :blush:

  7. He'll never fit into a 433 system.


    Agreed. To play effective 4-3-3 you need clever adaptable players. Oba is very instinctive and totally unflexible. Play him as a striker in a 4-4-2 or not at all.


    Yep. In a 4-4-2 he could basically be played as a luxery striker. Alongside someone who is guaranted to score goals, Martins could provide the 'special' and 'unpredictable' touch.


    In a 4-3-3, with Martins always wanting to come infield, it in effect nullifies half of any potential width for us, putting more pressure on the left flank.

    But he has scored the most goals for us this season, while being played out of position alot. Doesn't this make him the automatic starter in a 4-4-2? i think he is the main striker in a 4-4-2 that gets those goals. Another player should support him imo.


    I've just said, yes, i'd play him in a 4-4-2.

    But as the luxury striker. Since he has scored the most this season, he is guaranteed to score goals, why shouldn't he be the main striker.

  8. He has been hit and miss for us so far.

    Theres been glimpses today and every game that he has played of sheer class. Some excellent passes, good running, skill and tackling. But other times he has made strange choices and lost the ball too easily.

    His court case will affect him, for obvious reasons and i think that we can only judge him once its passed but when he has also settled in more afterall he has had a difficult start with injuries etc. He is a very good player, but until his controversy is over he shouldn't be in the side.

  9. He'll never fit into a 433 system.


    Agreed. To play effective 4-3-3 you need clever adaptable players. Oba is very instinctive and totally unflexible. Play him as a striker in a 4-4-2 or not at all.


    Yep. In a 4-4-2 he could basically be played as a luxery striker. Alongside someone who is guaranted to score goals, Martins could provide the 'special' and 'unpredictable' touch.


    In a 4-3-3, with Martins always wanting to come infield, it in effect nullifies half of any potential width for us, putting more pressure on the left flank.

    But he has scored the most goals for us this season, while being played out of position alot. Doesn't this make him the automatic starter in a 4-4-2? i think he is the main striker in a 4-4-2 that gets those goals. Another player should support him imo.

  10. 1. Van Der Vaart would be excellent,

    2. Arshavin would also be very good,

    3. i know this last one is pushing the boundaries alot but i'd be ecstatic if Diego joined us.


    Why would we buy three players for 10-20m each, all to play in the same position?

    No, but they would be immense in a 4-3-3.

  11. Sam should never have started Butt imo especially against the likes of Derby, what's the point at home? use Emre and Barton our 2 more attacking Centre mids. Against the Big 4 play Butt as he creates pressure and lifts the crowd, but he leaves holes wide open because he runs around like a headless chicken and today Barnes had so much space to shoot because Nicky was too far away from him.

  12. Criticism is pretty harsh tbh, today how many bad first touches did he have? hardly any that i can think of, in fact this whole season i can only remember one horror first touch that he did.

    Today he looked disinterested on the right but when he was moved up front with the 4-4-2 he set up our second goal and put emre through, Zoggy through with a back heel and got himself through too but some good defending stopped his shot, and this was all in 15 minutes of being moved up. He's a good striker but not a good right winger.

    He is not a bad footballer but at the moment he's lacking in confidence but we should be fair he has improved as a player this season, compared to last season.

    People on this forum are doing what they always do when a player isn't on great form just criticising them making them out to be alot worse than they really are.

  13. Why swap Barton?

    For me he was very good today apart from that tackle. I don't think people realise what he does for the team, some of his passing today was brilliant he is always a step ahead which in one or two cases today was apparent. If you watch him closely he is always shouting at players telling them to run into gaps and he is always moving around.

    We need him in the midfield, without him we would lack vision and finesse in the middle and what's wrong with having a bit of bite? so what, he hacked a player down every midfielder does it. It intimidates the opponent and shows them they aren't going to get past that easily and more importantly allows time for the team to regroup.

  14. A very important result today, and i'm delighted we won.

    First half we were unlucky to concede, lapse in concentration from Roz. We turned it round though, but in the first half i was worried as for all of our possession and territorial dominance we lacked movement, vision and creativity so i was relieved to see Vid come on for Butt was a good decision imo. After the pen though we had them on the ropes even more and could've got another one in before half time. 2nd half we started off sleepy and inefficiently but after 60 minutes or so, we had them back under pressure and had the game i thought after that then the goal came from Beye with perfect timing.


    Given - 6.5 - Made a couple of decent saves, lacks some confidence though and its quite evident.

    Beye - 8 - He is excellent at tracking back and has a good sliding tackle. Godd header at the end too.

    Roz - 6 - After his early blooper, he became much better won some headers too. Distribution needs work though.

    Taylor - 7 - Solid performance individually, but he must communicate more with the whole defence.

    Zoggy - 6.5 - Mixed day for Zog offered a good attacking threat, still shaky defending but he is improving at LB, move him up though for next game, he was born to run at defenders.

    Geremi - 6.5 - A solid game and very efficient, he does hold our midfield together at times but his work is underestimated.

    Barton - 7- His vision and anticipation of the game is excellent and his passing is very good too, sometimes he is a bit too ahead of his team mates for example with a long pass to where Milner should have been, but he wasn't. For me a top class player who is always thinking but his rash tackle let him down.

    Milner - 8 - A typical grinding performance from Jimmy, some good crosses from him and some nice skill, my MOTM.

    Smith - 6 - Worked hard as ever, some nice short passing but was invisible for alot of the game.

    Martins - 6.5 - Seemed off the pace but unlike the Arsenal game today he didn't run into blind allies and did the intelligent thing and passed the ball, don't think he likes the right wing very much.

    Butt - For the time he was on got himself around a bit


    Viduka - 6 - Looked unfit and strangely his touch was a little off, needs more time to get fit.

    Emre - 6 - Wasn't on for very long got himself around looked for the ball, His free kick was handballed and decent delivery for Beye's goal.

    Enrique - Wasn't on long enough to do anything.

  15. But apart from passion what does Smith offer, come on against Arsenal he wasn't productive at all, quite wasteful at times. A striker with just passion alone doesn't get you goals or create them, its good to play him against Arsenal as they create more space than teams like Brum so you need to defend from the front. Smith is ideal for this role, but Brum we should be in control of the game, with them defending from the front and against teams like this i'd prefer end product over work rate, as its the end product which gets the points. Smith is the best at the club work rate wise but what does he produce? unlike Viduka who in his limited appearances scored goals and will create something, as everyone knows its goals that win you games.


    He got the assist. ???

    Did he even touch it after the Beye cross?

    He made a nuisance of himself though ill give him that, but in another thread (Post Arsenal thread i think) a poster mentioned he had a poor pass completion rate and if you watch the game again there were countless times he tried to hold up the ball and lost it.

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